The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1167: Crush

Chapter 1167 crushing


The provocation of red fruit!

Faced with such provocations, the nightingale just rose again because of the anger that was suppressed by ignorance.

However, he did not lose his calm.

He is very clear about what he should do now.

After all, this place is the big marsh... no! It was the father of Onuma, and his old opponent was specially reserved to deal with him.

The only pity is that his old rival did not expect his son to be too mediocre.

Not only did they dare to break through their own blood restrictions, but they will also be confused by the illusion of the district.

Of course, this is his reason.

It is also what he most wants to see.

apart from……

Looking up, the nightingale looked at Qin Ran on the far steps.

"A worm that has not been reached by the gods in the district!"

"You will never understand who you are facing!"

In the low voice, the night slaps a wave, and the black streamer once again disperses a sneak peek into the sky.

Compared to the two groups of oncoming devil's inflammation, the things on the top of the head give the nightingale a greater sense of threat.

Every burning ray, even the strongest one, doesn't care about the nightingale, but when thousands of volleys go down, it makes him have to face up.

In this place, the two groups of demonic inflammation can only weaken him.

But the things on the top of the head can weaken his three points.

I haven’t made an attack yet, and the desire to be smashed just after it appears. The beast of hope quickly turns into nothingness and disappears again.

The two groups of demon's inflammation slammed into the black streamer of the nightingale.

In the sense of Qin Ran, the breath of the nightingale was once again weakened.

Moreover, Qin Ran is also keenly aware that every time the opponent attacks, there will be a pause.

This discovery made Qin Ran not hesitate to open the special effects of [Watcher] talent: [priority time]!

Immediately, the "Summoning Appreciation. The Beast of the Hope" that had just entered the cooldown quickly completed the cooling.

The shadow on the top of the head disappeared.

The nightingale made a special, sneer sneer.

"Do you think you can stop me?"

"Even with the help of that guy, what you are doing now is to be the car."

"It's like your summoner!"

"Every time I appear, I will be crushed by myself."

"Every time, no exception!"

"However, two consecutive fatal injuries, even if it is very special, I am afraid that you can no longer summon it now?"

The nightingale was in a high voice, and said slowly.

He wants to humiliate the invisible guy in front of him.

Therefore, he prepared more vicious words.

"Ignorance of insects, have you thought about what will happen to you?"

"Reassured, I won't kill you in the first place."

"I will give you……"

The words did not continue.

Because, on top of his head, the shadow appeared again.

With Qin Ran's mind, the beast of hope and hope appeared again on the battlefield, and thousands of eyes once again had a colorful light.

Together with the emergence of Qin Ran in the hands of burning, can not help the devil's inflammation.

The nightingale shrouded in black streamer was completely gloomy.

He felt that he was teased.

Was teased by a worm?

Irritable, rising again.

How can it be suppressed, it is like having an invisible palm and then constantly playing with it so that it can't be settled down.

No abnormalities were found in the nightingale.

At the moment of the nightingale, it is only by crushing Qin Ren that he can calm him down.


"You completely decided your end."

The black streamer is getting deeper and deeper.

The nightingale broke out before the speed of the far-reaching, and then the breath was once again weakened, like a blast, rushing toward Qin Ran.

He is not paying attention to the desire of the head.

The continually appearing desire, the beast of hope, has already broken his cognition. He does not know that when he smashes the beast again, there will be no more one.

If there is another one, he will not only continue to stop, but will be weakened again.

Therefore, the nightingale is going to be done once and for all.

Get rid of Qin Ran as the source of everything!

Looking at the nightingale that rushed, Qin Ran did not have any movement, so he stood in the same place and continued to complete the demon's inflammation.

Two seconds!

With the [Devil's Burning] option of [Speed ​​Collection], it takes only two seconds to get the flame in your hand to the IV level.

Only a second later, the nightingale has crossed a long distance and broke into the three hundred meters of Qin Ran.

The cold-blooded killing is like a knife, which cuts the sky and stabs Qin’s eyes and cheeks.

In the ears of Qin Ran, there has been a burst of mourning.

And in front of his eyes, one after another mental judgment began to appear.

But Qin Ran completely ignored this.

He widened his eyes and calculated the distance of the nightingale.

Two hundred and fifty meters!

Two hundred meters!

One hundred and fifty meters!


Just as the nightingale entered the 100-meter range, a spider web descended from the sky, covering the fast-moving nightingale.

[The network of Magic Dos]!

The spider web from the Hell's Spider, with incredible viscous and toxic, burns a flame filled with negative energy, and binds the nightingale.

This kind of restraint is naturally not long-lasting.

Seriously, I am afraid it is a second of time.

For Qin Ran, such a second is especially critical.


In the sky, thousands of evil eyes of the beast of hope and hope have shot the burning rays.

On the ground, the devil's inflammation completed by Qin Ran was like a meteor smashing on the nightingale that had just left the bondage.


Far more than any explosion.

The burning rays sway the black streamer and reach the level IV demon inflammation, which makes this shaking become intense.


The thousand evil eyes of the beast of hope will be recharged again.

Feel the gathering of energy at the top of his head, and wave his hand at the gloomy night.

He knows that doing this will make him suffer more suppression.

However, if something is smashed by his head, it is the real loss.

The black streamer splits again and pulls out toward the sky.

The desire to shoot a hot ray has not yet been smashed.

However, just as the beast of the beast was smashed, a huge white figure, like a ghost, was silent, but fiercely hit the violently black stream, and it used it. The sharp claws madly bite the black streamer.


The black streamer that swayed violently trembled.



A tiny crack appeared on it.

In the sharp bite of the claws, this crack continues to expand.



Fragmentation is mostly.

Showing the sly, twisted face of the nightingale.

(End of this chapter)

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