The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1175: Weird feeling

Chapter 1175 is a weird feeling


Qin Ran looked at the figure coming in, almost instantly remembered the last time he passed the other side.

The strange familiarity that Qin Ran gave to Qin Rang last time was so much that Qin Ran remembered it, and he never saw it, but he seemed to know each other.

This time, the feeling disappeared.

It seems that the last weird familiarity is the illusion.

But is it really an illusion?

Qin Ran can't think so.

Looking at the familiar and greeted the people around, went straight to the bar, and asked Rachel to have a cup of boiled water, and Qin Ran browed.

Because that familiarity has appeared again.

"Hey, 2567, this is Bohr, the new guy."

"Bol, who is this, I don't need to introduce it?"

"Believe me, both of you will be good friends."

"After all, I am the first to see the two equally embarrassing people."

The pub owner is acting as an introducer when she is unable to do it all day long. However, compared with the insincere feeling of introducing friends to friends, the pub boss is very ridiculous.

"Points are hard to come by."

Qin Ran shrugged, and he said, his eyes were always watching Bohr.

The other party nodded, a very recognized look.

Then, I don't want to talk too much with Qin Ran, and maintain the sense of indifference that no one can enter.

In this regard, Qin Ran once again glanced at the other side, turned and left.

The other party deserves to be careless, but this kind of face-to-face ‘spotting’ is too inefficient. Even ordinary people know to be vigilant in front of strangers.

Therefore, some special methods are needed.

After being unable to walk around, and greeted his friend, Qin Ran quickly left the pub.

Looking at Qin Ran disappearing behind the door, Bohr raised his head.

There is doubt in his eyes.

"How, curious, such a big man came to me?"

The pub boss asked while wiping the cup.

"Do not."

"I am just curious about some other things."

Bohr tells the truth.

As for what is curious?

Boer did not say much, the pub owner did not ask much, but in the next period of time, the two men's topics always revolve around Qin Ran.

However, this topic is not pleasant.

"Does he really get the only title?"

“Information fee 5000 points.”

"He really is like a rumor, was a newcomer a few months ago?"

“Information fee 3000 points.”

“He is really a lone walker, there is no team support behind it?”

“Information fee 3000 points.”

"His flame is quite powerful?"

“Information fee 3000 points.”

"Don't you not collect money?"


"His name is 2567."


Boer's lips moved, and eventually he couldn't say anything. After drinking the boiled water in one breath, he went to the lawless side without saying a word, watching the noisy pub fall into meditation.


Is it no longer the era in my memory?


You are really amazing.

Boer’s heart meditation on the name that made him immortal.

Fist, unconsciously clenched.

"Bol, do you want a drink?"

"I treat you."

It seems to be aware of what, the incompetent inconvenience suddenly raised his head and looked at Bohr.

"Thank you."

"I need to blow the hair."

After Boer’s polite rejection, he went straight to the door.

Looking at Boer's back, he couldn't help the brows, and the subconscious would get up and catch up, but he was pressed against the shoulder by a slender palm and pressed back to his seat.

Unable to struggle for a few times, after all failed, this smiled to the master of the palm.

"Rachel, I am just..."

"Whether you find something or worry about it, don't forget the promise and assurance you gave me."

The pub boss’s voice is not good.

Even, it can be said to be angry.

"I know what you should find, just like me."

"But you have to believe that if this matter is related to 2567, he will be able to handle it with his ability."

"If you have nothing to do with him, you don't need to be so nervous."

"Now, give me the honest sitting here and finish your 2567 and ask for your business."

The extremely fast speech rate, coupled with the bad tone, and the guilt of the pub boss in the heart, make the person unable to face each other, the whole person presents a feeling of evasion and fear.

It was like a little white rabbit that was forced to the corner of the wall. He couldn’t help but smile nodded.

"Okay, I know."

"That's good!"

After this, the pub owner went to the bar again.

While walking, shouting, said: "You guys owe money, if you don't return, I will increase interest!"

The lone walkers in the pub first glimpsed, and then immediately mourned the wild.

"No, you can't do this."

"No, I can do this."

"My dear Rachel, you are so radiant."

"The system hides you can see my face, is your perception already extraordinary?"

"Your kindness is like a saint."

"In the dark, I am a saint."

In a word, the lone walkers felt the anger of Rachel.

I also understand that it is not feasible to communicate with the pub boss. Immediately, if there are smart people, the original strategy is changed.

"You must have said something that you just said."

"Please dispel your anger."

"Yes, can't you be mad at you?"

"Don't worry, please hand him over to us, we will let you get mad."

In a series of words, the lone walkers in the pub will be unable to surround them.

"Asshole, hurry down to Rachel to plead guilty."

"You guy who is white and white, dare to provoke Rachel."

"Do you know that you will drag us down?"

Looking at the impetuous friends, I couldn’t help but smile again.

"This is your attitude towards your friends."

"Compared to your friend, we care more about the mood of Rachel."

"Hurry up and give us a good time for Rachel."

"Otherwise, you know the consequences."

A group of people were joking and groaning, and they couldn’t be pushed to the bar in front of them, and then they returned to their seats with their glasses.

They naturally have to watch the show.

Compared to the money that Raqiu said, they are more willing to see the picture in front of them.

However, very quickly, these guys can't laugh.

"The interest doubles."

Rachel said this.

The air, solidified for a second.

Then, another mourning rang.

And Wu, who came in at this time, was licking his lips.

"A group of fools."

She said this and walked straight to the small hall behind the pub.

In the small hall, a woman with a tall red cloak is standing by the sofa, and around her, a jewel is flying around and shining.

Looking at Wu who came in, ‘artisan’ asked, as always, indifference, “Is you looking for Rachel to find me?”


"I am looking for you a little bit."

"Related to 2567."

Wu said, pointing to the sofa.

The ‘artisan’ raised his eyebrows and wanted to say something, but he remained silent and sat in the couch.

She would like to know what is related to 2567.


PS fat dragon to collect the wind, the second is more estimated to be late!

(End of this chapter)

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