The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1208: Brain supplement

Chapter 1208 Brain Supplement

Golden radiance emerges on the body, blooming with only the sputum that Qin Ran can see.

However, Qin Ran did not immediately take it.

Just like the golden brilliance that emanating from the ruins.

When the battle has not really ended, his eyes have only the enemy and not the enemy's goal.

Qin Ran looked up and stared at the shadow on the side.

A figure, slowly coming out under such gaze.


The female leader of the snakes looked at the huge [Wolf of the White Wolf] with a look of fright, watching the man standing in front of the white giant wolf, watching one of the eight heads of the eight singers who had just been fierce. At this moment, it is extremely gentle and squatting there, using the body to cover the white wind wolf of the night wind.

Her body trembled.

Fear is unstoppable and drowns her.

In fact, when she saw the snake-shaped tattoo that was in existence and was about to blur the eight-tailed tail, Perekna’s heart was full of fear.

As the female leader of the snakes.

She is very clear about what it stands for.

Eight under the Yuan snake.

Eight leaders.

From the strongest eight heads to eight heads and one tail, each one is an assassin who has made countless people fear, and each one is a strong person who claims to be able to ‘one enemy and one army’.

At the moment when the other party appeared, Perekna was almost desperate.

She thinks she is dead.

Because these people will not let go of a 'chess.'

Especially when the piece is out of control, it will be removed mercilessly.

Qin Ran cannot be the opponent of the other side.

And she?

Not to mention.

As for relying on stealth and concealment to avoid each other.

She is very self-aware.

And just as she racked her brains, she saw the defeat of eight men and one man. Then, when she had not returned to God, the eight-tailed princes were killed by the white giant wolf.

That is the strong man of ‘one enemy and one army’!

It’s just like this!

It is like an unimaginable illusion.

The eyes of the female leader of the snakes glanced back and forth between the black figure and the white giant wolf.

The horror in the eyes is more and more intense.

Because she thought of a genre that was almost forgotten by everyone.

That genre is different.

They have been one person, one cadre, no tributaries, no followers.

They are in the same league as wolves.

They are self-proclaimed as wolves.

The leader of each generation, respected -

White wolf!

Thinking of the rumored style of the wolf school, the body of the snake sergeant’s body trembled more and more, and she asked in a whispering voice.

"Wave, wolf, white wolf?"

The female leader of the snakes wanted to confirm the guess in her heart, but Qin Ran did not pay attention to such a whisper.

His eyes looked to the distance.

After receiving the information that he temporarily confirmed the safety, a muddy frost wolf climbed out of the corner and went straight to the ruins to start digging for loot.

The Frostwolf, who was much stronger than it looked, quickly dig out the spoils that Qin Ran wanted.

As soon as the smoke broke, the Frostwolf ran to the feet of Qin Ran with the spoils, and shook his tail hard, waiting for the reward of Qin Ran.

After Qin Ran picked up two items, he held the Frostwolf in his arms.

He didn't care about the mud on his opponent.

Just like the other person is for him, he does not mind to dirty himself.

Touch the head of the Frostwolf.

The Frostwolf made a comfortable whimper, and both eyes were together.

And this soft whining sound, but it seems to be thundering, the snake leader female leader panicked back, and even there is something that should not be.


It’s a wolf!

The wolf and the dog are still clear to the female leader of the snake.

Looking at the intimate appearance of Qin Ran and Wolverine, the female leader of the snakes confirmed the speculation in her heart.

The man in front of him is the white wolf of the wolf.

Only the white wolf will be so intimate with the wolf.

Only the white wolf can make the wolf how docile as a dog.

"Sure enough, the wolf school can't be the 'king of the grassland'!"

"The other side's luxury, follow-up numerous styles, styles simply do not meet the consistent style of the wolf!"

"The man in front..."

Thinking of Qin Ran's cautiousness, obedience, and vigilance at that moment, the serpent female leader who had long been a leader, easily combined Qin Ran with the imaginary image.

Moreover, she also gave a reasonable reason.

"No wonder he will help Mary for no reason!"

"No wonder he wants to participate in the battle of Count Hilin!"

"He is killing the 'king of the grassland'!"

"Get rid of the person who pretends to be yourself!"

"This is the style of the wolf!"

The more serpent female leaders want to be determined, the more they want to be more afraid.

Because, she thinks she found the hidden identity of Qin Ran.

In the face of possible risks, in the style of the wolf...

Thinking, the serpent female leader raised her head subconsciously.

She saw the "white wolf spirit" in accordance with the command of Qin Ran.

Looking at the examination in the eyes of the giant white wolf and the indifference to life, the female leader of the snakes began to take a deep breath, and she had to adjust her mood.

Panic, she has no use for this moment.

She told herself.

She is the partner of the other party.

There is still room for recovery.

Can be continually shocked, and in horror, even the perpetrator of Perkina, the snake leader, is difficult to calm down.

Excited emotions lead to a disordered atmosphere.

This kind of breath immediately attracted the warning of [The Spirit of White Wolf].


A snoring sounded from the throat.

Different from the tenderness of the Frostwolf.

Unlike the Frostwolf, it is like a thunder.

Loud is like a real thunder.

The rushing, short-lived wolverine echoed on the streets of Lerde in the night.

The empty city made the echoes that should have stopped.

With a voice.

One more than one.

For a long time.


At the Warren Palace, Maxim, who assisted the Earl of Hilling to guard the palace, could not help but wrinkle when he heard such a wolverine.


"You don't doubt it."

"That genre has disappeared like the Dragon and Tiger."

"If not, there is no such rumor."

"Not to mention, that guy is dead!"

Selti, who was holding a meatball on the side, saw what the friend had frowned, and guessed something, and immediately said with a smile.

"Yeah, that guy is dead."

Maxim laughed at himself, but the anxiety between the eyebrows did not disappear.

"That guy was killed by 2567 adults!"

"If the wolf pie has not disappeared, the most likely white wolf is the 2567 adult, but the 2567 adult is carrying a firecrack, not a wolf!"

Said Selti.

Looking at his friends and not sorrow, Selti shrugged and began to taste the meatballs he made himself.

He knows that his good friend is such a character. It is useless to say more. It is better to immerse the food and let the friends calm down for a while.

Time passes by, and Maxim and Selti, who commanded more than a dozen people, formed a fairly solid whistle, guarding the corner of Warren Palace.

As for guarding the entire Warren Palace?

This point does not have to think about it.

"Drink a drink?"

Zerti proposed to complete the task.


Maxim nodded.

Just when the two crows turned around, they saw Qin Ran returning.

And the Frostwolf who was sleeping in Qin Huan’s arms and cleaned the fur.

Maxim a glimpse.

The next moment, the crows of the reporters widened their eyes.

And Selti was a big mouth, and the meatballs in his hand fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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