The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1220: insect

Chapter 1220

The waves are rolling and the flames are shining.

The high temperature of the devil's inflammation, with the explosion, swallowed around.

Several aristocrats did not even have the power to resist, and they died. As one of the chiefs of the Yusen faction, Giles was stronger than the average person.

An invisible force field appeared on his body.

After Philip’s resistance to the devil’s inflammation for less than a second, it was so broken.

"White wolf!"

"The Yusen faction will not let go..."


The tumbling flames drowned the words after Giles without being finished.

In the orange light, a slap-sized flute emerges from it.

[name: insect flute]

[Type: Sundries]

[Quality: Rare]

[Attribute: Calling insect (2/2)]

[Special effects: None]

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Requirement: Mysterious Knowledge (Yu Sen. Getting Started)]

[Remarks: This is the props that the core members will have in the Yusen faction. Most of them are made by themselves, but also by their respective teachers. 】


[Calling insects: Use the flute to summon a 100-meter-long bug (not including snakes, including but not limited to spiders, scorpions, etc.) for 10 minutes.]

(Mark: When you call the insect, you need to keep the action of playing the flute, the sound stops, and the bug will disperse.)


Qin Ran picked up the [bug whistle].

If there is no demand limit and labeling, this is undoubtedly a good prop, but with these, the practicality of this item has dropped a lot.

Of course, this does not hinder, Qin Ran put it into the backpack.

Then, Qin Ran's eyes glanced around.

Although it was almost burned by the devil's inflammation, some traces of the surrounding remnants were enough to make Qin Ran have more speculation.

"The ashes in the fire pit are enough to prove that these guys have lived here for at least three days."

“There are a lot of materials left in the tent, which shows that these guys have long-term plans to look forward to it.”

"Sure enough?"

Qin Ran took a deep breath.

When the nobles of Lölderley were found to have gone through a lot of things, even if there were not many valuables left, Qin Ran suspected that the escape of these nobles was prepared, otherwise, those heavy and numerous golden vessels It is not simply a matter of a few carriages that can be transported away.

Therefore, these nobles were not prepared to flee when the prairie people appeared. It should be that when the prairie people set off, they were ready to flee.

Or, more accurately, it is evacuation.

Because they are looking forward to the arrival of the prairie people.

Qin Ran is sure, even if he does not destroy the Thunder fortress.

The Thunder Fortress will also be destroyed by others!

The president of the prairie will drive straight in!

These nobles have made enough preparations for this.

Even now, I am not planning to give up this plan.

As for what they want to do?

Overthrow the Warren royal family?

Or is it the secret of the dragon?

Still something else?

Qin Ran could not know.

He just needs to know not to let the other party succeed.

It is like the slaughter at the moment.

The slaughter is only superficial. The real thing is to bring out the guy hidden in Lölderley. When he enters the copy world in front of him, Qin Ran has speculation.

In the camp of the southern reinforcements, I saw the people of the Yusen faction. Then, after the people of the Yusen faction appeared again in the Warren Palace last night, Qin Ran was even more convinced.

From beginning to end, Qin Ran did not forget the fact that Jane James was born in the Sensen faction.

Yes, Jane James is dead.

However, the people of the Yusen faction did not die.

Their figure always lingers near Lerde.

No one likes a group of people who are accompanied by curses and bugs, often with their own, especially when these guys are unhappy.

Therefore, Qin Ran layout is ready to kill them.

Undoubtedly the whole process is as smooth as Qin Ran expected.

Can the result?

A chief is not what Qin Ran wants.

Of course, Qin Ran is not unprepared.

At any moment, Qin Ran always has a set of backup plans, just as he is never small for the enemy, especially the organization that has been inherited for hundreds of years, and will be treated with caution.

Qin Ran believes that such an organization must have its own set of intelligence systems.

Simply put, the other party should know his ‘identity’!

Under such a premise, the other party should not be so arrogant.

So, there is only one possibility left.

The chief in front of him is the bait that leads him out.

And leading him out is nothing more than three possibilities?

First, the layout kills him.

Second, tune the tiger away from the mountain.

Third, the two have both.

The eyes of Qin Ran’s eyes flashed in the light, and he looked at Lölderley, and there was a sneer in his mouth.

"I hope you have a good time."

He is talking like this.

Then, my eyes looked around.

The fire crow in the sky is to bring everything to the bottom of the eye, providing an additional vision for Qin Ran. Therefore, when a person with a broken dress and a pustule on his face appeared, Qin Ran discovered the other party for the first time.

In the same way, the other party does not seem to have the intention of hiding his body shape. It is so generous that he walked to the front of Qin Ran for more than ten meters.

"I am very honored to meet you, Lord White Wolf."

"I was really scared when I heard the news of your presence. After all, we have always thought that the 'King of the Prairie' is a white wolf, or a white wolf that breaks the tradition."

"Fortunately, he is not."

"What is frustrating is that he is not."

"I am at the moment... can you understand the complex mood?"

A face of a pustulose person, the voice said hoarse.

It is not a natural hoarseness, but a hoarse sound when a worm's wings vibrate. It seems that there is no vocal cord in the throat of the other, and there is only a winged worm.

"is acceptable."

Qin Ran replied faintly.

"Thank you for your understanding."

"So, I sent you compensation."

"My disciple, and Lati Po, who you killed in the Southern Forces camp, and Samara, who is under the **** woman of James."

"They are all the compensation I gave you."

"Of course, this is not all."

“As long as you are willing to leave Laird, I will give you compensation that is truly in line with your identity.”

The other party has a sincere look.

This kind of sincerity, but in exchange for Qin Ran's sneer.

"If not many bugs keep coming close to here, I will really believe what you said."


"It was discovered!"

"I still underestimated the sense of smell of wolves."

"But, the dead wolf, should not have any sense of smell?"

The other party made a surprise look.

Then, wave a hand.


Overwhelming insects fly from the ground.

For a moment, it covered the sun.

As if the darkness was on the earth.

Can be the next moment!

Light, it appears again.

With a very fierce, fierce, unreasonable attitude!

(End of this chapter)

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