The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1222: Figure

Chapter 1222

O'Bold, who gave the pigeon, returned to the room.

Exceeding the unexpected changes, the Marquis’s heart became anxious.

After several consecutive deep breaths and did not change the situation, the Marquis began to adopt a more direct and effective way.

In the cabinet at the corner of the room, a bottle of adult man's thumb-sized crystal bottle was carefully taken out by the Marquis.

Then, use a more careful attitude to open the cork.

Then, the Lord Marquis put the crystal bottle on his lips.

As soon as he leaned his neck and about half of the transparent liquid in the crystal bottle, he entered the mouth of the Marquis.

call! Huh!

With the swallowing of the liquid, the Lord Marquis began a deep deep breath, but unlike before, with the deep breath, the impatience on the other's face disappeared completely, leaving only a soothing, cozy The look can even be said to be...


The whole process lasted only a few seconds, and the Lord Marquis twisted the cork with a reluctant attitude and put the crystal bottle into the cupboard again.

"The scent of the genre is really good."


"Can't be used often."

Thinking of the warning of the singer ‘Dor’, the Lord Marquis shook his head in regret.

If he can, he hopes that every day... No, he enjoys this way of relaxation all the time.

"If I am in power, I must give more support to the Yosemite genre, so that they can develop this medicine to the extreme!"

Involuntarily, this idea was raised in the heart of the Marquis.

At the same time, he also heard the sound of swallowing water.

Turning his head, the Lord Marquis saw a black figure.

The other person's face is strange, but with some familiarity.

But what makes the Lord Marquis most concerned is that the other party keeps swallowing, slobbering, and the gaze of the beast.

"who are you?"


Subconsciously, the lord of the Marquis screamed.

It is a pity that the wait for the Marquis has not been asked, the black figure will push him away, take the crystal bottle back in his hand, and throw it into his mouth with a crystal bottle.

In the crisp sound of the cockroach, the crystal bottle was completely chewed, and the liquid with it flowed into the stomach of the gluttony.


Cough, cough!

"Difficult to eat!"

"It's hard to eat!"

In a severe cough, ‘overeating’ opened his mouth and spit out all the liquids, including the crystal bottle.

For the first time, ‘gluttony’ experienced a feeling that it was difficult to swallow.

There is even a slight vomiting sensation.

This feeling is unfamiliar to the 'gluttony', and he definitely does not want to try again, along with the anger of the Lord Marquis.

Obord looked at it all with a stunned look.

The lord of the Marquis was able to react until ‘gluttony’ regained his gaze.

"Don't come over!"


The Lord Marquis screamed.

Also like a little girl.

But unlike the simple little aunt, the scream of the Marquis is hoping to attract the attention of the hidden guards.

It’s just that his broken throat doesn’t attract anyone’s attention.

Especially those who are sleeping.

That's right, it's sleeping!

A thorough dream, no sleep at all.

‘lazy’ squinted against the wall, and the warm sunshine made him yawn involuntarily.

"It's really warm."

"It's so comfortable."

"I want to sleep."

Just like the sound of proverbs, the ‘lazy’ of the wall is completely soft on the ground, just as it is really impossible to sleep and fall into a dream.

In fact, the next moment of snoring sounded.

It is not ‘lazy’, nor is it a guard who has long been asleep, but a figure that has just appeared in the shadows.

Tattered robes, slightly stinky.

Knowing that there was a pile of bugs falling from the robe.

Each one is either huddled or stretched, and falls into sleep without exception.

‘Lazy’ is so soft and muddy on the ground, watching the unsuspecting attacker, keeps groaning in his mouth: “Good trouble! I want to sleep in the sun!”

The buzz is full of complaints.

Eventually ‘lazy’ or rickety climbed up and headed for another street.

The attacker can have more than one person.

All need him to deal with it.

As for ‘gluttony’?

‘lazy’ can't count on this guy who can't help but eat anything except eating, although according to the best plan he handles it, ‘overeating’ deals with the rest.

But after the Marquis took out the liquid that he could drink, the ‘gluttony’ rushed into the room uncontrollably, completely disrupting his plan.

"It's too far."

"And another?"

"More than too much!"

"Sure enough, am I working hard?"

"Why is this so? Destiny is really unfair."

‘lazy’ once again picked up, and the pace of progress was slower and slower, but those who were hiding in Lairdley’s genre were not waiting for ‘lazy’ to approach, and they slept one by one.


Warren Palace, the Parliament Hall.

Mary sat next to the throne and bowed down to the desk in front of him and drafted a new document.

Although most of the time, such work is done by the clerk, the meaning of this incident is quite different.

It must be done by her own.

This is the insistence of the underage king.

The old Earl, Adal, also wanted to say something, but he had not opened his mouth and was blocked by Mary.

"Count Earl, please don't say anything that makes me embarrassed."

"From the bottom of my heart, I respect you because you are paying for Warren, and because you are a real aristocrat."

"But the same, I know 2567 pays!"

"You are the same to the father, 2567 to me."

"And I never let people who trust me so much... disappointed."

Mary didn't look up, and the quill quickly wrote beautiful and sharp words.

The old count looked at the words that appeared one after another, and looked at the familiar and unfamiliar face in front of him. His mouth was opened and he finally said nothing.


Faced with such a Mary, the old count compromised.

With a sigh, the old count gestured to the Count of Hilling, who was silent.

Immediately, a chair was moved over.

In the palace hall of the palace, few people are eligible to sit down, even if this generation of Earl of Hilling is still a little bit worse.

However, this does not include the old count.

Both because of age and because of merit.

"You need to make a slight change here. 2567 is still unable to represent the Warren royal family. Even if he becomes the regent, the queen is still you, so you need to be clear about your position. You have to tell everyone that those who have been deprived of their status What did the nobility of the title do?"

The old count, sitting in a chair and looking at Mary's writing, suddenly spoke up.

Mary looked up in amazement and glanced at the old count. Then, the corner of her mouth curled up, revealing a shallow smile.

"Thank you."

The underage king is sincerely thankful.

"No need!"

"I am for the Warren royal family, and James, not you."

The old count snorted, but did not blame his own guidance.

With a good education from the mother, it is still too laborious for Mary to draft such a document, and with the addition of the old count, it will become much smoother together.

About twenty minutes later, a complete document with no vulnerabilities appeared.

Mary rubbed her finger and handed the document to the old count.

The old count stunned, and then, once again, he took the file and checked it.

No one will hinder such an inspection.

Even Mary, the young count, held their breath and tried not to disturb the old count.

Therefore, when some sounds come, it is very obvious.


The sound of the door rang, and the eyes of the three people in the hall instantly looked at the gaze.

Then the three of them went together.

I used the incredible gaze to look at the familiar figure at the door.

(End of this chapter)

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