The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1231: stare

Chapter 1231 is staring

"Lord White Wolf, don't be kidding."

The middle-aged man who opened the door quickly recovered his smile after a trip, and bent over again, inviting Qin Ran into the house.

Looking at the middle-aged man, the female leader of the snakes could not help but smile at the bottom of her heart, and cast a pity on the other side.

If you change to other people, you will be hesitant to face such repeated invitations. If you meet some soft-hearted people, you will even agree.

Can Qin Ran feel soft?

Perhaps in some people's minds, Qin Ran is extremely soft.

But most of the time, Qin Ran is like a stone.

Especially when facing some strangers, not only the heart is like a stone, but the behavior is even more merciless.

The female leader of the snakes has been taught more than once.

Therefore, the female leader of the snakes is well aware of what the middle-aged man will encounter in front of him.

In fact, it is as expected by the female leader of the snake.

Qin Ran did not say a word to the middle-aged people of the sect, hiding the devil's breath in the body, and instantly.

Although the devil's breath only lasted for a moment, but the opposite middle-aged people were like being hit by a stalwart, and they repeatedly retreated, and the footsteps fell softly to the ground.

Snoring, snoring.

Breathing in a big mouth, cold sweat overflowing from the forehead.

The middle-aged man was watching the Qin Ran in horror.

The moment I just had it was terrible.

It was terrible to even have an illusion in front of his eyes.

That is... a demon roaring in the sky.

Not only huge, hot, but also full of chaos and killing, as if only need to look at it will be completely swallowed.

When receiving the task assigned by the Minamata, Rupert, who is known for his eloquence, has already prepared himself.

Even in case, just in case, he has made several plans.

After all, it was the wolf's ‘white wolf’, and many programs were too much.


What Rupert didn't think was that the ‘white wolf’ in front of him didn’t play the cards at all.

Obviously it is a matter of mutual benefit, why should we do this.

Especially the immediate arrest warrant!

It is a shame to the adults of Minamata.

And what is the difference between humiliating and humiliating?

Isn't the other party afraid of fighting again with the sect?

The doubts in the bottom of my heart, the lingering fear, let the Rupert instinct that fell to the ground look up and look at the black figure in front of him.

The radiance of the sun is completely hidden behind the other side, so that the other person's figure is more and more deep, and the face of the other party has changed from the beginning to the end, and it has never changed.

not give a **** about?

The other party does not care about the war with the sect?

Suddenly, this idea appeared in the heart of Rupert.

"This is the 'white wolf'?"

"More arrogant than the rumor!"

With such a sigh, Rupert looked at the shadow of the walk, and the smile of laughter appeared on the face.

He knew that he was miscalculated this time.

Before the preparations for full confidence, facing this ‘white wolf’ is no different from jokes.

However, Rupert did not give up

"Lord of White Wolf..."

Rupert had a hard time opening.

He hopes to persuade the people in front of him as much as possible to accept the proposal of the sect, but only the words are exported, and his eyes are filled with light blue.

The otter of a light blue robes changed from a liquid to a solid.

His indifferent, godless eyes swept across the audience and seemed to see everything.



A purse was thrown into the hands of the serpent female leader.


In the cold words, the otter was once again turned into a liquid, and Rupert, who fell to the ground, stood up in a difficult way. After a ritual to Qin Ran, he left the place with a footstep.

The female leader of the snakes looked at the purse in her hand.

In Warren, some of the lesser charges can be waived by paying fines, including private land that does not cause major damage.


That is for the average person.

How can things like the fines of the puddles be paid?

But the money bag in her hand told her that this is the truth.

"This this……"

Zhang Zhe opened his mouth, and the snake sergeant who wanted to say something did not say anything at all. When Qin Ran stepped back, the snake sergeant’s leader immediately followed.

As for Fink, Tosta and Snake?

In the eyes of the three people being controlled, this is normal.

This is common sense.

Although most people can't accept it.


"Adult, why are you doing this?"

After being away from the inner city of Lölderi, Rupert, who recovered from the shock, asked very puzzled.

In Rupert's view, even the wolf's ‘white wolf’ can't be so rude!

You know, the last ‘white wolf’ was defeated in the hands of ‘white 猿’.

This is also the most talked about in the last two decades, and every deaf person has not forgotten it.


The otter replied.

Even in the face of one's own people, the icy tone of the water, the simple answer has not changed.

The only difference is that Rupert, who is a deaf person, has become accustomed to the answer of Minamata and can understand such an answer.

But precisely because of this understanding, Rupert immediately changed his face.

“Better than you?”

Rupert lowered his voice and asked.


The otter replied.

"That, what about the comparison with the white man?"

Rupert asked cautiously.

"do not know."

The otter simply replied, and Rupert took a breath.

He knows that the wolf school 'white wolf' is very strong, but Qin Ran’s young face always makes people ignore some facts. In the heart of this middle-aged person, Qin Ran is very strong, but it is also The three adults of the fire, the sword and the sword are similar, and even should be a little bit right.

But now, Qin Ran surpassed the three adults of Minamata, Fire, and Sword, and compared with ‘白猿’, it did not fall.

Even if the otter answers, I don’t know.

But Rupert already understood what it meant.

Rupert, who should have gone ahead, was completely in the same place.

The otter looked at his men and there was no blame.

Because, that night, when he saw the bursting flame, he did the same.

In the darkness, the beast that only wins by the claws is afraid of the flame.

And now?

The flame also became the weapon of the beast.

It’s all...


Same as another guy.


Thinking of what opponent to face, the otter spoke again.

Upon hearing the leeches, Rupert’s body trembled and quickly returned to the other side of God. After learning about the strength of Qin Ran, he would not hesitate and immediately bent down and said: “Yes, adults.”

Ten minutes later, a sealed letter was sent from a secret channel to Warren, and even further afield.

Of course, this is the secret they think they are.

They change the look of makeup and hide their body shape.

Some are used to cover up the smell and are covered with other odors.

Excellent hounds can't distinguish the taste.

It is a pity that they are much better than the hounds.

Moreover, it is not alone.

In the sky, a pair of sharp eyes, all of which are in the eye.

(End of this chapter)

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