The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1234: Find

Chapter 1234 found

The next day, next to the tomb of James VIII, a new tomb was added.

The tomb was not over-decorated, but it was simply engraved with a delicate and incisive handwriting: the tomb of James VIII's best friend Adal.

It was written by Mary himself, engraved by the artisans of the court, and completed in the shortest possible time.

Although it was unruly to place a burial chamber in the Warren royal cemetery that was not a member of the royal family, the people who witnessed the previous night did not raise any objections.

In fact, even if it is proposed, it has no effect.

Mary is extremely persistent in this matter.

"His Royal Highness, there are some bad rumors circulating in the palace."

Earl of Hilling whispered during the break of Mary's rest.

"About Earl of Adal?"

Mary asked if he didn't lift his head.


The young count nodded.

"Find the source and see their original intentions."

"If you just chew your tongue, hit ten sticks."

"If you are malicious, send it to Perrikna, I want to know the master behind the scenes."

The underage king said faintly.

"Yes, Your Highness."

The young count went out as soon as he was inside.

For Mary, who became resounding at night, the young count is not accustomed to it.

However, the young count does not think this is a bad thing.

As a country's ruler, blind kindness is not acceptable.

The young count, who is in charge of the Northland, knows this.

Soon, just half an hour later, Count Hilin with the investigation report returned to the ‘King’s meeting room’ of Mary’s office.

"The death of Sardin and Obold is not enough to deter them?"

Looking at the report from the Earl of Hilling, Mary frowned.

"His Highness, you should never underestimate the greed and ignorance of these people."

The young count screamed.

For those aristocrats who were ravaged by the parasites in Laird, the young count did not have a good impression.

Not before, not even used in the future.

The guys who made a fuss about the death of a poor old man should be on the first shelf.

"If they forget the pain, it only shows that the pain is not enough for them to remember!"

The underage king whispered.

"Is it said by 2567?"

The young Earl, who listened to this discourse that did not fit the style of the underage king, immediately made a guess.


"I think it makes sense."

"Send enough people to make them feel pain."

The underage king nodded and after the final order was issued, the prince stood up from the chair and walked to the side of the weapon.

Seriously picking up a long sword from above, the underage Wang Wang went to the open space of the 'King's Conference Room', where a swordsman instructor had long waited for a long time.

Why isn’t Qin Ran?

There is no point in playing against each other with too much strength.

Mary, who knows this truth, chose the court swords instructor instead of Qin Ran or Earl of Hilling.

She is too far apart from each other.

Looking at Mary, who wielded a long sword and launched a Thunder general attack, the young count nodded with amazement.

Both for the talent of the other party and for the efforts of the other party.

Every day, except for the necessary time to deal with official duties, Mary will carry out sword training, never interrupted.

"As long as you stick to it, it is time to catch up with me?"

The idea of ​​the young Earl’s heart emerged.

However, immediately, the young count shook his head.

Because, he thought of Qin Ran.

With Qin Ran's teaching, Mary is not simply catching up with him. It is normal to surpass him.

As soon as he thought of Qin Ran, the young count sighed again.

Until now, he has not found anything to exchange the snakes with the other.

"What should I use for exchange?"

The young count muttered to himself.


Regarding Mary’s order, Qin Ran knew it through Pericakna for the first time.

He did not make any comments on this.

Mary is an independent individual with independent thinking, not his vassal, and does not need to rely on his opinions.

However, Qin Ran can still clearly feel the death of the old count, the influence of Mary.

‘Don’t tell you! ’

As soon as he thought of the words of the old count before his death, Qin Ran couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The other party is obviously intentional.

Moreover, he did not leave any room for him.


Qin Ran shook his head.

He did not laugh at the other child's childishness.

Not to ridicule the other's innocence.

The other party insists on the other party's ideas and carries out their own will.

Maybe the idea is different.


Enough for anyone to pay tribute to each other.

Only, the choice of the other party will not be his choice.

Take risks for your friends.

Even if it is a life of nine deaths, Qin Ran is not afraid.

After the friend dies, follow his friends to die, Qin Ran can not do it.

At most...

Kill all the enemies of your friends before you to pay homage to your friends.

“Sure enough, is the idea different?”

A sigh of Qin Ran, focus on the secret of the other party before death -

"The light of death, running through the heavens and the earth?"

"What will it be?"

Qin Ran frowned and thought.

For such a secret language, Qin Ran is very annoying. What is even more annoying is that the person who said this secret language is dead, so that he can not get more information.

This is undoubtedly one of the worst news.

Of course, there is no good news.

He is not alone looking for an answer.

Maxim, the critic of the Crows, sat down on the desk that was newly moved, and looked down at the books related to the Warren royal family.

Some of these books are collections from the Warren royal family.

Others are from the collection of Crows.

Celtic, who chews a snack like maltose in his mouth, is equally focused.

He worked hard to keep the sweetness of his tongue from distracting himself.

However, it is a pity...

"Selty, be quiet."

Maxim, who was upset by his friends, was upset and couldn’t help but lift his head.

"Okay, okay."

Selti nodded again and again, but the sound of his mouth was louder.

Maxim frowned.

But there is no way for my own friends. In the end, I can only look down at the books in my hands again.

And just after a dozen seconds, Maxim stood up straight.

This kind of movement scared Selti's mouth tightly, for fear that his friend would grab the sugar in his mouth, but Maxim went straight around his friend and rushed to Qin Ran with a look of joy. .

"Adult, there are discoveries!"

(End of this chapter)

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