The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1244: Black and white

Chapter 1224 Black and White

There was a sudden darkness in front of Qin Ran’s eyes.

There is no sign.

It seems that this darkness is what exists here.

This darkness solidified for a second.

Then, gradually recede.

As if slowly opened his eyes, Qin Ran looked into a world of black and white. He looked at the black wilderness and the white river at his feet, under a dull, muddy sky. The land is strong and the river is flowing.

Then, Qin Ran looked down at himself.

black and white.

Other than that, there are no other colors.

Qin Ran’s brow wrinkled slightly.

He used to be in the kingdom of Warren.

This is beyond doubt.

Can it be now?

Where is this?

Qin Ran bent down and touched a black ground.

It is cold and heavy.

“Not only has the color changed, but even the essence has changed?”

Qin Ran silently thought.

He can be sure that he has never seen such cold and heavy soil. Even in the frozen soil in the snow and ice, there is no cold soil under his feet, and even if he takes a piece of iron sand, he does not have this soil heavy.

Put the soil in his hand and Qin Ran wants to find out more information.

But just as he took a step, a heavy force suddenly came from the outside, like a mountain falling from the sky and pressing on him.

But what makes Qin Ran strange is that an unprecedented sense of weakness spreads from his body.

Qin Ran frowned, and he carefully moved his body as small as possible.

He tried to feel the discomfort on his body.

Almost the next moment, the system clearly told him what happened.

[Entering the unknown area, the full attribute -I, the morning plague, the plague, the devil, the original sin, the power of the thorns drastically decreased...]


"Full attribute -I?!"

"A big order attribute?"

Qin Ran picked up his eyes.

For Qin Ran, whose attribute spirit reaches the new IV, after -I, there is a degree of new promotion III, but other attributes are not.

Putting aside the strongest attribute spirit, Qin Ran’s highest quality is the degree of new promotion, and the perception, strength, and agility are lower, and even the order is not reached. At this moment, directly after I, Qin Ran feels It seems to be the rookie who first entered the underground game.

Of course, this is the illusion that the property is extremely degraded.

At least the body [red ghost stomach bag] he can still pick up, not being crushed.

"Unknown area?"

“Hidden in the area somewhere in Lourdes?”

"and also……"

“Is there anything in front of me that has nothing to do with a malicious look?”

One question after another appeared in the heart of Qin Ran.

At the same time, the system-restricted return time to the huge city is coming to an end.


Qin Ran took a deep breath.

There was not much time left for him to know more information, but he gave him more opportunities to prepare.

Qin Ran glanced around.

He wants to put everything around him in his heart and make more preparations for the next time.

And when Qin Ran looked at the white river, his eyes burst into a glimmer of light.

A black spot appeared on the white river.

The black spot was rapidly increasing under the watchful eyes of Qin Ran.

Or more accurately, it is approaching Qin Ran at a very fast speed.

From the size of the rice to the boat that is close at hand.

It is the kind of wood, very common, and is often used as a pleasure boat.

However, the boatman is not a good boatman.

He, or it, a black robe with a faint light in his hand.

The light illuminates around the boat.

It also illuminates the face under the hood and looks like a sly face.

"Look at me, sincere people."

"Hide me, despicable."

"Offensive to me, a reckless person."

"To compliment me, the deceitful person."

"They all want to pass me, stay away from the pain."

"They all want to pass me and get rid of fate."

"But death!"

“Shake the shadow!”

"It's the biggest relief!"

"What you want, the dead will not want."

"If you have the dead, you won't have it."

"Going on board? Or leaving?"

The thin boatman slowly opened his mouth.

His voice is like his face.

Not only dry, but also hoarse.

But it is not these things that Qin Ran cares about, but the situation at hand.


The other party is saying: Is he dead? !

For Qin Ran, survival is almost instinct, and aversion to death is also instinct.

He frowned and looked at each other without any words.

The thin and thin boatman also did not open his mouth. He just extended the palm of his hand like a bone and handed it to Qin Ran.

Then, Qin Ran’s familiar feeling of weightlessness reappeared.


[Special copy: Queen's Shield III]

[Copy nature: free mission]

[Copy difficulty: medium and low]

[Main line task: to ensure that Mary successfully became a queen within 30 days]

[Task completion: 100% (Get basic evaluation: F)]

[Spurline mission: Remnant Snake Pie]

[Task completion: 100% (evaluation: F → D)]

[Special event: hidden snake (evaluation perfect)]

[Evaluation: D→A]

[Special events: hidden 20 years ago (evaluation of perfection)]

[Evaluation: A→SSS]

[Battle performance: very positive (evaluation promotion: SSS → Z)]

[Exploration performance: very good (evaluation promotion: Z→ZZ)]

[Special evaluation 1: Killing the first crow remnant soul (evaluation promotion: ZZ→ZZZ, reputation +1)]

[Special evaluation 2: Killing the snake (evaluation promotion: ZZZ→V, reputation +1)]

[Special evaluation 3: Entering an unknown area (evaluation prompt: V→VVV, reputation +3)]

[The player finally evaluates VVV! 】

[Player special copy harvest calculation...]

[The final player special copy harvest results are as follows...]

[Point: 300000; skill point: 60; gold skill point: 7; gold attribute point: 7]

[Get a special copy: Queen's Shield IV]

[Get Specific Reward Item 1: Practice Dagger]

[Get Specific Reward Item 2: Southern Aristocratic Atlas]

[Get a special reward item 3: James III's missing diary]

[Get a specific reward item 4: Map of the Earl of Xilin]


Standing at No. 13 Waldorf Street, Qin Ran looked at the copy of the world in front of him, and there was no relaxation in the tight brow. He was still thinking about the scene.

The final thoughts are still nothing.

The information is too small.

As little as he did, he didn’t know anything.

However, one thing, Qin Ran knows.

He must use the best condition to face the unknown area.


I am afraid that the death will become a real death.

After quickly adjusting the state, Qin Ran looked at one of the biggest gains of the trip.

The two pieces of dark golden color props.

(End of this chapter)

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