The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1250: valuable!

Chapter 1250 is worth it!

Facing the eyes of other lone walkers in the pub, this newcomer who had a relationship with Qin Ran was not nervous, but instead gestured one by one.

Other lone walkers responded one by one.

Obviously, both sides are very familiar.

"Gaelvin said quickly, what is going on?"

Unable to rush.

"Blair, it's up to you."

The lone walker named Galvin turned sideways and revealed the player who was always behind him.

Compared with Gaelvin's stability, this player is undoubtedly extremely nervous.

Not only shortness of breath, but also a slight tremor.

Especially when looking at Qin Ran, the eyes can't stop dodging.

This dodge caused Qin Ran's curiosity.

"Have we seen it?"

Qin Ran looked at the other side and asked.

"See, I saw it once."

"Before I had accepted someone's task and was responsible for stalking a room."

Blair stuttered.

"Someone? A certain room?"

Qin Ran blinked and thought of the profiteer and the battle at that time.

And the people around are familiar with it all.

Suddenly, their eyes on Blair became different.

Blair immediately felt the difference, and the other party, who was very nervous, immediately became more and more nervous.

However, the other party did not forget to explain.

"I, I am not malicious."

"At the time I was just accepting employment, there was no idea."

"This, I can testify."

Galvin stood up and he guaranteed for his good friend.

"Gailwin, are you sure?"

I can't ask without any reason.

The look and tone are not as good as usual, and others are extremely serious.

They are acquainted with Gaelvin and are willing to believe in Gaelvin.

But because of this, they are worried that they will appear...


The soloist became a lone traveler.

Some are born with a lonely personality, such as: Qin Ran.

And some are developed the day after tomorrow, for example: the guys around.

They have more or less tried to form a team to complete the copy world, but the final result has become a loner.

As for what happened?

That is self-evident.

Lonely walking in the copy world, they have not become escaping from the world. On the contrary, they cherish every person who can be called a 'friend'.

Therefore, they are happy to stay in the harvest pub.

Stay in this place with friends and let them relax.

They are not willing to have any accidents here.

Whether it is human or matter.

"I'm sure."

Gaelic took a deep breath and said word by word.

Moreover, he took out the vows that had been prepared for a long time, and simply signed the name on it, and Blair did not hesitate behind him.

Looking at the vows signed with two names, the atmosphere in the pub was loose.

The rhino went to Blair with a glass of wine.



The rhinoceros made a brief introduction and handed the glass in his hand to Blair.

"My Blair... cough."

Blair said that he extended his hand to the rhinoceros, then leaned his neck and drank the wine in the cup. However, Blair drank too quickly and coughed continuously after half a drink.

This scene attracted the ridicule of the people around.

No sarcasm.

Just a kind laugh.

In such a laugh, Blair can clearly feel the diaphragm between him and the surrounding lone walkers, and quickly disappeared.

He is being integrated into this special group.


Blair had a long sigh of relief.

Although there was a guarantee from a friend before, but Blair arrived at this time, it was really relieved.

After all, what he faced was the demon of the murderous murderer!

In the rumor, hundreds of players have died in the hands of each other, and they are all terrible.

Even if the ‘hacker’ is so close to being able to dominate the entire huge city, it is not the opponent of the other side, and has to temporarily avoid rest and recuperation.

And when he thought that he had been hostile to the other side, Blair was not good for the whole person.

He has been thinking about how to save the relationship with the other party.

Especially when he got rid of the way he had spent the copy world and became a lone traveler, this kind of recovery became more and more urgent.

Because, he didn't want to chat and drink with his friends at the harvest pub at the last moment. The next moment he went out with his friends, he was killed by the other party.

Just right, at this time, an opportunity appeared in front of him.

Blair believes that he must seize this opportunity.

So, he told his friends everything.

His good friend did not disappoint him. He not only supported him with all his strength, but also helped him to make suggestions.

At first, there was a contradiction in the vow of Blair.

After becoming a true lone, he hates any constraints.

But he chose to listen to his friends' persuasion.

At this moment, feeling the goodwill around, Blair rejoices his choice.

After finishing his thoughts, he began to say.

"I was a half mercenary before."

"In addition to completing his own copy of the world, he will occasionally pick up some less difficult tasks from the ‘transfer station.’ The task of stalking 2567 is also received at the ‘transfer station’.”

"Although I am now a lone walker, I still keep some of the habits: I will go to the ‘transfer station’ from time to time.”

"And before I came to the pub, I found out at the ‘transfer station’ that someone had offered a reward for the 2567--the kind that would kill.”

Blair still has a little restraint in the face of Qin Ran.

But the people around didn't care about it. They were completely attracted by Blair's words.

The transfer station is similar to the task release bar, but most of them are released by the players themselves.

There will be no information left there, only the content of the task will be announced, and when the task is completed, it will naturally receive corresponding revenge.

No one will violate.

Because, when the task is released, the publisher is contracted through the system.

Most of these contracts are: I will pay what compensation, no deception, no truth, etc., when any player completes my task.

Under the premise of such a contract, the 'transfer station' has become honest and reliable.

For the transfer station, Qin Ran is aware of it.

Moreover, it is very clear.

Because there is a similar ‘transfer station’ in the harvest pub.

This ‘transfer station’ is far more famous than other ‘transfer stations’.

Not only because it is someone who is taking care of it, unlike other ‘transfer stations’, which are basically unmanned and hidden in certain places in huge markets.

Also because of the release of the task here, you need to pay a high publishing fee.

Qin Ran has also been released.

It can be used as a reward for a character, but it is still the first time.

"Must kill the reward?"

“How many rewards?”

Qin Ran asked with interest.

"500w points!"

Blair replied.

Suddenly, there was an inhalation around him.

(End of this chapter)

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