The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1255: invite

Chapter 1255 Invitation

The first time I entered the room of Qin Ran, ‘Wu’, looked around with a look of curiosity and expectation.

She wants to see something.

Also worried about discovering something.

When she saw that it was so simple that it could no longer be easily placed and it was extremely messy in such a setting, only when the piece near the living area was clean, ‘Wu’ smiled.

The same.

The familiar environment made the ‘Wu’, which was still a bit of a sigh, completely relieved.

She turned and looked at Qin Ran, standing on the side of the door with her shoulders.


Saying, ‘Wu’ took the initiative to launch the deal.

Although ‘Wu’ wants to help Qin Ran without compensation, after several experiences of being rejected, ‘Wu’ has gradually learned the way to get along with Qin Ran.

The other party does not like to owe people.

This is true even for friends.

But this, ‘Wu’ is not annoying.

On the contrary, she greatly appreciates this Qin Ran.

In her eyes, such a Qin is right, it is correct, it is consistent with the one in her memory.

In the same way, Qin Ran at this time is as simple as her memory.

When the transaction was initiated, there was an 80w point immediately in the trading column belonging to Qin Ran.


Qin Ran asked.


‘Wu’ nodded and confirmed the transaction.

Looking at the [Lucky Card III] that appeared in the hand, Qin Ran did not feel the pain.

Only those who have really experienced [Lucky Card III] will understand how important such a one-time entry card is.

Looking at [Lucky Card III] ‘Get better luck than usual, even if it’s just a little, it’s enough to reverse the commentary of a fate’. Qin Ran subconsciously thought of the black and white world he entered at the end of [Queen's Shield III].

Danger and opportunity coexist.

But if you want to fight the danger, seize the opportunity, and remove the need for strength, what you need is...


A little bit of luck, although it will not reduce the difficulty of the copy world, but it will affect the harvest.

And with a one-time advanced props, to continue to use a piece of Bo, even two pieces of advanced props, and even a greater harvest, Qin Ran will not hesitate.

And when the transaction is completed, please ‘Wu’ leave, Qin Ran will not hesitate.

Looking at Qin Ran, who raised his hand to make a request, ‘Wu’ pulled out another thing again.

A reel!

[Surely repaired volume]!

For Qin Ran, as long as he still wants to repair [very night], then [safe repair volume] is a must.

In fact, he has already asked if ‘the fisherman’ still has a [safe roll].

The other party clearly stated that there is no more in the Freedom League, but it will pay attention to Qin.

However, Qin Ran did not think that it was ‘Wu’ first found.

Qin Ran can be sure that ‘Wu’ will not be hidden.

Otherwise, the other party has already taken out and traded with him before.

Obviously, the other party started looking after knowing the information he posted and the trader's trade.

And in a short period of time to find [safe repair volume], Qin Ran found that he needs to reassess the other party's ability.

“There are more people in the huge city who want to find me for divination than you think.”

"And these people's collections are also more than you think."

It seems to be guessing what Qin Ran is thinking, ‘Wu’ said.

"But you didn't estimate my income."

"Or overestimate my income."

"I am sorry, after purchasing [Lucky Card III], I have been unable to purchase [Secure Repair Volume]."

Qin Ran once again made a gesture of please.

Although every time the hand harvest is quite rich, but Qin Ran's spending is also great, just like the purchase of [Lucky Card III].

At the moment, Qin Ran only has 18w points and 60 skill points.

Even if you don't buy ammunition from the 'gunner', these points and skill points are not enough.

You know, when he bought the ‘fisherman’ last time, he gave 100w!

And now the difference is really too much, and more than Qin Ran immediately gave up the purchase of [safe repair volume].

As for the debt?

Let me not say that Qin Ran is not willing to owe the human feelings of others.

The creditor’s ‘Wu’ is just enough to make Qin Ran choose to refuse.

When the first time I met, the other party’s strangeness had already made Qin Ran remember in the heart. When facing the other side, the moment’s alert became the norm of Qin Ran.

"I know."

"So, we change a trading method."

‘Wu’ said, and pulled out another card: [Lucky Card II]!

Qin suddenly looked at each other silently.

The other party is obviously prepared.

Any questioning is not appropriate, and quiet waiting is the best strategy.

‘Wu’ puts [Lucky Card II] into the trading bar.

"These are rewards!"

“I hire you to help me with the rewards of the copy world!”

"of course!"

"I know that your copy of the world is far from being comparable to this, so..."

Say, there is another card in the trading bar.

Looking at this card, Qin Ran’s eyes narrowed.

[name: charging card]

[Type: Card]

[Quality: III]

[Property: Use it to charge your depleted items (successful or not, you need to see the order, quality, and your luck)]

[Remarks: Its appearance itself is luck, so when you use it, you still need luck]

(Note: It only has one chance to use it.)


"Add a limited number of props!"

When I saw the [charged card] moment, Qin Ran subconsciously thought of [the phantom ring].

Although there is a "Snake of the Snake King", but Qin Ran definitely does not mind that he has a life-saving card.

What's more, compared to the [snake] of the "King of the Snake King", the "ring of the phantom" is not weakened, and it will be displaced once when it is attacking.

On the real registration effect, [the ring of the phantom phantom] is undoubtedly stronger.

However, in terms of the number of uses, it has been limiting the use of this item by Qin Ran.

Therefore, when I saw the [charged card], Qin Ran’s heart raised the idea that he must get it.

However, Qin Ran did not deal with ‘Wu’ regardless of his carelessness.

"What kind of copy."

Qin Ran asked.

"Sign the contract, I will tell you everything after signing."

‘Wu’ said.


About an hour later, ‘Wu’s walked out of the 1st Waldorf Street.

Turning the excuse, Rachel walked out of the shadows.

"It seems that you have succeeded."

"But I need to remind you again that 2567 is not the best choice for your copy."

"Not that he is not strong enough."

"It's his character!"

"The guy's vigilance is the strongest I have ever seen!"

"Under such vigilance, many dangers that could have been avoided will follow."

The pub boss said again.

As a friend, she must remind her friends.

Even if the other party can't listen.

"You have not said that 2567 will only fight side by side with him. Will people who have experienced life and death put down their vigilance?"

"and so……"

"I am looking forward to those dangers!"

‘Wu’ answered, and the pace increased.

Looking at the back of a friend, the pub boss feels his own temples swell.

"How are these so stubborn guys?"

"One by one is not worrying."

"You are like this, no law is like this, 2567 is also like this."

"Do you really take me as a babysitter?"

An angry pub owner is a slap in the face.

The ground of the mooring road immediately split like a spider web.

However, the next moment, the proprietress sighed and chased it up.

She, after all, can't let go.

For ‘Wu’.

It’s not lawless.

The same is true for Qin Ran.

(End of this chapter)

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