The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1260: Stove grilled fish

Chapter 1260 Stove Roasted Fish

Sudden screams made Qin Ran change the plan around the investigation, and he went straight to the position where the screams sounded.

When Qin Ran came to the place where the screams occurred, the afterglow of the sunset had all dissipated, but this did not prevent the glaring scarlet from being reflected in Qin Ran’s eyes.

The woman who screamed was dead.

The other side’s face still retains the fear of sudden attack during his lifetime.

The other person's body is broken, most of the internal organs are swallowed up, and the flesh and blood on the limbs and trunk are the same.

The other two thigh bones have been broken into several pieces.

Qin Ran can imagine how a **** mouth is chewing on each other's flesh and blood.

Except for the skull, this poor woman did not leave a more complete body.

However, the most unexpected thing for Qin Ran is that there are no more traces left on the scene.

Perhaps more accurately, it left a fairly clear trace, but with the advent of the night, such traces are rapidly disappearing.

"Is it different night?"


The squinting Qin whispered to himself.


In the distance, the sharp whistle sounded.

Qin Ran glanced at the group of law enforcement officers dressed in uniforms, obviously police, and turned into the shadows.

He does not mind contacting the other person.

But now, not yet.


The night is like a date.

The dark night sky couldn't see the bright moon, and the stars could not be seen. It was just a darkness, just like the same group of black mist shrouded in the sky above Elders.

The people who lived here locked up the room early and went to sleep.

On the bedside, more or less will put some self-defense weapons.

Almost at the moment when the night fell, Elders fell into silence.

Of course, not all.

There are always a few places in the streets of some streets that are brightly lit.

In the shortest time, Qin Ran easily found three pubs and hotels with quite a lot of people.

Then he picked one of the hotels called ‘fire oven grilled fish’.

Such a choice is not arbitrarily chosen.

The name "Fire Stove Fish" has made Qin Ran quite good, and because this hotel has a strong atmosphere far beyond the other two places.

The strong breath in the eyes of ordinary people.


"Welcome the warriors who dare to travel at night."

"You should be glad that you have no choices wrong - I have fine beer and freshly baked bread. Of course, I suggest you pull a signature dish: stove grilled fish!"

Qin Ran pushed in the door, and the sound of the doorbell rang, and a scream of madness came.

After standing on the first floor bar, the man with his bare upper body and his strong muscles and thick chest hair shouted Qin Ran loudly.

The other party's hand still holds a half cup of beer, and the thick beard with the chest hair is covered with wine, and the candlelight shines on the bare head, which is extremely conspicuous.

"A stove grilled fish and bread."

“I still need a clean, hot room.”

When Qin Ran said, he went to the corner of the first floor.

"of course!"

"You need everything I need here, are you paying for coins or cash?"

The other party smiled a little.

Ancient coins, cash?

For Qin Ran, who is not familiar with the world of copying, this is undoubtedly a record of information.

Fortunately, he has just observed that precious metals are still hard currency here.


The gold of an adult's little fingernail's fingernails is so accurate that it falls on the wooden bar, and it shines under the light of the buttery candle of the arm.

The brilliance of gold immediately attracted the attention of others in the hotel.

These people have a thick greed.

However, immediately, they regained their gaze.

Because the one standing behind the bar is staring at them fiercely.

“Here is the ‘fire oven grilled fish’, the site of my Lagrange!”

"Who dares not keep my rules, I will take him to feed the fish!"

Raglan, the boss of the ‘fire oven grilled fish’, said loudly.

Then, he took a piece of gold and put it in his trouser pocket. He said to Qin Ran in a very gentle tone: "Sir, I promise you that you will be treated as if you are here."

“Your room is waiting for you at any time.”

"Your grilled fish and bread will arrive soon. I will give you a vegetable soup and beer. Please enjoy it."

Obviously, that small piece of gold played a decisive role.

Qin Ran's room was cleaned out quickly, and the food appeared in front of him three minutes later.

Grilled fish and bread are common foods, vegetable soups are also less salty, and there are no complete green vegetables. There are some smashed grass foams. The only place worthy of praise is the full weight.

Beer, Qin Ran did not touch, he put the wine glass aside, began to eat his own dinner, the ear is collecting all the information that can be collected.

Although the conversations in the hall were as whispered as possible, with Qin Ran’s perception, none of these people’s whispers escaped his ears, as if they were whispering in his ear.

"What is it?"

"The police said it was a wolf."

"Give me a break."

"I don't know if it's a bloody, a werewolf or a ghoul."

"But one thing is for sure!"

"Those rice buckets are talking nonsense."


The voice was full of sarcasm and ridicule, and then caused the laughter at the same table.

Then, these guys frequently toasted.

Qin Ran listened silently.

Most of them are similar useless messages with guesswork.

But not all.

When Qin Ran finished the vegetable soup, he kept silent attention, and the two guests on the table near the side of the table opened.

These two people are old and young.

The older one with a cane and the crutches near the handle had a slightly invisible gap. Although it was hidden, Qin’s eyes swept over and knew what was hidden inside.


A long sword with a shape of a cane and a sword inside.

The younger one is more straightforward. The brown windbreaker can't block the uneven protrusion of the lumbar muscle. Seeing the outline Qinran knows that it should be a revolver.

Both of them are brown and green, and their faces are similar to four or five.

It is obvious that there is a blood relationship.

"Will, what do you say that?"

Asked about the young voice.

"It won't be bloody, they like to maintain the so-called grace."

"It won't be a werewolf. It's not a full moon night. Their madness will not break out. Even a werewolf who likes hunting will not 'wab food'. They will pack everything away instead of throwing it. One place."

"Ghouls are possible."

"The behavior of these guys has long been unassigned from their shrinking brains, and is no different from the average beast."

"However, I prefer to be..."

The words of the elderly are still going on, and they have come to the most critical places.

But at this moment, it was interrupted by a rude push.


The door of the ‘fire oven grilled fish’ was heavily smashed on the inner wall, and the hanging doorbell had not yet had time to make a sound, so it was so flattened.

A very tall man led two people to come in.

The two, one face is fierce, one is thin and small.

The eyes of the three men patrolled the entire hotel lobby. When they saw Qin Ran sitting in the corner, the three eyes brightened and they walked toward Qin Ran with a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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