The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1270: Look, it’s windy

See Chapter 1270, the wind is up.

The hot liquid was poured on his face, and the dying Smith opened his mouth involuntarily, swallowing his mouth.

When he reacted to what he was drinking, the human side made him feel sick and wanted to vomit.

However, the side belonging to the **** side absorbs this hard-won food at a faster rate.

The scar on Smith's body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his breath became slightly stronger.

Very weak and strong.

Can be incomparably conspicuous in Qin Ran's perception.

Qin Ran looked at the eyes of the mixed blood in the eyes of the police.

If the layout of the other party is just smart, the other person's ability to absorb the same kind of people will make him feel alert.

Although he is not sure about the blood, but Qin Ran can be sure that there should be no such ability in the blood.

Otherwise, in the performance of those **** people before, the **** people in Edess may have already killed each other.

When Qin Ran looked at Smith, the latter also looked at Qin Ran, and in the eyes of the other party, almost exactly the same vigilant eyes as Qin Ran.

Even more vigilance and caution.

At this moment, Smith did not thank the **** guy for his death.

He only knew that there was a problem with his plan.


It is about his life and death.

Smith's brain turned quickly.

Suddenly, he said: "Avon Road 17!"

When he said this address, Smith's eyes stared at Qin Ran tightly, hoping to see something from Qin Ran's face.

But what disappoints Smith is that the man in front of him has not changed his face from beginning to end. It is so cold and expressionless.

The failure of the temptation caused Smith to sink.

He clearly knew that he had encountered an opponent that was completely different from that blood.

But the next scene is still beyond Smith's expectations.

He looked at the man in front of him and raised his hand.

The rope tied to him was immediately cut off. He fell from the air, and as Smith adjusted his posture and prepared to land firmly, a hand knife fell on his neck.


Smith widened his eyes and fell to the ground before the words were finished.

Qin Ran picked up the other side and walked away. He would not believe what the other party said. He would only believe what he saw. He would not even ask the other party what is on the 17th Avon Road.

It’s a waste of time.

With such a time, it is better to see it with your own eyes.


Da da da!

The gunshots rang loudly on Avon Road.

Honey leaned on a small alley and quickly filled the bullets, while a special action group member beside her was bandaging several companions.


"When Evan Road became the old nest of the bloody!"

Mier whispered, and the left wheel in his hand jerked.


The fire of the muzzle flashed, and a **** man on the opposite roof was planted, but the death of a **** man had no effect on the situation.

The special action group of Elders was still suppressed by the blood.

Not only the number of people, but also the firepower.

The four heavy machine guns were so staggered on the tallest building in Avon Road, like a machine gun tower, constantly spewing fire tongues on all sides of Avon Road.

More importantly, from time to time, a piece of explosives was thrown down.


A brick wall collapsed with the explosion, and Will, who curled up in the corner, used his own experience to avoid the biggest explosion damage. However, the gray face was inevitable.

He shook his body and let the dust on his hat fall quickly, then squinted at the ‘machine gun tower’.

There was an extended rifle in his hand.

The muzzle was slightly adjusted and it was aimed at the target.


The machine gun that spit the fire tongue immediately got a meal.

The members of the surrounding special operations group immediately gave a cheer, but when the cheers fell, the machine gun began to spit again.

Moreover, the remaining three machine guns also transferred the muzzle together and fired at Will's position.

Da da da!

The masonry turned into a gravel in the shot of the bullet and splashed around.


"team leader!"

The members of the Special Operations Group exclaimed one by one, and at the same time, began to turn the muzzle and retaliate against the machine gun that spit the fire tongue.

They hope to win a moment for Will.

This is very effective if their opponent is human.

Unfortunately, their opponents are bloody.

A group of people who ignore most of the damage, even in the eyes of ordinary people, are immortal blood.

Therefore, such a counterattack not only did not have the corresponding effect, but also exposed their position.

Puff puff!

Four or five blood flowers emerged, and several members of the action group were soft on the ground.


"Attention to covert!"

Will shouted loudly, and the wrinkles on his face were involved with such shouts.


Will wants to pull this group of **** from the ground and ask them loudly. Have you forgotten the training on weekdays?


Will has no idea why the whole Avon Road has become the old nest of the blood, but he has not received any wind, so that the decision-making mistakes have completely fallen into the disadvantage.


Will, he is very clear that he and his subordinates will be buried here sooner or later.

But he did not have the solution.

Layers of anger.

Let Will's breath rush.

He is ready to take a chance.

Take off your hat and throw it away to the side quickly.

Da da da!

The gunshot sounded.

Will quickly rushed out of hiding.

But at the moment he rushed out, Will's eyes were a condensation.

Because, just across from him, a **** man was smirking at him with a gun.

The other party obviously waited for a long time!

When did it appear?

It was covered with gunshots to cover the footsteps!

Will had a fascination in the bottom of his heart, and then the gun in his hand was aimed at the other side.

He knows that he can't live.

But that doesn't mean he has to be handy.


The trigger was pulled, and the **** man who was still smirking was blown up by a shot, but this was not the fatal wound of the other side. As early as the moment when Will shot, the **** man was pierced by a narrow-blade sword.


[Puncture of Dandelion] With Qin Ran’s mind spurting out again, hidden in the corner, another **** person who thought he would not be discovered by anyone was pierced through the neck.

It is like the **** man on the highest building that focuses on machine guns.

They think they are foolproof.

Height, firepower and body far beyond ordinary people are the source of their confidence.

So when [Dragonfly Puncture] appeared, they were unprepared for their death.

Step on and step on.

Qin Ran walked on the Avon road where the bullets flew.

Many blood descent have seen this conspicuous goal.

Subconsciously, they raised the gun in their hands.

But any **** person has no chance to shoot.

When they exposed the malice, [the dandelion puncture] has reached the front, like the scythe of death plundering their lives.

At the moment, it was like a burst of gunfire, and stopped at this moment.

The remaining **** cockroaches looked at the dark shadow that stepped closer.

Members of the Special Operations Group were shocked and revered.

In the eyes of Mier, there is a madness that is different from ordinary people.

These are all appearing in the perception of Qin Ran.

However, his attention was placed on Smith.

The other party has already awakened.

When Qin Ran arrived at Avon Road, the other party was awake, and the emotions were so excited that even the breathing became rushed.

When it was here, the other party completely gave up the disguise, so they looked at the big iron gate in front of them -

17 Avon Road.


Very casual, Qin Ran threw Smith on the ground, watching the other side rushing to the iron gate.

He followed behind each other.

He wants to know what is going on here.

[The dandelion puncture] flies with him, removing one after another with a malicious blood.

Courtyard, anteroom, corridor, cloister.

When he came to the hall, Smith did not hesitate and rushed down the stairs.

There is a secret room there.

It is full of blood.

Full of uneasiness.

"S, Smith."

In the faint voice, with a crying.

A little girl was taken out by Smith, his face pale and frightened, and behind Smith, he followed several young girls of similar age.

This is all.

Qin Ran’s eyes swept over the huge room, and there were about fifty cages in the chamber. The cold face was getting colder and colder.

"This is what you want to know."

“Here is the ‘restaurant’ of the bloody.”

“A lot of blood people come to eat here, including those who are disciplined.”

Smith held the little girl in her arms and said to Qin Ran.

After that, Smith looked at Qin Ran so calmly.

Very clever, he already guessed what Qin Ran brought him here. Similarly, all the way, he also learned the power of the man in front of him.

That is the power that does not allow him to resist.

The other party wants to let him die, it is just a thought.

Because Smith knows clearly, whether it is the other party itself or the long sword that flies, it can be done easily.

Under such premise, Smith let go: he only needs to rescue the people he cares about.

As for the post?

Smith held the little girl and raised her hand to wipe the tears from the other's face, revealing a rare smile.

"Sorry, I am late."

Smith said this.

The little girl in the whimper couldn’t speak at all, only knowing to hold Smith tight.

Feeling the warmth in his arms, Smith closed his eyes with peace of mind.

Even if it is dead.

It’s good to die together.

The last bit of fear of Smith, who had such an idea in his heart, vanished.

He is waiting for death.

However, death did not come as expected.


In the indifferent voice, Smith opened his eyes and looked at the cold man in front of him.

"leave here."

"Bring them."

In the cold words of Qin Ran, he turned and walked outside the building.

After Smith slammed, he immediately followed.

As usual, the return is even smoother.

[The dandelion puncture] has already let the **** people who come here to eat scared, and they hide in the hiding place and watch the black shadow leave.

There are several unidentified guys who are yelling in the bottom of their hearts.

"Wait, then!"

"Damn, despicable human."

"You will be my meal sooner or later."

When I saw that the shadow disappeared completely out of sight, these unidentified guys jumped out immediately.

"What about the family guard?"

"What are our most powerful fighters?"

"Why didn't they appear?"

"And we are here to eat!"

"Why would you be treated like this!"

"You adults, we will give the adults a satisfactory explanation."

"Please ask the adults to be safe."


The growl echoed in the building.

Qin Ran, who was far away from here, heard clearly, including the voices of those explanations, but he did not care.

After all, no one cares about a group of guys who die right away.

He turned to look at the little girls who were surrounded by the special operations group.

The honey eyes are red and look at these little girls.

The members of the special operations group around are also gnashing their teeth one by one.

When these little girls appeared, these people who had been dealing with the monsters all the time, immediately reacted, why these little girls appeared here.

I also understand why there are so many blood people here.


“Why didn’t our people find the exception here?!”

When she saw the obvious bloodletting scars on the arms of several little girls, Mier couldn’t stop it anymore. She looked at Will with questioning eyes.

She hopes that Will can give her an answer.

But unfortunately, Will shook his head.

"I don't know why the intelligence department ignored it."

Will said, looking apologetic to the little girls.

However, these little girls are timidly hiding behind Smith, and no one cares about him.

This gave Will a sigh.

"I promise you."

"I will give you an explanation."




The sound of the wind interrupted Will's words.

Suddenly, the wind has started.

Subconscious, everyone looks at the place where the wind appears.

Qin Ran!

A whirlwind appeared on the palm of Qin’s open hand.

That whirlwind is not big.

It can even be said to be small.

But all those who see this whirlwind have a heart that comes from instinct.

Especially Will.

He perceives the power of it.

Moreover, he also knows that it is not all.

"Stop, D!"

"I said it, I will give them an account."

Will shouted sweat on his forehead and shouted loudly.

"That is what you gave them."

"It's not my business."

Qin Ran replied faintly, and the whirlwind in his hand began to grow rapidly.

"Here is Elders!"

"Edez with his own rules!"

Will shouted as hard as he could.


"Do you follow the rules of the demon hunter, or the demon hunter?"

Qin Ran's mouth was awkward and smiled.

The cold face did not melt because of this smile.

On the contrary, it is getting colder and colder.

The person who saw this smile, the bottom of his heart is chilling, as if he saw the smile of death.

They watched the whirlwind fly out from the palm of the ‘death’.

They watched the whirlwind expand to a radius of a hundred meters.

They looked like a dragon in the wind that roared in the sky, and rushed into Evan Road.

They looked at the entire Evan Road, ruined it, and erased it from the map of Elders.

And they, watching the complete disappearance of the land that confuses their fear, but ... unconsciously relieved.

PS two chapters in one ~

(End of this chapter)

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