The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1272: There are always some who want to guard

Chapter 1272 has some things that I want to guard.

"What do you mean?"

Raglan, who had a glass of wine, immediately widened his eyes.

"literal meaning."

Qin Ran said faintly.

Raglan, who had widened his eyes, looked at Qin Ran. After three or four seconds, he was full of sadness and sighed: "Yes, not before, now it is."

"People will only believe what they think, even if I jump out and explain that you are not, I am afraid that it will be me, not you."

"Even if this is the truth."

In the sigh, Lagrange shook his head and drank a beer again.

When the innkeeper put down the wine glass again, there was a sternness on his face, and the atmosphere of the whole person changed.

It seems to have changed from an ordinary person to a beast like a lion and a tiger. He stared at Qin Ran and asked in a word: "What are you going to do?"

"Step by step."

Qin Ran still replied indifferently.

Although the atmosphere of the innkeeper is awkward, it is really not as good as a breeze for Qin Ran. I want to use this kind of breath to influence Qin Ran. It is really a fantasy.

The obvious hotel owner also found this.

"You are like those guys."

"It really can kill people!"

He sighed again.

This sigh is undoubtedly more sorrowful than the previous sigh.

And the beastly smell of the body is sighed with this sigh, the wine glass is picked up, and the innkeeper is ready to leave.

He knows how to deal with many hunting devils.

It is impossible to ask something from Qin Ran’s mouth.

Qin Ran and the demon hunter are too much like.

If he does not know that the other party is not, he will also think that the other party is a demon hunter...

and many more!

Is the hunting demon I know all right?

Is there nothing missing?

The innkeeper who stood up suddenly saw a moment, he thought of some possibilities, and then looked at Qin Ran again with suspicious eyes.

"You really aren't a hunter?"

Qin Ran’s head did not lift, and remained silent.

Looking at the appearance of Qin Ran, some speculations in the heart of the hotel owner have involuntarily grown bigger.

"How come there are guys in the world who are so similar to those guys?"

"There must be some sort of connection."

"I didn't find it before, but I didn't investigate enough."

He speeded up the pace of returning to the room.

He needs to apply to the headquarters for an investigation.

He is not known for his well-known demon hunters.

I have to look at the past ten years, no! Considering the age of Qin Ran, the demon hunters who have disappeared in the past 30 years need to investigate it again!

The secret communication was connected, and the opposite person heard the request of Laglon and was silent.

"what happened?"

"Do you know that your request has jumped over your identity rights."

Two seconds later, a confused female voice was heard in the microphone.

"I use special permissions."

Laglen said without hesitation.

"Okay, I will arrange it for you."


"No, but I have retired, and I have to keep the special privileges that I have not used so many times. Do I have to bring them into the coffin?"

“Or do you think that I have descendants who can inherit these?”

Raglan interrupted the inquiry.

Compared to these special privileges that are extremely valuable to others, Lagren wants to know Qin Ran's identity.

The long-lost curiosity made Lagren quickly immersed in it and could not extricate himself.


Raglan, who thought that he had a room for isolating sound, would never have thought of it. Even in such a room, his voice was meticulously heard by Qin Ran.

For the investigation of Lagren, Qin Ran did not pay attention.

He does not exist in itself.

How the other party investigates, it will only break into the whirlpool of no solution.

As for discovering the truth?

Qin Ran believes that the other party will not do this.

Just as he believes in the arrival of Smith.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, Smith, holding a little girl and carrying five little girls, appeared in a ‘fire oven grilled fish’ like a babysitter.

The other party quickly found Qin Ran sitting in the corner, without any hesitation, took the little girls and came over.

"Thank you."

"Thank you."

The voice of the other party was slightly hoarse, and the voices of the little girls were crisp and sweet.

To the outside world, these little girls are still a little scared.

But when I saw Qin Ran, such horror quickly calmed down, even if it was held in the arms of Smith, the youngest Shaya was not listed.

"Thank you."

The little girl turned her head and said the milk.


"There is something to eat there."

Qin Ran nodded and pointed to the direction of the bar.

Smith immediately took the little girl away and asked Lagren for the price.

"I treat you."

After Raglan’s eyes swept over a few little girls, he said this, and showed a smile of self-confidence to the little girls.

However, Lagrange apparently ignored his beard.

This kind of smile not only did not make the little girls feel peace of mind, on the contrary, one by one hidden behind Smith.

No one of the little girls was willing to stay near the bar, all gathered near Qin Ran.

Raglan felt his own beard in a depressed mood, then got up and left the hall. When he returned again, he had more cakes in his hand.

When Raglan was filled with the smile of the little girls, he saw the little girls looking at him with vigilance.

Obviously, the little girls who have experienced a painful experience have already understood what is most important.

In the end, Lagrange put down the pastry and returned to the bar.

What makes Lagren even more frustrating is that the little girls have not touched the cakes he bought from beginning to end, even if they are eager to look at them.

Looking at this scene, Laglon felt involuntarily.

He knows very well what makes these little girls look like this.

"Bastard guys, you really should be thundering!"

"I wish you a happy next day, I XXXX!"

Unbearable, Lagron cursed.

Then, the reward for the **** teeth near Elders increased by 20%.

After watching the hotel, Smith kept watching Lagrange.

"He is a hunter?"

"Here is the land of the demon hunter?"

Asked Smith.

Qin Ran nodded.

“Can I stay here with them?”


Qin Ran’s answer made Smith happy.

But right away, such joy is solidified on Smith's face with Qin Ran's next question.

"Are you going to hide forever?"

"I can't live a long time, even, even the days that I dare not step out here?"

"You can."

"How about them?"


"What if you have a similar thing again?"

Qin Ran’s eyes looked at the little girls who ate quietly.

A life-and-death experience has given them an extraordinary maturity.

But such maturity is not what everyone wants.

At least, Smith is not.

Smith, who clenched his fist, breathed quickly, because with the words of Qin Ran, Smith once again fell into the situation that made him desperate.

"Me, what should I do?"

Smith looked up and bit his teeth and asked Qin Ran.

And Qin Ran?


He said a word with a smile -


(End of this chapter)

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