The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1279: Attack

Chapter 1279 Attack

When the voice of Qin Ran fell, the whole person disappeared in the same place.


A speed that exceeds the visual acuity of the naked eye!

The people present did not see the action of Qin Ran, even the Weir who had been paying attention to Qin Ran.

Even when he saw Qin’s smile, the old consultant knew it was not good, but his reaction was still a slow step.

"Fast chase!"

The old advisers who had been rehabilitated were chased out at a speed far beyond the young, and other special action team members followed.

However, Mier stood still and did not move.

She will not participate in this hunt.

In fact, this hunt is simply stupid in the eyes of Mier.

The conspiracy that I could see at a glance, my grandfather still stepped in, really disappointing her.

"Sometimes are forced to do so."

Raglan suddenly sighed.

"But you should stick to your bottom line."

Mier said.

"How do you know that Will didn't stick to his bottom line?"

"He has been holding on."

"Just, the method is not recognized by you."

"Do you want a drink?"

Raglan smiled and raised the beer mug.

Mier glanced at him and just heard the head, he suddenly heard continuous gunshots from outside the hotel.


In the sound of the gun, a huge explosion sounded.

The huge explosion made the hotel's ground tremble, and the dazzling flames brightened the hotel lobby.

The honey rushed out like a wind.

Raglan’s brow wrinkled again.

"Sure enough, some guys are doing tricks."

"However, at this time..."

The innkeeper who seems to know what is in contemplation.


Qin Ran, who left the hotel, disappeared into the shadow of the street outside the ‘fire oven grilled fish’. He watched the followers of Will and others running away, and then slowly walked along the shadows.


A gust of wind suddenly blows up, so close to Qin Ran.

It is no different from other winds.


Slightly cold outside.

If it is other people, it will subconsciously ignore this yin, but for Qin Ran, any change is worthy of care.

Not to mention, he is already prepared.


Qin Ran kicked out one leg.

The soles of the feet stepped into the invisible wind, and the invisible wind immediately became tangible, and a figure fell from the air into the ground.

The eyes of the red-eyed eyes were still amazed. It didn't know how Qin Ran discovered it, but it knew that the plan for the sneak attack failed.

I know better that if you want to live, you must leave quickly.

The chest is depressed, and the internal organs are stirred up by the huge external force into the **** blood of the paste. As if there is no injury, it is necessary to stand up.

Qin Qin is faster.

Without any hesitation, when Qin Ran discovered that there is still a breath of life in the other side of the perception, he did not hesitate to step on it.


The **** head is broken and the brain is splashed.

This time, the blood descent no longer has any breath.

After its body trembled a few times, it was so soft.

But the battle is far from over.

Like a domino, with the death of this **** person, more **** people appeared at the end of the street. They held weapons one by one, looked at Qin Ran with a sly look, and pulled the trigger.

Da da da!

The bullet shot toward Qin Ran as a rainstorm.

The intensive and effective firepower network is enough to show that these blood descent have long been drilled and do not know how many times, but no matter how many times the drill, in the face of Qin Ran, it is still not enough.

At the moment when the **** people raised their guns, Qin Ran had already left the scope of the bullets. He waved his left hand and the flash of Wilk's redemption flashed.

Hey! Hey!

Two spear-like ice thorns shot straight into the blood.

boom! boom!

Two pieces of frozen gas with a radius of 3 meters burst out like this, completely covering the end of the street.

The blood in the core of the frozen gas is turned into an ice sculpture, and the **** people at the edge are also rapidly frozen.

The gunshots disappeared.

Just as it suddenly appears, it is also a hasty when it disappears.

Only the smoke left in the air proves that it once existed.

Qin Ran walked toward the ice sculptures, as if to clean the battlefield, but when he was close to the ice sculpture -


A huge explosion appeared.

Hundreds of kilograms of explosives destroyed the ground of the small half of the street. The ice sculptures on the streets were crushed in the impact, and the houses were turned into rubble.

"What about the Demon Hunter?"

"Now it is no longer a day of swordsmanship!"

"In the face of explosives, you must die!"

In the sneer's words, all the blood creatures were laid out, coming out of the shadow of the other side of the street, and holding the explosive detonator in its hands.

The detonator is still on the side, and it is ready to leave.

It does not want to meet with members of the special action group who rushed back.

Moreover, in the face of the patriarch's reward, it can't wait.

However, just as the **** man was about to turn around, a palm of his hand stretched out from the shadow on his side and dragged it into the shadow.


"Thank you for your appreciation."

In the nest of the K family, Erbes.K hosted a banquet with the grandeur of this plan.

Accompanied by the sound of music, the rectangular table, a silver plate filled with all kinds of food, full dozens of dishes, but the dishes are still on.

The well-dressed waiters walked at the table with respect and humility.

The eyes of the senior evil spirits swept through these waiters.

Not a blood man.

Yes, humanity.

Choose humans who give in to the blood.

Or, more accurately, a human being tamed.

In this regard, the advanced evil spirits are not interested, just as it is not interested in those who play.

Of course, it is not interested in the dishes on the table.

Although it can change into the appearance of its own contractor, it does not mean that it has the same good appetite as its own contractor.

What is most interesting to the senior evil spirits at the moment is the K. Marquis.

The other party is as unpredictable as its contractor.

However, one thing that its contractors did not expect.

As soon as I thought of my contractor with a look of surprise, the corners of the senior evil spirits could not be tilted.

However, such a smile seems to be what Mises.K misunderstood.

The face of the K Marquis also smiled, and he took up the glass in front of him.

Naturally, the glass contains blood.

Very fresh kind.

The senior evil spirit just witnessed a girl who was involved like a puppet cut her wrist and poured blood into the cup.

"Let's drink together."

K Marquis said.



The senior evil spirit took the wine glass in front of him, and then... it was thrown on the ground.

The wine glass did not break.

The thick carpet cushioned the weight, but the wine in the cup was scattered.

Suddenly, the hall was quiet.

The musician who played played stopped playing.

The waiter who served the food stopped.

They were overwhelmed and horrified as the high-level evil spirits stood up from the chair and walked slowly to the front of Erbes K.

The senior evil spirit leaned over and looked at Erbes K with great interest.

After half a minute, the senior evil spirits began to speak.

"who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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