The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1284: different

Chapter 1284 is different

The seemingly sturdy car flew directly into the sky during the explosion, and the flames burned the remaining debris of the car, even in the dark, the smoke was still clearly visible.

On Shelly Street, in a building 100 meters away from the explosion, Webster put down the telescope in his hand.

"Is he really a hunter?"

"Isn't someone faked?"

Webster said that he handed the telescope to the servant and he sat down on the sofa.

Webster, who has no young man's health and energy, is not only gray in hair, but also has a slightly curved back. His footsteps are even more embarrassing. Even with a crutches, it is difficult to hide the old state, or the appearance of crutches, let Webster It looks more and more old.

"According to the information we collect, he should be."

"How can the real demon hunter..."

The servant replied.

However, if the words are not finished, they will come to an abrupt end.

A black shadow appeared silently in the room, blocking the window.

The servants and bodyguards were subconsciously going to pull the gun, but they were stopped by Webster.


"Go and have a cup of hot tea for our guests."

Webster looked at the black shadow in front of him and said, after the talk, the old man seemed to think of something, once again looked at the shadow, asked: "Can hot tea be? Or need other drinks such as alcohol?"

"Hot tea is fine."

Qin Ran said faintly.

"Please sit down."

Webster owes a slogan.

Qin Ran nodded and sat down on the sofa.

During the time when the hot tea came, the two sides looked at each other.

Webster’s eyes were curious and hesitant.

Qin Ran’s eyes are plain and waveless.

"Hello, Lord D."

"First time, I am Webster."

"I have a new opinion on Quaker’s death?"

Webster started the cold in the way of the businessman, and after a slight meal, he turned to the topic.

"What's new?"

"So, can you tell me what is old?"

Qin Ran did not answer, asked.

"Old opinion... If I can, I don't want to mention the old saying. They said that my son died of heart disease. A large embolus blocked his blood vessels and made him strong. When you are young and full of energy, you have lost your life."

Webster took a deep breath, and in the seemingly plain tone, there was endless anger hidden, so that his tone was trembling with a trembling tone.

"Heart disease."

Qin Ran slowly said.

Then, I fell into silence again.

Webster also did not speak, it seems to be waiting for Qin Ran's answer.

But until the hot tea came up, Qin Ran did not intend to open his mouth. Instead, he took the teacup and took a sip of the fragrant tea.

Tea is a very traditional black tea. It is roughly made up of three kinds of black tea leaves, which are made up of cherries, passion fruit and mint, and indispensable lemon juice.

Good craftsmanship.

Of course, compared with mimosa, it is not a little bit worse.

“Do you need a snack?”

“My chef is very good at pastries.”

Webster seemed to have forgotten the waiting before, and after seeing Qin Ran pick up the teacup, he asked with a smile.

"Okay thank you."

Qin Ran did not refuse, polite thank you.

Soon, the snacks were on.

The style is similar to that of cookies and blueberries, but the taste is much softer.

"I am not only unable to drink alcohol, my teeth are not allowed to eat more hard things, even the nuts I like to eat when I was young. Now I can only drink tea. That taste is really..." Webster shook his head as he spoke. Obviously, the nut tea brewed was not delicious. Then, the old man’s eyes showed a faint sorrow. He continued: "How can this taste compare? Can I get the pain of losing Quaker?"

"Quick, my only optimistic successor."

"He should have had a bigger stage and showed his talent, but he died unconsciously in the courtyard of his home."

"Do you know what happened when I received this news?"

"I feel that the whole person has to be killed!"

"The only reason I am still alive now is to find out who killed Quaker, and then I have to smash that guy!"

Webster said that his teeth were cut and the palms on the armrests of the sofa were straight.

"Lord D, please tell me who is the murderer who killed my son!"

"I am willing to give you everything I have."

"The Webster family lost Quaker and will eventually fall into the hands of the remaining guys. It’s better to give you the reward of revenge for Quuk.

Webster looked up and looked forward to Qin Ran, hoping Qin Ran gave the answer.

But Qin Ran shook his head.

"I never said it, know who killed your son."

Qin Ran said this.

"Then you asked me to come here..."

Webster looked at him with a glance, his eyes became sharp, like a knife, staring at Qin Ran.

"I just came to tell your son's cause of death."

"I can tell you very clearly that your son is not dying of heart disease."

"Even if it looks like a heart attack."

"But that looks like it."

Qin Ran did not pay attention to such a gaze. He said at his own pace, and at the moment he finished, Qin Ran stood up.

He took a step back and the whole person disappeared into the shadows, only the faint sound echoed in the room.

“Thank you for your black tea and refreshments.”


Qin Ran walked along the shadows.

The higher evil spirits that appeared again looked at their contractors inexplicably.

It doesn't understand why its contractors have to let go of such a good opportunity.

An old man with a painful heart will not be a good helper, but if the old man has considerable wealth and connections, that is another matter.

It may not be possible to achieve a degree of exaggeration in Edes, but it is definitely a rare boost for his contractors.

Why give up?

This question continues to echo in the minds of higher evil spirits.

"Because I don't believe him."

Suddenly, Qin Qian’s footsteps in the march, and answered.

A high-level evil spirit, a very unexpected look at his contractor.

It can't believe that its contractors will answer its questions.

Is it another look at it?

Can not help, the high evil spirits look to Qin Ran's eyes have become expected.

"I told you not because I looked at you differently. I just didn't want the doubts in your mind. It always sounded in my heart and affected my thinking."

"As for why I don't believe him, I have to meet him because he is different."

In the eyes of the higher evil spirits, Qin Ran continued to move forward after the cold.

The higher evil spirits stayed in the same place, watching the back of Qin Ran’s back, the night wind blew slightly, and it subconsciously tightened the clothes.

Because, suddenly it feels tired and cold.

However, immediately, the high evil spirits are once again shrouded in new questions.


What is the difference between that guy?

(End of this chapter)

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