The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1290: Euphemistic

Chapter 1290 Committee

Mier was surprised to see Qin Ran’s move.

The demon hunter does not care whether he or she is in contact with the dead, but there is absolutely no lack of etiquette for the deceased. Such a direct approach is very rare.


There are some speculations in the minds of subconscious consultant girls.

However, she did not wait for her to ask Qin Ran, her eyes were attracted by Qin Ran's kraft paper bag picked up from the tombstone.

Immediately, the consultant girl acted.

"Can I..."


"You can tell me..."

"Did not say."

"do you dare……"

"Don't dare."

"You listen first..."

"Do not listen."

"You can't eat..."



The initially frustrated consultant girl did not give up, and she was very eager. She quickly thought of the ‘happy meeting’ with Qin Ran at the lunch.

The consultant girl immediately changed the strategy.

And this change immediately gave the consultant girl the expected answer.

However, the consultant girl is a little happy.

Not annoying food.

Just when the food and myself are on the sky, the consultant girl wants Scorpio to prefer herself.

This is human nature.

However, reality is such an annoyance, always reminding everyone, how cruel it is.

Fortunately, the consultant girl is very sensible and has not asked if it is important for me or for food.

Because she is very clear, what is the answer.

When she proposed to go to a special restaurant, Qin Ran not only did not object, but when her eyes were slightly bright, it was confirmed from the side.

With the presence of Mier, Qin Ran walked straight out of the gate of the cemetery.

The goalkeeper looked at Qin Ran unexpectedly, but because of the identity of Mier, there was no more asking.

As Mel said, her identity is very useful at some point.

However, there are times when it is not easy to use.

For example, when crossing a few streets and entering a restaurant in a small alley, the restaurant with no signboards refused to enter the entrance of Mier and Qin Ran.

The reason is that there is still 10 minutes from the opening time.

"10 minutes?"

"I can wait."

When Qin Ran finished, he stood in front of the restaurant and lined up.

This attitude of ‘easily close to people’s makes Mel’s look.

The consultant girl looked at Qin Ran up and down. If it wasn't confirmed that it was Qin Ran, and she had not been replaced in the middle, she thought it was a substitution.

No, no, it is a substitution.

In the face of food, it has been replaced by another person.

You know, what the devils hate most is the so-called rules.

Now, Qin Ran has kept the rules.


Such a demon hunter does not let her hate.

Compared with the hunters who heard the rumors, Qin Qian is more real and more like her.

The nose smelled a faint scent from the restaurant, and Mier couldn't help but pick up a small tune and waited very happily.

10 minutes, it will be very soon.

When the restaurant opened the door and released a small blackboard with some names and welcomes, Qin Ran walked in.

Different restaurants in the center with huge windows, this restaurant in the depths of the alley, not only has no window, but also the door is solid wood.

Simply put, there is no way to see the inside of the restaurant from the outside.

Only when you really get into it can you see this restaurant with only two tables and lighting needs lighting.

According to the waiter's instructions, Qin Ran and Mier went to one of the tables. After Qin Liang glanced at the hanging light bulb, he waited quietly.

Just honey has told him that the guests who come here can't order food, only the boss can provide the food of the day.

The food of the day is written on a small blackboard.

Soon, the food came out at one end and placed on the table.

Mel couldn't wait to open his own share, pick up the black pepper and sprinkle it on the lamb chops, and the egg salad was pushed aside by her.

Not to eat.

It is only in a different order.

When the consultant girl who had been devour her head for a moment and looked up and took it to the side of the roast, she found that Qin Ran had already finished eating.

“Can you have two more?”

Qin Ran asked the waiter.


After a little hesitation, the waiter nodded.

Soon, another food was picked up.

When the lid was uncovered, the rich aroma immediately filled the entire restaurant, and the aroma-savvy consultant girl couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Then, a faint vertigo suddenly appeared.

The consultant girl’s body swayed slightly and had to hold the table with her hand so that she did not fall. When she wanted to open her mouth to remind Qin Ran, she found that she didn’t know when her tongue was paralyzed and she couldn’t speak at all. .

The consultant girl who could not speak, supported the body with great strength, and looked at Qin Rang’s heart, which was picking up the knife and fork again, very anxious.

She kept looking at Qin Ran with her eyes.

It seems that Qin was completely attracted by the food in front of him, and he did not pay attention to such a gaze.


Two copies.

Three copies.

When the waiter of the dish had sweated his forehead, Qin Ran put down the knife and fork.

Qin Ran's squinting eyes are like feeling the fullness of the feeling of fullness.

On the side of the waiter, more sweat appeared on the forehead, and there was a dense piece of it. Qin Ran was as if he had no sense. He first stretched his waist and then looked at each other with a smile. He slowly asked: "The food just is did you do it?"


In the affirmative answer, the waiter slowly retreated.

"Not bad."

Qin Ran nodded and stood up from the chair.

The waiter who slowly retreated quickly speeded up, and the body did not reverse. The whole person faced Qin Ren, but his body was withdrawn like an arrow.

But in the next moment, Qin Ran in the eyes of the waiter disappeared.

Then, the waiter felt a pain in his neck and a black eye.

Taking advantage of the unconscious waiter, Qin Ran returned to the table and placed the waiter under his feet. Qin Ran took out the brown paper bag and began to read it.

Time passes by one minute.

During this time, honey is like a needle felt.

She did not find that the waiter had a problem.

Be aware that in the Special Operations Group, she has always been known for her observations!

The inexplicable sense of shyness rose from the bottom of my heart. The cheek of the consultant girl began to reddish slightly. She did not want her appearance to be seen by Qin Ran.

She really wanted to step on the waiter's feet and immediately disappeared into place.

It is a pity that the time for anesthesia is longer than expected.

After half an hour, the consultant girl felt that the paralysis was slightly gone, the body still could not move, but the tongue was better.

"When did you find out?"

In order to transfer the cockroaches, the consultant girl asked.

"at the very beginning."

Qin Rantou in the reading did not raise the answer.

"very beginning?"

"Then why don't you remind me?"

After consulting the girl, she immediately asked, and complained with a hint of tone.

"I reminded you, don't follow me."

Qin Ran said faintly.

"So, you are telling me, this is the consequence of my follow-up?"

The tone of the consultant girl was raised by one point.

Qin Ran raised his head and looked at the consultant girl who was not angry. He slowly reloaded the information into the brown paper bag, stood up from the chair, picked up the captives belonging to him, and walked away, saying -

"The cattle and sheep like to be in groups, and the beasts are used to being alone."

(End of this chapter)

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