The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1292: Blocking the road

Chapter 1292 is blocking the way

Raglan was shocked to see the ogre in front of him.

In fact, as a contact person for the demon hunter, there are very few things that can surprise the innkeeper, and the ogre will not.

But the number of ogres is over this range.

Because Lagrange knows the power of the ogre.

The tall body makes these monsters have the power of far more than ordinary people, as if the iron-like skin is even ignoring the small-caliber pistol.

As long as the terrain is right, such a monster can easily kill a team of ten fully armed teams.

And now the number of ogres is enough to get most of the Edes in a whirlpool of destruction.


The innkeeper shouted at Smith loudly, but he raised his gun and pulled the trigger.


The projectile shot by the shotgun is radial and will cover the nearest ogre to make it fleshy.


The pain in the body made the ogre scream, but immediately, the snoring stopped.

The long-handled battle axe is as big as a door axe, straight down, splitting the roaring ogre into two, and then the downward axe slams to the left, in the corpse of the corpse While the devil's one leg is flying, it will also cut off the nearest ogre.

The thick blood scatters on the ground, causing a strong stench.

The ogres glimpsed and then roared.

The same kind of death, blood stimulated them, let them immediately launched a charge to Lagrange.

Raglan did not retreat.

Behind him is his hotel.

His guest lives in his hotel.

It is his creed to protect the guests who live in the hotel.

A hundred ogres surprised him, but this is definitely not the reason for his retreat.

Hey, hey!


In the crisp captain, the shotgun fired again.

And this is the last sound of it.

The next moment, it was filled with the strong power of Lagrange, with a layer of phantom smashed out, squatting on the head of the front of the charge.


Huge force, let the ogre fall down.

There was no death, but the dizziness made it stand on the ground. The ogre was immediately trampled by the ogres who started the assault.

At the same time, the speed of the ogres was slightly stagnate.

Very short time.

It is enough for Laglon.

He held the end of the long-handed axe with both hands, his legs slightly apart, his waist slamming hard, and then his feet crossed with the strength of the waist.



After a muffled sound, it was a continuous muffled sound, as if it was a hurricane, the rotating hotel owner rushed into the ogre, just like a high-powered blender, the blood of the ogre, The meat **** splashed around.

More than ten ogres were smashed during breathing.

But more ogres continue to charge.

After the initial unstoppable, the battle axe in the hands of the hotel owner became slower and slower. In the end, when an ogre was cut down to the ground, the hotel owner sent a heavy gasp.

The reason why he became the contact person of the demon hunter, but not the demon hunter, is not without reason.

His strength is strong enough that even the ogre can't match it, but he doesn't have enough stamina, both congenital and acquired.


The roaring ogre came out again.

The ascending axe fell heavily, and the ogre was once again cut down to the ground, and the hotel owner’s breathing became more and more heavy, and he was so heavy that he could not lift the Tomahawk.

Looking at the ogre close at hand, the hotel owner grinned.

A grenade did not know when it appeared in his hands.

"Hey, have you seen the fireworks?"

The owner asked the other person and the index finger was ready to pull the string.

However, Smith is faster.

Like a phantom, Smith appeared in the field and collided with the ogre.


The two bodies that are completely disproportionate are like cars and trucks, but the end result is that the trucks are hit by flying, not only being hit by flying, but also being accompanied by other trucks.

The momentum of the ogre charge is once again stagnation.

Smith grabbed the hotel owner and rushed back.

"let me go!"

"Bastard, why didn't you go?"


The innkeeper who was caught in the neck collar made a big noise.

Raglan's incomparable anger.

He was angry that Smith did not listen to his arrangements to go first.

Or to be precise, there are no six little girls, including Shaya, to go first.

"You take a break first."

"I will help you block them."

Smith ignored the scream of the innkeeper. When the hotel owner was placed at the door of the hotel, the whole person rushed to the ogre again.

Looking at the ogre of the claws, Smith blinked a shy eye.

He was just timid.

Yes, it is timid.

When he saw the black savage ogre standing outside the hotel, he subconsciously wanted to run.

Perhaps the strength can grow rapidly, but the heart of a strong person is not so easy to own, especially for people like Smith who are used to fighting assault.

In the past, the battles were won in a way that they did not intend to attack them, so that Smith did not think of facing the enemy, let alone so many ogres.

But then the shouts of the innkeeper and the charge of the many ogres made Smith awake.

At this moment, some understand why the hotel owner is not willing to let him become a demon hunter.

With his performance, it is completely discrediting the demon hunter.


"The courage to face a strong enemy!"

"When you saw that I didn't have this, did you not allow me to be a hunter?"


"Please wait and see."

Inexplicable, Smith, who used the name of the innkeeper, was just like the general, and once again hit an ogre.

However, unlike the one that was just a touch away, this time Smith rushed in.

In a bare-handed manner.

The **** people have a way of fighting by hand, but after the rise of gunpowder weapons, this way of fighting seems to have withdrawn from the stage.

But the instinct that flows in the blood does not disappear.

Even if it is only a **** mixed race, when his fighting instinct is stimulated, it immediately turns into a ghost under the night.

The nails become sharp.

The pace is quick.

In the meantime, a blood flower appeared on the body of the ogre.

Different from the big opening and closing of the innkeepers, Smith’s fighting style is very different and difficult to prevent, but the essence of the two is the same: killing the enemy.

Therefore, when the members of the special action group appeared, they were completely shocked by the scene.

An ogre-like body is scattered like garbage on both sides of the street.

Two **** warriors stood in front of the door of the 'fire oven grilled fish' and did not step back.

That's right, it's a warrior.

All the members of the action group who saw the scene in front of the scene, the title of the warrior was crowned on the head of Lagrange and Smith, especially the honey that just came down from the car, but also the inner vibration.

The consultant girl who has worked with the ogre is very aware of the strength of the ogre. It is a monster that needs a group of special action group members to be able to fight. It must also be discovered first. If it is a surprise attack, at least it needs to be The two groups of talents can cope.

And what?

Two people almost killed more than one hundred ogre.

If the Special Operations Group is facing this over 100 ogre?

I am afraid……

The bad thoughts made Mol's mouth bitter.

Because, she once again thought of Qin Ran's words.

‘The cattle and sheep like to be in groups, and the beasts are used to being alone. ’

Originally, she was prepared to use the reasons such as ‘the lions of the group to dare to prey on elephants, but the savage tigers can only vacate their stomachs and scream” to persuade Qin Ran again.

Everything that I just saw, let her give up on this idea.

There is only one reason for the beast that cannot be alone. It is still not ferocious and powerful.

Lions may need to be in groups.

The lone tiger may not have a high predation rate.


If it is a dragon?

Nothing can't be solved without a bite.

Yes, then spray a second.

With the addition of the special action group, this ogre raid seems to have come to an end, and the battle seems to be over.

But with the thick flesh and blood fluttering, a pair of tyrannical, cruel eyes appeared in the rich darkness.

There are ogres.

There are ghouls.

There are distortions.

There are also **** people.

There are also werewolves.

There is also a translucent body that is translucent.

The members of the Special Operations Group quickly gathered the team, and a car formed a thin line of defense.

Mier looked at the uncountable monster in the dark and couldn’t help but sweat on his forehead.

She felt nervous.

None of the people around are not nervous.

Even Will, at this time, the palm joints holding the hilt are slightly white.

The wind at night is slowly blowing.

I don't know which monster first made a buzz.

Suddenly, countless monsters pulled out from the darkness and formed a huge wave of waves, photographed toward a thin fortification.


When a car touched the monsters, it flew directly to the sky.

The monsters had a big mouth and a saliva.

They can't wait to taste the flesh and blood.

Step on and step on.

In the incoming field of a sudden footstep, the slight footsteps were not covered by the buzz of the monsters.

in contrast!

It is getting clearer.

It is getting louder and louder.

It sounded like a thundering bomb, echoing in the field, and listening carefully, but silent, but a deep shadow appeared in front of the eyes.

From the first upper body to the full body, the black figure slowly walks out of the shadows, and the dark black color makes the shadows appear shallow, and the shadow of the slow movement is like taking off the shadow. Shirt, and when the shadow shirt falls to the ground.

He glanced at the monsters that charged like waves.

Immediately, the charged monsters stopped.

Then he turned and walked.

He passed through between the members of the special action group who turned white.

He steadily came to Lagrange and Smith.

His voice sounded clearly.

"You are blocking the way."

"The night is deep, I want to rest."

And just at the moment when the sound started, the crackle came together.

That is……

The bursting sound of thousands of heads.

PS Feilong did its best, and the result was still not updated before the zero point...

(End of this chapter)

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