The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1295: incomplete

Chapter 1295 is missing

The faint light spilled out of the box, and the temperature inside the compartment dropped linearly. The opposite of Cook’s mouth and nose was full of strong air.

The size of an index finger, the blue and white crystals are embedded in the center of the box, and around this crystal, there are secret texts. With the faint glory, these secret texts are constantly flashing, very Obviously, this box of crystals, including the box.

Cook wore a pair of fur gloves picked up from one side and carefully picked up the crystal from the box, and then handed it to Qin Ran with a more cautious attitude.

In this short process, the thick fur gloves had already been covered with a layer of frost.

"This is my sincerity, I hope you like it."

Cook said humblely.

Qin Ran did not raise his hand to take the crystal, but through the mastery of mystery and the perception that the crystal and the box did not have any danger, then the crystal was picked up.

[name: incomplete hail]

[Type: strange things]

[Quality: Rare above]

[attack power: no]

[defensive power: no]

[Attribute: 1, swallow; 2, compatible]

[Special effects: None]

[Requirements: None]

[Remarks: After the death of the blame lord, there is a very small chance to create a hail. It has undergone cutting and is not complete, but it emits cold and can still frostbit ordinary people.


[Swallowing: After taking the hail, you have a great chance to get a little frosty blood (requires physique judgment)]

[Compatible: It can improve the ability to have the ability to freeze air (the lower the item level, the higher the success rate)]


"[Incomplete hail]?"

Qin Ran almost subconsciously thought of the "Blue Stone", and the only difference between the two is that [the blue stone] is a gem, [incomplete hail] is a strange thing.

"It was something I accidentally got."

"Compared to what I think of as a collectible, for you, it must be able to play a bigger role."

Cook slightly said humblely.

Qin Ran’s gaze once again looked at the other side.

For the incident that happened in the ‘fire oven grilled fish’ that night, Qin was not surprised. He was surprised that the other party could master the thing [incomplete hail].

There is also a perfect way of keeping.

It is not impossible for an ordinary ancient currency changer to do this.

But it takes a great price.

It can even be said that it is not an exaggeration to go bankrupt.

After paying such a big price, just let him keep a thing.


What is this thing that he needs to keep on his behalf?

Or more accurately, what is the reason for the other party to do this?

Qin Ran’s brain is spinning at a rapid speed. After recalling one piece of the pile after the recent entry into the copy world, a guess can’t help but come to mind.

It is because of this speculation that Qin Ran chose to accept the other party's proposal.

Qin Ran never minds taking risks.

His concern is that there is not enough revenue after the adventure.

However, from the current situation, he does not need to worry about this.


Qin Ran nodded.

After seeing Qin Ran nod, Cook was overjoyed.

"Great, I..."

"Need to sign a contract."

"You need to mark out that the items in the box will not harm me or anyone around me."

Qin Ran interrupted the other party, saying that it was not easy to say.

"As you wish."

Cook was so fast that he took out a contract from one side of the compartment. On the contract, Qin Ran was able to clearly perceive the faint mysterious power.

Looking at each other's speed and signed his name, confirming that he had not touched his hands and feet, Qin Ran picked up the contract and two boxes and walked off the car.

Cook watched Qin Ran disappear behind the hotel door, and said to the driver with a smile: "Drive."


Raglan saw two boxes in the hands of Qin Ran, his brow wrinkled, but did not say anything.

Cook's car has no hidden plans, so through monitoring, Lagrange can see Qin Ran on Cook's car, and then, taking two boxes and getting off the bus.

However, this is Qin Ran’s personal behavior.

Not an outsider can intervene, especially some demon hunters. If you don't want to be blacklisted by the other party, the most important thing is to learn to respect the privacy of others.

As a contact person for the demon hunter, Laglon did an excellent job at this point.

"What are you going to eat for breakfast?"

Laglon easily staggered the topic.

"You are prepared, I am not picky eaters."

Qin Ran replied, but he kept walking towards his room.

Unknown things in the box should still take a while to ferment.

But with the "incomplete hail", Qin Ran had plans.

"Twenty minutes later, open the meal."


Qin Ran, who promised on his mouth, pushed open the door of his room. Qin Ran naturally took out the [incomplete hail] and clicked it on [Wilk's Redemption].

Although [Hilter's right hand] is also the power of frost and frozen air, but the legendary level, after Qin Ran understands the attributes of [incomplete hail], [Wilk's Redemption] is the only choice.

[Use the incomplete hail to judge the quality of Wilk's redemption! 】

[Wilk's redemption advanced legend quality! 】

[Name: Wilk's Redemption]

[Type: Jewelry]

[Quality: Legend]

[attack power: weaker]

[defensive power: powerful]

[Properties: 1, touch of ice; 2, thorns of ice; 3, spirit of ice and ice]

[Special effects: None]

[Requirements: None]

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Remarks: Once a seemingly incomprehensible task in Wilk, it became his death journey, which made the proud Wilk full of resentment and unwillingness! 】


[Ice Touch: When you turn on your skills, you need to touch the other side of the palm wearing this ring to be able to launch a very strong freeze attack. This process lasts for 5 seconds (when you touch and When any of the personal belongings exists, it is regarded as an attack, and the duration ends) 2 times/day]

[Ice of the Ice: Shooting a spear of frozen air against the enemy (not more than 50 meters away from the enemy), when you touch an enemy or an obstacle, a cold air attack occurs, covering a radius of 4.5 meters (direct contact) , things, will withstand a very strong level of freezing gas, the person who is spattered, the object will bear the round heart attack to the edge of the general freezing air attack) 2 times / day]

[The Spirit of the Ice: Calling Wilk as the prototype (the attack is judged to be powerful, possessing evil spirits and frosty characteristics, he is no longer a human being, no life thinking, only the loyalty to you) Evil spirit serves you for 2 minutes, 1 time / day]


"The Spirit of Ice?"

"Because of the curse?"

Qin Ran glanced at a simple description. It was natural to think of the extremely grievous Wilk of death. The other party could not think of a simple task and became a journey of death. What is even more tragic is that even death. Also need to serve him as an enemy.

If the other party still has a life thinking, he will be cursed again.

And now?

Qin Ran re-applied the crystal ring full of blue mist, then picked up the black suitcase and walked downstairs.

Although there are still ten minutes from the start of breakfast, Qin Ran can't wait.

Similarly, Qin Ran knows that some other people can't wait.

For these people, Qin Ran does not have much hope.

Whether it’s behavior or self-worth, it’s the same

He only hopes that these people don't bother with his breakfast.

If you bother?

Nature should bear his bad mood.

(End of this chapter)

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