The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1307: Real secret

Chapter 1307, The Real Secret

"Good evening, Lord Mayor."

Cook smiled and greeted Sloan Del.

Looking at the smile on the other's face, Sloan Del's cold eyes flashed with tyranny.

Slowell knows Cook.

However, it is not familiar.

The understanding of Cook is still at the level of the ‘coin merchants’, and at most it is the evaluation of ‘a little cleverness’.

As for the other?

Before this moment, there is no more.

Like other businessmen, Cook is greedy and embarrassed.

And after this moment, Sloan thought of more things.

For example: Carol Del, Kellot Del, Anne Penny Lynn's disappearance and the death of Quique Webster and Emory Moore.

"Is it for you?"

Sloan asked coldly.

"Are you referring to your two nephews and the lady Anne Penny Lynn, and Emory Moore?"

“Yes, as you guessed.”

"I did it."

"The taste of the lady, Anne Penny. Lin, I have been unforgettable until now."


"She is too delicate."

"The same as your two nephews."

Cook smiled and said, while swaying the crotch, the fat belly, immediately swayed with such movements.

"So the mistake that Hardy Lynn made by the fool was also planned by you?"

Asked Sloel.


"However, it is not entirely..."

Cook nodded and continued.

However, the discourse has not yet said that a laser is so direct.

But Cook seems to be an unexplained prophet. The fat body shows the dexterity that can't be matched with it. When the toes point to the ground, after the body twists, the laser passes by.

"If you do this, it doesn't mean anything."

"I know, I sincerely want to complete a deal with you."

Cook looked at the laser that had not entered the other end of the wall. He couldn’t help but lick his mouth and looked very disdainful. But when Cook looked at Sloan again, such disdain turned into a charming, slick smile belonging to a businessman. .

"What transaction?"

Asked Sloel.

There is no change in the voice and expression, just as the scene that just happened is not what he did.

"Your research results!"

"I am also very interested in things like immortality."

"Of course, no one can refuse such temptations and confuses, just like the big men who saved you that year."

"With human living as an experiment, and with such a big accident, you are still safe and sound, and it’s a pity..."

"They didn't have one to live today."

Cook simply said his purpose.

Then, the ‘ancient coin merchant’ sighed with such a pretense.

It is a pity that such a sigh matches the appearance of the other party's smile, without any persuasive power.

Sloan stared at each other tightly.

He is telling the other person that it is true or false.

But on the other side's face that was fattened by fat, Sloan couldn't see much more.

Soon, Sloan gave up such useless work.

No matter what the other person said is true or false, he will not be as expected.

Want him to hand over his research results?

how is this possible!

Except for himself, no one wants to get his research results, including those who used to be big men.

Are they really old?

some are.



"Do you want my research?"

"What do you want to use for exchange?"

Sloan, who had already made a note at the bottom of his heart, deliberately asked


"Did I hear it wrong?"

“Isn't this all obvious enough now?”

“What else is more important than life?”

Cook spread his hands and leaned over, pointing a finger at Sloan Del in the glass container, pointing his finger at himself, the meaning was obvious.

"Yes, life is the most important thing."

"If not, I don't want to live forever."

Sloan D. seemed to be a compromise and nodded.

"You can understand that it is better..."


Cook looked at the compromised Sloan Del, could not help but laugh, but this smile has not dissipated, this fat body burst open.

Do not!

No, burst.



Invisible extrusion!

It's like a mosquito sucking blood in your hands.

At the same time as the mosquitoes are broken, they will get a handful of blood.

The flesh and blood fluttered outside the glass container, and Sloan Del's cold smile in the glass container, the mayor of the mayor looked at Cook in front of him with a slap in the face.

Of course he will not look at it.

He has to appreciate each other's misery.

If not, how can he continue to complete the next experiment calmly.

Therefore, Sloan immediately found the wrong in the blood.

A person appears in the blood of the fog.

It is not an abrupt appearance, but it is always there.

Just in the fat body of Cook.

When the fat body was crushed, the other person naturally exposed.

This is enough to surprise Sloel.

But even more shocking is when Sloan delle sees the other's face.


Sloan looked at each other and exclaimed unstoppable.

And this exclamation was exchanged for Webster's loud laughter.

"Sure enough, as I guessed."

"You don't know the real secret here!"

"Still, you start too fast, so that the big man who is optimistic about you can't tell you?"

"A fool who thinks he has mastered everything but ignores the biggest secret is really... laughs at me."

Webster said slowly, the voice is still Cook's voice.

"What secret?"

Sloan delle asked.

"Don't tell you."

"and also……"

"You don't want to do those little moves."


"Your failure has been doomed from the beginning!"

Webster said, just turned around.

"Give me to die!"

Looking at Webster's back, Sloan screamed, and he inspired the mysterious side of the body, but the power of the arm in the past did not appear, but quickly melted.

Moreover, not only is his power melting.

His body is also melting.

"Do not!"

"It shouldn't be like this!"

"Do not!"

Sloan was screaming and struggling, but that was the case. He didn't do much more. He could only watch the distance. Webster walked to the center of the hall and opened a dark space. A slap-sized, cone-shaped object with a radiant glow emerges from the dark space.

after that?

Feeling the specific power, Slowell disappeared with a face of regret.

It is like a corpse in a glass container.

Everything that happens behind him, Webster naturally knows.

But he knows better: he wants to speed up.

Otherwise, his partner will not be merciless.

Immediately, Webster raised his hand and grabbed the cone.

But just as Webster raised his hand, a figure with a strong **** smell slid out of the shadows and went straight to the cone.

That is his collaborator.

When he smelled the **** smell, Webster knew the identity of the person coming.

Therefore, he will never give up.

And the collaborator?

Also will not give up.

The two contenders who did not give up, in the end, did not catch the cone object, but each launched an attack against the other party.

Because, they know that only by killing each other can they really get this thing.


In the collision between the fist and the claw, a huge explosion followed.

The invisible gas immediately shredded all the glass containers in the hall.

Hey, hey!

In the bursts of glass, the cones suspended in midair were also affected by the air, flying to the corner of the hall.

It is where ‘Webster’s body is.’


This ‘corpse’ moved.

(End of this chapter)

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