The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1312: Unpredictable prophet

Chapter 1312 Unknown Prophet

Under the glory, it is like a dawn, and the rising sun is rising.

The sun is like a sword, and it is like the darkness in front of the eyes. It seems that the hot knife is cutting butter, and the darkness in front of K Marquis is divided into two.

The K. Marquis in the darkness was also broken by a sword.

However, this is not the end.

Instead, this is just the beginning.

The brilliance of white is not only pervasive, but also very tough.

It cuts the darkness again and again.

The darkness that was cut changed from a huge piece to a small piece.

In the end, it disappeared.

The darkness that hangs under the night sky disappears at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Also disappearing is the body of K. Marquis.

Its body, which was broken by a sword, in the brilliance of white, is like being soaked in concentrated sulfuric acid, unable to bubble out and melt.


The pain of the heart, so that K Marquis could not help but scream low.

However, compared to such pain, it cares more about the white brilliance in front of the eyes.

Not for the glory itself.


Manipulating the shining people.

The K. Marquis, who had widened his eyes and looked at the gleaming eyes, did not understand why Qin Ran had such a targeted arrangement.

It swears that its arrangement is definitely after repeated calculations, and it is incomprehensible in all aspects, especially with its unique ability, it should not be discovered.

But in fact?

Not only this time, but also several times before.

As if it were an unknown prophet, step by step ahead of it.

Is it...

Turbulent, an idea appeared in the heart of K.

However, right away, K. Marquis threw this idea out of his mind.

Because this is impossible!

It has already mastered everything that exists, and there are other things.

"You are wondering, why do I know your layout?"

Qin Ran asked faintly.

Although K. Marquis did not ask, but his eyes were fixed on Qin Ran, the meaning was obvious.

"Of course it is..."

"I can't know the prophet!"

The indifferent voice itself carries an inexplicable conviction.

When I saw the expression of Qin Ran’s expressionless expression, K Marquis could not help but tremble.

Just the suspicion, once again appeared in the heart of the blood patriarch.

However, the other party does not recognize it.

"You lied to me!"

Under the glory of erosion, K Marquis whispered.

"Lie to you?"

"Not required."

"From what I knew when I was missing, everything you have was 'seen' by me."

Qin Ran sneered.

This sentence is half-truth.

The real part is that after learning that the ‘Wu’ was captured and had no resistance, Qin Ran began to doubt everyone at the top of the Elders.

After all, the disappearance of the power of ‘Wu’’s no resistance is not an easy task, and it is still under the premise of the layer of alert.

Only a little bit of movement is needed.

Then, it will inevitably be discovered.

But the fact is that there is no such thing as a little bit of movement. ‘Wu’ is not a timid person. If there is a chance, it will never give up.

Therefore, there is only one possibility left: 'Wu' appeared here, and found that the guys he faced were far beyond imagination, and found that the so-called own people around him were the other person’s face, facing each other. The fangs, temporarily chose 'avoidance', waiting for his meeting.

And this possibility, almost with the appearance of the counterfeit goods, is almost nailed.

As for the darkness in front of you?

When he first came into contact with these darkness, Qin Ran was already in doubt, not to mention the 'midnight hour' of the counterfeit goods.

What is there at midnight?

There may be others elsewhere.

And here?

There is only the most intense darkness.

In addition, Qin Ran has just experienced the scene of ‘dark dodge’.

The combination of various conditions is enough for Qin Ran to make a guess: these darknesses are not naturally formed, and, for the latter, are extremely favorable conditions.

It is good for the enemy and it is not good for oneself.

Qin Ran will not put himself under such conditions.

He naturally needs to reverse this situation.

Fortunately, he has such a candidate.

Cossell and Platinum.

Two people controlled by him,

One is the 'hyacinth' and the other is the secret agent of the House of Lords.

Both have considerable abilities.

Of course, more importantly, he has the help of a burning dawn soldier.

Those soldiers who are like the spirits of the spirit, in accordance with Qin Ran’s thoughts, completed the key paintings of the huge version of the seal of the morning light in the shortest time.

These Qinran knows well.

But K Marquis did not know.

It stared at Qin Ran with both eyes, hoping to see something from Qin Ran's expression, but unfortunately, it saw the cold, expressionless face.

Suddenly, the suspicion of K Marquis, looking at Qin Ran in front of him, more and more suspicious.

However, the Marquis did not give up.

The darkness that hangs under the night of Elders begins to surge like a wave.

Immediately, the brilliance brought by the "Morning of the Morning" was so overwhelmed.

"If you can not know the prophet..."

"So, do you know what I want to do next time?"

In the dark, the sound of K Marquis sounded.

Qin Ran looked at each other silently.

Even if these darkness came to him, Qin Ran did not have a trace of dodge. In this way, Qin Ran was shrouded in darkness.

Easy to get, let K Marquis look awkward.

It apparently did not think of this scene.

But right away, it made a laugh.

"You do not know!"

"You really don't know!"

"Everything you just lie to me!"

K Marquis quickly issued an order.

It seems that the ‘Wu’, who was in a coma, climbed up like this, and hugged the cone-shaped object suspended in the air, and ran quickly toward the distance.

It needs something to get it.

Then everything is not important.

Whether it is its current body, or the **** hunting demon trapped in this body.

It doesn't matter.


"I will prepare for you the most grand funeral - with you, the big man is still a big man, and is a bigger man than ever."

"She will continue to rule the ruler, and give your hero a treatment, every day of the day becomes your anniversary, how?"

"but me?"

"Nature is spurned."

"Of course, this is superficial, as for the real... Hey!"

K Marquis said that the more proud.

And just as it said the most proud place, the sound of death stuck in the throat, as if it was pinched by an invisible big hand, because the rapid advance of 'Wu' suddenly fell to the ground. .

This counterfeit goods was pierced by a palm.

Qin Ran appeared there.

Look at it coldly.

Then, the corner of the mouth is tilted.

"I said, I can't know the prophet."

It says like this.

(End of this chapter)

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