The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1336: Blind?

Chapter 1336 is blind?

Lor carefully opened the door.

When the person who saw the door was really Qin Ran, Lor was relieved.

His fear is to see other people.

As for why not use other methods to confirm?

He really wants to.

But... can't do it!

In a huge city, you need enough points to do anything.

And his points?

I have already spent a lot of time to honor the members of the Raiders group.

Even in order to arrange the situation in front of him, he had to sell a piece of portable equipment.

Very miserable?

A player who is about to start the fifth copy of the world is so miserable, but even worse, he is about to face a conversation that decides to live and die.

Lor tried to adjust his breathing and calmed himself down, but looking at Qin Ran who came in front of him, he could not calm down anyway.

In his mind, he kept rumoring about the man in front of him.


Killing people.




Each one is an adjective to the man in front of him, but there is only one essence behind each adjective: powerful!

Unbeatable and powerful!

It is difficult for Loll to imagine how a person who has entered a huge city for only a few months has reached the level of a man in front of him. The hacker who once covered the sky in a huge city has faced the other side and retired, hiding in a huge city. The killer players of the second hunter were wiped out, and even the exposed 'guardian' did not dare to face the edge.

Maybe this is the real powerhouse!

Maybe I can't see it in peacetime, but as long as there is an opportunity, it will bloom with the eternal light of the other party.

And he?

Even caught it.

It’s just a change of place, and it’s gone.

"Hello, Yandi."

The trembling Lor spoke up.

Among the many names of the other side, Lor chose a self-considered one.

The name of the devil?

Still don't want to speak well.

Qin Ran did not answer, so he looked at him so coldly.

Lor’s heart trembled.

Lor, who had already known each other, immediately said that he opened his mouth.

"Sekley is the one who rewards you."

"And, he is still plotting how to deal with you. For this reason he has joined forces with an unknown force, and the entire steel chariot has been exchanged."

"After listening to his talents, he can survive."

"People who don't listen to him are gone."

The words are half true and half true.

In addition to Sekeri to deal with Qin Ran, Lor believes that the words spoken are true. As long as Qin Ran goes to verify, then everything will be ‘falling out.’

Under such a premise, the steel chariot is naturally impossible to exist anymore.

As long as Qin Ran shot, everything will be wiped out.

In this regard, Lor is very confident.

He knows the strength of the steel chariot and understands the strength of Qin Ran.

In the past, Qin Ran’s opponents, which one is not stronger than the steel tank?

How can a steel chariot survive?

Once the steel chariot is disbanded, he can take back the ownership belonging to his room, and he can hide in it for a lifetime.

That's right, this is Lor's plan.

Can not be outstanding, is forced to go to desperate after a helpless fight.

Lor does not think that such a plan can conceal one.

But he never thought that he would be discovered so quickly.

"You are lying to me!"

Qin Ran said faintly.


Lor was shocked, and the subconscious was about to explain. He could face Qin Ran’s gaze. He opened his mouth and couldn’t say anything except the word ‘I’.

In the end, Lor was sitting in a chair.

His last fight also failed.

Death, I am sure that it will come as soon as possible.

The person in front of him will not leave his little life.

I shouldn't take this risk, maybe I can live two more days.

I had to be honest in the room for a single machine.

If that is the case, how can I face such a thing?

The chaotic thoughts were introduced to the heart of Lor at this time, and for a time it slightly diluted Luol’s fear of death.

However, it is just a trace.

More often, Lor is still shivering there.

But the imaginary death has not come.

Qin Ran looked at him like this.

Do not!


Not looking at him.



Loel slightly confirmed this after confirming it.

Who is waiting for the other party?

Subconscious, such doubts rise from the heart of Lor.


Step on, step on!

Clear footsteps were uploaded from a distant wooden corridor.

A few seconds later, a figure pushed the half-closed door.

"The president of the guild!"

Looking at the familiar figure, Lor couldn't help but jump out of the chair. He widened his eyes and exclaimed in his mouth.

In any case, Lor would not think of meeting the president here.

And after his normal brain turned a little, he understood what was going on in front of him.

“This, is this all designed by you?”

Lor asked stutteringly.

"Well, it was designed by me."

Seckley nodded.

"That, then..."

"Is the person who rewards 2567 really you?"

Lol immediately asked.

"Well, it is me."

"And, you are also carefully selected by me."

"Otherwise, how can I introduce our sinister demon into the game?"

Seckley admitted again.

Moreover, the big man did not conceal, and told Lor more news.


Inadvertently, Lun did not have any joy in everything. On the contrary, he was weak and he sat in the chair. However, under the chaos, he could hardly control himself. He eventually fell over with his chair. On the ground, without feeling pain, Lor sat on the ground and looked at the president in front of him.

He first discovered that the man in front of him was so terrible.

It seems to be more terrible than the demon of inflammation!

Instinctively, Lor turned his head and looked at Qin Ran. He hoped to see something different from Qin Ran.

It is a pity that Qin Ran is still so cold.

Neither he was surprised by the appearance of Selkley, nor did he make any remarks.

He looked at each other like this.

"You don't seem surprised?"

“Because you have expected this to be a trap?”

"still is……"

"You have confidence in your own strength, so you are sure to break through all the traps?"

Sekerley locked his eyes on Qin Ran and asked in a word.

Then, the president of the guild did not wait for Qin Ran to answer, and he replied to himself.

"But you are too confident in yourself."

"Overconfident confidence is blind."

"And you will be blindly... death!"

Seckley made a big laugh when he said it.

The laughter was harsh and continuous.

Therefore, Qin Ran shot.

The palm of the hand is like a knife, and the other's head is cut off.


The other party is not dead!

Moreover, even if Seckley's head fell to the ground, such laughter did not stop.

"I said that you are blind!"

"You don't even know what you are facing!"

Selkley, who had landed on his head, did not die, but instead continued to speak loudly, at the same time -

Hey, hey!

A few times the friction between the metal and the wall came, and Lor had not reacted to what had happened. The walls of the house, even with the roof, were dragged into the sky.

The sun shone in at once.

Lor looked at the densely crowded crowd on the street outside.

He never knew when, there were so many people outside.


These people seem a bit weird.

(End of this chapter)

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