The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1340: enter

Chapter 1340 enters

After Qin Liang’s eyes swept through two items, he directly looked at ‘Wu’.

He is waiting for the other party's answer.

The ‘Wu’, who is familiar with Qin’s character, has not been dragged down.

"It can give you some help in the next copy - I want to give you more, but I don't allow me to do this."

"That will only make the whole thing counterproductive."

"And it?"

"It is an unexpected harvest!"

‘Wu’ refers to the wristband weaved by the straw rope. Then, when picking up the [Copy Cooling Card], she took a deep breath and said: “Time!”

"A rare opportunity!"

"If you can, you need to enter the copy world right away."

"You will have a ... cough and cough... a rare opportunity..."

The words have not been finished yet, and ‘Wu’ coughs up.

The kind of heartbreaking.

Qin Ran frowned.

"I have forgotten what I said?"

"I don't need you to help me like this!"

Qin Ran’s voice is cold, and even, it can be said to be cold.

But ‘Wu’ does not care.

Instead, a sneer

"I have not forgotten."

"But I can't help myself."

"What can I do?"

"When I have returned to God, I have done everything - rest assured, not fatal, and there are ways to eliminate the aftereffects."

With a laughter ‘Wu’ stood up and slapped the palm of the hand that could not be lifted, so he walked away.

"She, is she sick?"

I couldn’t help but smack the red back of my hand and look at my friend.


"The disease is not light."

Qin Ran picked up the bracelet and [copy cooling card].

[name: reverse bracelet]

[Type: Jewelry]

[Quality: IV]

[Attribute: Reverse, 1/1]

[Requirements: 2567]

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Remarks: The bracelet of the blood of the blessings and the silk of destiny, with the deep heart of the petitioners]


[Twist: Within the rules, reverse the rules]


Looking at the quality and attributes of the [Reverse Bracelet], Qin Yan’s indifferent eyes showed a complex look, and then disappeared quickly.

He took everything into his backpack and walked outside the small hall.

Rachel stood on the side of the bar and rubbed the glass.

For most of the time, Rachel has always been doing this kind of work.

Because of this, the wine glass of the Harvest Bar is also the cleanest.

"What do you want to ask, I know."

"But I advise you, it is best not to speak."


"I can't help but cut you a knife."

The pub boss said faintly.

"Thank you."

Qin Ran looked at the pub owner and nodded, turned and thought about walking outside the pub.

No need to ask anything more.

The other party has already told him everything he wants to ask.

Not a trap.

This is enough.

The owner of the pub looked at the back of Qin Ran, with a sigh, put down the glass in his hand, she really does not know how to persuade her friends now.

On the one hand, the wholehearted effort.

Can the other party?

Cold and ruthless.

Continue in this way...

No, don't go on.

She just checked her friends. If she doesn't cure, I am afraid that when the **** returns from the copy world, she should attend her friend's funeral.

Now she regrets the words of her friends before.

I knew this, she should...


Another sigh.

What can she do?

At that time, she did not give her friends hope, her friend had already died, it is impossible to drag it to the present.

But drinking and quenching thirst is definitely not the solution.

"Damn fate!"

"Always ridicule some poor guys."

"They are already poor enough. Are you afraid that they are not miserable?"

The pub old lady whispered to herself.

"What is poor? What is miserable?"

Unable to get out of the secret road and return to the tavern from the main entrance, I heard the tavern's wife muttering to himself - without the consent of the tavern owner, the incompetent set of authority can enter and exit the harvest pub.

"You owe me, up 50% interest."

The pub boss said faintly.


Unable to see the tavern boss completely at a loss.

"Up another 50%!"

"Not going to work yet?"

The pub boss is squatting.

"Good, good."

Unable to shrink the neck, pick up the mop in the storage room and start mopping the floor.

Looking at the incomprehensible and helpless innocent eyes, the pub owner took a deep breath again, inexplicable, she felt a little better.

Then she opened a private letter and started to contact some people.

After a very smooth completion of the communication, the pub owner was slightly hesitant to open the last contact: Mimosa.

Rachel: Hello, Steinbeck, I need to buy something from you.

Steinbeck: What?

Rachel: Do you have angel feathers there?

Steinbeck: Wait, let me go and have a look.

Rachel: Ok.


Looking at the answer from Mimosa, Rachel grew a sigh of relief.

Everything in front of me is far easier than imagined, and there is nothing that she is most worried about.

After about a few minutes, Mimosa wrote back.

Steinbeck: I have ordinary angel feathers, some angels, and a feather of a right angel. Which one do you want?


The upper angel?

Right angel?

Rachel, who had heard of a rumor about mimosa, was still shocked at this time.

However, the proprietress quickly recovered calm.

She quickly recovered.

Rachel: How many points do you need for the upper angel? What kind of goods do you need for the angel to exchange?

Steinbeck: No, just some cheap things. You are a friend of 2567. I will give it to you. Is it the right angel? I am letting you send it to you.


Cheap things? !

The face of the pub boss is a little pumped.

She suddenly saddened again for her good friend.

How powerful is your opponent!

The bottom of my heart did not let the boss stop to reply.

Rachel: No, I sent someone to pick it up.

Rachel: Thank you again for your help.

Steinbeck: It doesn't matter, I will send someone to wait.


Looking at the random answer in the private letter, the pub owner took a few deep breaths to return to normal.


She changed her mind.

She is going to go to the door to see the rumored person.

While the pub was visiting the house of Mimosa, Qin Ran returned to his room. After finishing it, he used the [Copy Cooling Card].

Suddenly, Qin Ran appeared in the familiar space of the curtain.

However, when he saw the text appearing on the screen and the system prompts he heard, Qin Ran’s face changed instantly.

The situation is more than he imagined...


(End of this chapter)

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