The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1345: box

Chapter 1345 Box


The clear choices on the stage made the audience screaming low, and then the audience became more and more interested in the stage.

They are eager to know the results.

Is the truth in the hands of a few people?

Still a lot of money?

As audiences, they are only bystanders, not participants. They are the most curious at the moment, and they have no more thoughts.

But the other four players on the stage are different.

When seeing Qin Ran's choice, the four players were first glimpsed, and then the sarcasm in the eyes and expressions became more and more intense.

The player holding the crystal ball raised a sneer.

"It seems that some people obviously have no talent, but they have to behave here. It is... ridiculous!"

The intimacy in the discourse is obvious.

This kind of austerity has been recognized by the remaining three contestants.

"Yeah, some people are always smart."

"Perhaps you think the psychics are cool and fun. When you want to be a psychic, you should at least learn the history of the psychic."

"How do you know that he didn't study?"

"The current appearance may be the result of people's learning!"

"Just, some have not learned the essence, they understand it!"

With one person at the beginning, the remaining three immediately spoke.

After some ridicule, the three people showed their appearance as shameful with Qin Ran.


Of the three boxes, the left and right boxes are open.

They are all empty!

The four players who were just full of ridicule immediately changed their faces. The player holding the crystal ball is a bit irrational: "Impossible! It should be here!"

Then, the player seemed to think of something in general and screamed loudly.

"Shady! Shady!"

The sound was high and sharp. In such a snoring, the powder on the other side's face was put down and down, but the words of the other party immediately stopped.

The big screen behind the stage suddenly lit up.

The above picture shows a section of the stage after Wang’s deputy director enters each dressing room.

The picture is constantly shaking, you can see that it is covert shooting, but the content is still very clear, especially when the four players hear the 'special way' to get the answer, the blooming light in the eyes and the face suddenly appear The greed is really memorable.

"Go down!"

"Cheating bastard!"

Immediately on the live audience, there was a burst of sip, a few temper, and the audience who really paid for the position was throwing the drink into the stage.

Of course, such throwing is not without purpose.

They have avoided the Qin Ran standing in the middle, aiming at the four on the right.


One of the bottles was so smashed on the head of the contestant who held the crystal ball, and the other party who was caught off guard by this series of reactions was so stunned.

The crystal ball fell to the ground and broke.

The staff rushed to the stage and carried the other person down. The other three players ran down in a hurry. When passing by the carried player, they obviously saw that the player who was carried was breathing smoothly and closed. Under the eyelids, the eyes are moving.

Install halo!

The three players quickly responded, and then, my heart hated.

As players who can participate in this section, they are all well-known 'psychics', and naturally have a crisis management plan. After all, not everyone is so deceiving, once they are exposed, they must respond immediately, but the first The excitement of going to the TV column once made them lose some of their squares, which is far less clever than the stunned **** around them.

They have even guessed that the **** will definitely turn from a cheater to a victim, accusing the violence at the scene and diverting sight.


After a sinister heart, these three people began to think about the language of such a smooth escape.

However, this is not something that the audience should consider.

After the four scammers left, there was a Qin Ren on the stage.

Looking at Qin Ran, who stood there from the beginning and the end, there was a bit of surprise in the eyes of the audience. Then, it was more curiosity.

In the previous video, Qin Ran was such a faceless expression. It was also the same when it appeared on the stage. When the bottle was flying, there was no change. Even if people controlled the direction, anyone faced the flying. When you come to the item, the real person will always subconsciously dodge, at least the look will change.

But Qin Ran did not.

Not a normal person!

No, the exact saying is: different and normal people!

People who came to this conclusion could not help but get excited.

The audience who appear in this section is naturally the ones who are most concerned and curious about abnormal events and people.

A person who likes the technology side is absolutely impossible to appear in a similar "Psychic" column.

Qin Ran is a little different from the legendary mysterious ‘psychic’.

But who can guarantee that the legend is true?

"The things are a little unexpected!"

“Thanks to our Wang’s efforts for the program group. When I originally proposed to do this, many people expressed their opposition. Only Wang Dao is willing to help me, just like every time.”

"thank him!"

"Without him, we can't see such a wonderful show!"

"It is also impossible to tell which ones are psychics and which are counterfeit goods!"

"Now, let us give him our warmest applause!"

In the stage sound, the voice of the host sounded again, and the audience swelled with a good match. The king guide also stood up on the side of the stage and greeted him. One of the four cameramen under the stage immediately turned around. The camera was aimed at the deputy director Wang.

Qin Ran, who stood on the stage, took all of this to his eyes. Then he turned his head and looked at the box behind him. There was something different in his eyes.

That is inquiry.

More is more interesting.

The sound in the sound on the stage continues.

"Now let us look again at our contestants."

“Let's look at our cameras and see what surprises are waiting for us.”

A cameraman quickly moved with such words.

At the same time, the big screen on the stage also switched to the front of the camera.

Then, the box behind Qin Ran slowly opened.


When the cameraman saw the picture in the box through the camera, the whole person fell to the ground like this, and the camera like the treasure in the past fell down.

However, before the fall, the camera has already passed the picture to the big screen.

"Ah! Ah!"



The screams in the audience were one after another.

On the big screen, everything in the box is clearly presented.

It is a dead body!

Or more accurately: the body of the host!

(End of this chapter)

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