The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1355: Three floors

Chapter 1355 three-tier

"Feng De!"

Qin Ran’s voice is not high, but the scavengers who cringe in the room are as shocked as a whole.

Then, in the exclamation of Ecker and others, a dagger appeared in the other's hands, and he did not hesitate to rush to Qin Ran, the dagger in his hand was directly stabbed.


In the light of the light, the cold daggers brought a broken air.

When Mei Huazhen heard the name of 'Feng De', it was a glimpse. When the scavengers took out the dagger and rushed to Qin Ran, the former female soldier had quickly responded.

She immediately stopped in front of Qin Ran, her body slightly arched, with a fighting alert posture, ready to face the culprit with a dagger.

As for the injury?

She did not think about it.

When she instinctively blocked her in front of Qin Ran, she forgot everything.

Even Qin Ran is a liar in her impression.

But this does not mean that she can watch Qinran injured or killed.


Not contradictory!

Therefore, Qin Ran does not like to work with such people.

It’s really annoying to hate it.

When you are cute, it really makes you feel bad.

In general, it is trouble.

People like Qin Ran always hate trouble, especially when this trouble affects his entire plan, the disgust in Qin Ran’s mind has reached a certain limit.

However, Qin Ran will not let the other party be injured in front of himself.

Not kindness, mercy.

Just because doing so will cause more trouble.

The identity of the other party has already been doomed to the other party's extraordinary.

Perhaps Ecker can solve such troubles, but the time of delay is not acceptable to Qin Ran.

Therefore, Qin Ran raised his left hand and grabbed the other's back collar, slammed back and kicked out.

There is no extraordinary level of "hands-on fighting", but the unparalleled level of "hands-free fighting" and the specializations derived from it [two-legged fighting] are still not a wanted criminal.


Qin Ran's right foot toe point is on the wrist of the other hand holding the dagger. A crack is heard, the dagger flies directly, but before the other party holds the wrist and hurts, the Qin just slammed the right foot. Kicked out his left foot.


Without a fancy foot, the cockroach fell on the other's chest, and the other side flew out and landed on the ground in the room, snoring.

Perhaps Qin Ran, who was sealed at the moment, is in a state of extreme weakness, but it is still at the peak of mortals, and no one can afford such a foot.

At least, Feng De, who is wanted, can't.

Feng De fell to the ground, Qin Ren kicked out the left foot after landing, just the whole person completed a turn, the left hand also changed from the back neck of Mei Huayu.

Qin Ran bowed his head and the two face to face.

Qin Ran can see the horror on Mei Hua's face and the unnatural shame in his eyes.

The other party obviously does not believe that Qin Ran, who is classified as a liar, has such a good skill.

Criminals can also be classified.

Have good at IQ.

There are also good at violence.

When you have a high IQ, it's extremely difficult to get agile because the former is used to solving problems with the brain.

In the same way, the latter is also accustomed to relying on force to solve problems.

Habits are always so hard to change.

And when both are in...

Thinking of that possibility, Mei Hua’s heart glimpsed, then...

Nothing then.

Because, Qin Hua, who is holding Meihua, has lost his hand.

The result was that the unguarded Mei Huayu fell heavily on the ground.


When the dust splashed, Qin ran to the Aikede.

"Call the police."

Qin Ran said this.

"Good, good."

Aike Deyi nodded, and immediately took out the phone alarm.

Can't blame Ecker for slow response, it's just that everything changes too fast.

The deputy director did not think of the urban legend that was still scary at the last moment, and the next moment became a wanted criminal.

Aikede did not respond, lighting, camera is naturally stupid to look at all this, until Aikede reported the police, only to re-adjust the lights and lenses.

At this time, they discovered that they did not know when Qin Ren went to the third floor.

Is it not over?

How do you continue to move up?

The heart was puzzled and the two immediately chased them up.

Aikede also kept up, but was stopped by Mei Huayu who climbed up from the ground.

The brow was slightly wrinkled, and Eckde slightly looked at each other with dissatisfaction.

Although he admired the heroic behavior of the other side directly in front of Qin Ran for Qin Ran knife, but this does not mean that he will give up his duties.

Although... is a temporary guest.

"what happened?"

Aiken said badly.

"Call the white car."

Mei Huayu answered the same bad tone.

Anyone who is thrown at all will not have a good mood, even when landing, the fighting instinct will make her protect the same.

At the same time that Qin Ran's danger level was raised to a new level, she recalled that she was just unnatural.

However, it is clear that such memories have made her mood worse.

Call, call!

Breathing followed, and the palms were involuntarily clenched.

"What do you want to do?"

Feeling the change of Meihua, Ecker retreated.

He knows the information of the woman in front of him.

Under the seemingly ordinary appearance, there is the embarrassment of the edge of death.

At the thought of the life lost under the other's hands, Ecker could not help but be nervous.

"I don't have a mobile phone."

After this, Mei Huaying caught up with the third floor.

Aikede once again.

He did not expect Meihua to explain, nor did he think that the other party would have no mobile phone.

"Is it ancient?"

"There will be no mobile phone, no one in this era..."

When the voice of muttering was halfway, Ecker stopped.

Because, he thought of Qin Ran.

Qin Ran also has no mobile phone.

Then, inexplicably thought of the posture of Qin Hua holding Mei Huazhen, the well-known deputy director could not help but sigh with praise.

"Very good posture."

“Slightly packed, it will attract a wave of ratings.”


"You need to cut it out."

Aikede talked to himself and took out his mobile phone again.

After doing all this, Ecker raised his hand and looked around the black lacquer. When he thought that there was still a wanted criminal in the room behind him, although he was half dead, the deputy director rushed at an extremely fast speed. The third floor.

On the third floor, he saw the lights, the cameraman stood on the side of the stairs, and Qin Ran went from one end of the corridor to the other.

"what happened?"

"Is it not over?"

When Qin Ran passed by, Ecker raised the microphone.


"Not far."

"The existence here tells me that everything has just begun."

Qin Ran shook his head and looked at the stairs behind Ecker.

Hey, hey.

In the hustle and bustle of the old stairs, a footstep is getting closer and closer.

Looking at the gradually clear figure in the dark, Qin Ran's mouth is slightly tilted.

"Sure enough, you."

PS fat dragon felt very warm when he was bending last night. He even ate two ice creams, and then he went home to stomach and began to feel uncomfortable. Today, he climbed for a day, and today he is even more. Feilong needs to drink more heat. Water, eat a hot pot slowly...

(End of this chapter)

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