The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1365: Kaom

Chapter 1365 Kaom

Oh, wow!

The makeup artist held a tree in the green belt and vomited, not only the meal this morning, but even the night and the bile spit out.

Aikede slammed the makeup artist's back with a sorrowful look at Qin Ran, who was not far from frowning.

Less than three days of contact in just two days is enough for a smart person like Ecker to observe some details.

Although the eyes are light and expressionless, Qin Ran is hard to produce joy, but Qin Ran is the most trustworthy in this state.

Because everything is in his grasp.

But once Qin has revealed other looks.

Then, you really have to pay attention.

It is necessary to pay attention to the development of the situation, but also to pay attention to whether they have provoked each other.

Aikede has already confirmed that Qin Ran is definitely not a big belly.

I must report such a description, maybe it is too much, but it is true that there are hatreds.

Qin Ran in his thoughts noticed Ecker’s gaze, but he did not have time to pay attention.

Kneeling body?

Three fingers?


Still a certain kind of ceremony?

After the makeup artist described the scene of the murder, Qin Ran could not help but have more associations.

However, the clues are still too small.

Although the makeup artist worked hard to describe it, but without looking at it, he still couldn't confirm whether it was a deliberate arrangement or what it really meant.

Of course, it is enough to cope with the situation at hand.

Qin Ran was able to perceive Ecker’s gaze and naturally be able to detect others.

Especially the kind of malicious!

Wearing a colorful feather coat, it looks like Kaum, who is standing upright and walking, is walking towards Qin Ran.

Next to it is a tulle, wearing a short-sleeved hot pants barefoot, dressed like a nun.

The two seem to be walking side by side, but they are clearly distinct.

When the two men walked in front of Qin Ran, the eyes of the malicious Kaum became more and more stunned, while the slaves were more focused and examined.

More is curious.

In the previous scene, Nuna was a complete spectator.

She had to praise Qin Ren for a quick response.

The guys who were hired originally wanted to be the last straw to crush each other, but the result was used by the other party, so that the arrangement of the guy around him was completely disrupted.

Nana couldn't help but smile as soon as she thought of the guy who had just left his body and looked like a feather.

Is there anything that makes a nasty, abominable competitor unlucky?

That is the other party has provoked a bad peer.

Nuna, who made up her mind and did not participate in it, smiled and held her shoulder and opened the distance with Qin Ran and Kaoum.

"You are 2567?"

"Don't be proud!"

"The game has just begun - you offend people who shouldn't offend, they let me greet you instead of them."

Kaome said with a condescending attitude and grinning.


Qin Ran raised an eyebrow.

He could not confirm the identity of this ‘their’, too general, and should not, immediately, Kaum gave Qin Ran an accurate narrowing of the scope.

"The psychics in the studio before!"

"You, this unruly guy, will inevitably be severely punished by us!"

"Wait, then!"

"Let's wait!"

"I will be able to take away your honor!"

Kaom said that he turned and walked toward the gate of the Warrior Sanatorium.

Qin Ran looked at the other side's back and raised his brow.

He does not like the attitude of the other party.

But the ambiguity in the other's words makes him alert.

Qin Ran made a gesture at Aikede, and the latter immediately nodded and acted.

Ecker rushed to the nanny car. He wanted to find out about Kayo in the fastest time. Then, there were those psychics who had been eliminated before. He wanted to know what the other party wanted to do. .

Of course, for the identity of the latter, Ecker has already speculated.

Therefore, he is very clear about where to start.


When Aikede left and the makeup artist was still vomiting, the female ‘psychic’ came over.

"Know, Nuna."

The other party introduced himself.

Qin Ran did not look at each other.

He is not interested in knowing each other.

Although the other party did not have such a strong maliciousness as Kaom, but what the other party wants to do, Qin Ran is well aware.

He hates being used as a tool to accomplish his goals.

More importantly, Mei Huazhen has already faced the cold and came to this place.

Nuna looked at Qin Ran, who was unmoved, and turned to look at Mei Huayu, who was dressed up. The psychic dressed by the dancer was very interesting and walked aside.

However, the curiosity in the other's eyes is even stronger.

"Step aside!"

"I want to arrest him!"

Mei Huayu said coldly.


"Mei police officer, don't be kidding!"

"What do you want to arrest Lin Amy?"

Qin Ran did not speak. He spoke to Ecker, who ran down from the nanny car. He looked at the stereotyped policewoman and asked him if he smiled.

"Destroy the scene!"

"You are obstructing your official duties now, let go!"

"Otherwise I will even arrest you together!"

Meihua said in a constant tone.

But Ecker is laughing.

“Interfering with official duties?”

"You may wish to turn around and look at the door of the Warrior Sanatorium!"

"If you want to say that you are obstructing official duties, is he the one who really hinders his official duties?"

Aikede pointed to Kaoum in the distance.

At this time, Kaum waved a feathered coat, like a dancing turkey, kept screaming.


"I can feel it!"

"The unknown atmosphere is gathering here!"

"Ignorant people!"

"Hurry up!"

"If not, it will not engulf you!"

Kaome threatened the police in front of him.

It is a pity that the policeman did not move, staring blankly at Kaum, as if he was watching a clown.

This kind of gaze clearly angered Kaoome who had already fully grasped it.

Today must be his day of fame.

Anyone who is in front of him will be a stepping stone.

That 2567 is.

The guy in front of me is no exception.


Still better!

The identity of the other party is really wonderful!

He only needs to lead a little to those who are ignorant, and he can reach 1+1>2.

After all, people are always naturally sensitive to certain identities.

And he?

Will become a fighter who is not afraid of power!

no no!

It is a great ‘practitioner’ that is not for power!

At the thought of this name, Kaum’s happy smile could hardly be concealed.

He can't wait to squat with the sound of high and low changes.

"Not sure!"

"He, already!"



The words have not been finished yet, just in the muffled sound, the abrupt end.

Kaome climbed to the ground in a **** position.

A glimpse of the figure from behind, slowly moving forward, and the shadow of the sun, gradually enveloped the ‘psychic’.

That's right.

he came.

(End of this chapter)

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