The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1378: End? just began!

Chapter 1378 is over? just began!

There are a total of seven bodies, lying down in the center of the showcase with the bottle of 'Skeman', just like a strange flower.

The petals are made of flesh and blood, and the flowers of gold and silver are the core.

Under the light, the glaring scarlet not only did not cover up the brilliance of the 'Kesman's bottle'. On the contrary, the 'Kesman's bottle' became more and more dazzling.

People's eyes are firmly locked in the strange and inexplicable scene.

The camera of the cameraman is no exception.

Only Qin is different.

His gaze was placed on Bohr Nelson from beginning to end.

He caught the shock and incredulity of the opponent's face.

He also captured the hidden depths of the other's eyes...


It is a kind of greed engraved into the bone marrow.


"What happened here?"

"Come on! Call again and tell the police what happened here, I need them to come here soon!"

"Everything that happened here is already beyond the scope we can control."

Bohr Nelson whispered, then urged the equally overwhelmed security guard.

These security guards at the museum vigil handled some small things, and faced the murderous murder case, it was really powerless.

They grew up in a peaceful atmosphere, and apart from the funeral, I am afraid I will see the body for the first time.

Moreover, I have seen so much at once.

"Good, good."

In the stuttering words, several security guards ran out.

Pol. Nelson looked at the back of the security guards, and couldn't help but sigh and turned to look at Ecker.

"They are really scared."

"I am the same, the whole person feels that the whole body is cold."

"Sorry, Ecker, although I really want to continue, this interview has to end..."

"Why do you want to end?"

The hoarse, low-pitched words of Qin Ran interrupted what Pol. Nelson could call a crisis, and even a graceful discourse.

Suddenly, everyone looked at Qin Ran.

"His 2567, it is not suitable for shooting now."

"I am sorry for the halfway, but the situation is special..."


"They don't say that."

Bohr Nelson's patient explanation was interrupted again by Qin Ran.

"Please don't mess around!"

Bol. Nelson, who was interrupted continuously, frowned, as if he was angry, but Qin Ran could see clearly. The other side’s eyes were not anger, but dodge and fear.

When I heard 'they', such emotions became clear and profound.

"They are greedy people who are dominated by laziness."

"They told me they were tempted!"

"They may have a chance to get some immediate benefits."

"They told me they stepped into the trap!"

"Ultimately, they will die in their own greed."

"They told me that the ones who let them lose their lives are the ones who lure them!"

Qin Ran repeated the words of Bol. Nelson and used ‘they’ as an answer.

"What are you talking about?"

"You are a deceiving psychic!"

"Leave my museum!"

This time, Bol. Nelson is no longer a frown, and he is so angry that he screams at Qin.

"Of course I will leave."

"But they will stay."

In the hoarse voice, Qin Ran pointed to the body on the ground, and the body began to be weird and distorted, like a ‘snake’ that stood up after the snake array.

The snake looked at his prey with a cold gaze.

‘It’ gently spit the letter.



The snake snoring suddenly became a piece.

What did Bol. Nelson seem to see, his face was white, and the whole person slammed back and forth.

"not me!"

"I didn't kill you!"

"I just hired you to steal the bottle of 'Xerman!'"

"Everything has nothing to do with me."

“It’s all the bottle of Sigmaman!”

"That's it!"

"It is it that confuses me!"

"This is the bottle of doom!"

In the rushing and sharp screams, Bol Nelson fell to the ground, and the old curator stepped back and forth with his hands.

The decent instrumentality has long been messy and embarrassing.

The seemingly sincere and embarrassing face is even more distorted.

Qin Ran stopped.

He quietly looked at Boll Nelson, who was caught in the hypnotic illusion.

This time, he has enough time to lay out everything and achieve better results without murder.

In fact, after meeting with Bohr Nelson in advance, Qin Ran determined that the other party was not right, and then contacted the small riots before the ticket purchase, Qin Ran did not think these are coincidences.

He does not believe in coincidence.

What happens at the same place is bound to have a connection.

I didn't find the ‘common point’, but I didn’t find it.

In the Yucheng Museum, the common point is really too good to find.

What else is there when I go out to the 'Bosman's Bottle'?

What would be the connection between Boll Nelson and those who met with a malicious look and a meeting in advance?


Evidence of absence!

These answers almost flooded into Qin Ran’s mind.

Therefore, in the cafe, Qin Ran deliberately looked at the museum.

The tremor of the little finger, as well as the constant mention of 'good luck', are hints again and again.

When these cues are triggered, it is like a ignited explosive that bursts directly.

To this end, Qin Ran thanked the female hypnotist Nuna in the bottom of her heart.

If it is not the reminder of the other party's 'music, dance', he will not think so quickly to integrate hypnosis and suggestive means into life.

After all, Qin Ran has long been accustomed to another form of fighting.

Even if it is sealed, his way of thinking is difficult to switch to the last choice in the first place.

However, from the current situation, the effect is really good.

Qin Ran looked at Bohr Nelson, who kept shirking his responsibilities and gave himself a sophistry. There was a sarcasm in his eyes.

Some people always wear hypocritical masks and accuse them of the same nature as him.

Because this can not only cover up itself.

It also makes you look very noble.

Even if it is debunked, it will not wake up, but instead begins to blame more people.

For such people, Qin Ran is dismissive.

The sound of the sirens faintly in the ear made all the film crews who saw the eyes return to God.

"This, what is going on here?"

Everything changed too quickly, and the makeup artist didn't react too much.

It is clear that Boer Nelson, who entered the museum with them, turned out to be a criminal?

No one answered.

The rest of the crew is the same as the makeup artist.

However, when the police officers wearing uniforms rushed in, people still sighed with relief.


Ecker whispered.

Qin Ran shook his head and raised his finger to the body on the ground.


"No, it has just begun."


"Tell me more!"

PS This is the second more late, fat dragon slept in the afternoon, sorry to say!

(End of this chapter)

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