The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1388: on site

Chapter 1388 Scene

Litton Lester is much younger than Qin Ran’s guess. His face is enough to be called handsome, brown hair, gray suit, and a folded red handkerchief in his jacket pocket. Brown, this time I was curious about Qin Ran.

Behind the other side, followed by two tall bodyguards, are subconsciously looking at the layout of the room, while looking at the two men of Goubau from time to time.

The same is a kind of look.

But there is no provocation.

As a bodyguard, there is nothing to evaluate the peers, but if you make provocative behavior in front of the employer, it is absolutely impossible to become the trump card in the bodyguard industry.

After all, the bodyguard industry is subject to the employer.

"Hello, 2567."

"Hello, Litton Lester."

With the friendly greetings from both employers, the bodyguards of both sides immediately stopped the kind of hidden battle, and they quit the room with great interest.

"Water, tea or coffee?"

Qin Ran is the master, and he is responsible for his master.

"Water can be."

Litton Lesti responded with a smile.

After a few guest sets, when both sides sat on the sofa, Litton Lester finally got to the point.

"2567, I hope that you can help me find the bottle of 'Theman.'"

"It has a different meaning to me and my family."

Litton Lester said sincerely.

“I can't guarantee that I can find the bottle of Sigmaman 100%.”

"Psychic people need to take advantage of their gaze, and last night..."

"They have already left."

Qin Ran answered like this.

Even if it is 100% capable of doing things, Qin Ran will not say death.

You know, there are things like 'accidents' in the world.

"I know."

"But I hope you can do your best."

"If you need any remuneration, even if it is mentioned, I will not be embarrassed within my ability."

The other party nodded and gave a considerable promise.

"Reward you need to find Ecker."

"He will be responsible for all aspects of this."

"He will be there soon."

Qin Ran handed over the rewards to Aikede.

He believes that Ecker will not let him down.


Litton Lester was not surprised.

People like him rarely talk about one thing in person, and most of them are handed over to the genus.

If it is not the meaning of 'The Bottle of the Wordman' that he and the family are too big, he will not come out at all. After all, when agreeing to the exhibition invitation of the Yucheng Museum, a series of corresponding insurance measures have already been done. It is.

Simply saying that the 'Bosman's Bottle' is lost will not cause any damage to Litton Lester.

“However, the most difficult thing before us is how do I get into the Rain City Museum.”

Qin Ran spread his hands.

"Do not worry, give it to me."

Litton Lester smiled.

In fact, by Litton Lester, the owner of the accident, Qin Ran, Aikede, and Lin Amy entered the Yucheng Museum much easier than they thought.

Of course, Lin An is accompanying the whole process.

At this time, Lin An was more embarrassed than Qin Ran saw in the morning news.

Not only are the eyes redder, but the clothes are not neat in the TV, almost more miserable than Aikede in the past few days.

"I can be sure that this is premeditated!"

"From the beginning of the collusion of the thief by Pol. Nelson, it was premeditated. Although the theft of the Aiwood apartment was an accident, such an accident made them not have to stop."

"in contrast……"

"In a way, let them be more comfortable."

Zhou An pulled the neckline that had already been loose, pointing to the showcase that originally had the bottle of 'Waxman'.

“With the last night, the museum launched an emergency plan.”

"With the security of the museum, our police, and the presence of two scholars attached to the museum and a commissioner, we transported the 'Bosman's Bottle' to the museum's vault."

"right here!"

Zhou Anbian said that he took everyone to the front of a blocked vault.

The heavy metal shell, the sturdy cement wall, and the vault in front of the eyes are only visually visible, and there is a deep door lock and a sense of defensiveness.

"Opening it requires three keys and a set of passwords."

“The three keys are kept by two scholars and a commissioner at the museum, and the password is kept by the museum director, Pol. Nelson.”

"And, once it is turned off, it can only be reopened with three keys and passwords. There is no possibility of opening it from inside."

"But last night, it was still closed, but the 'Kesman's bottle' that was supposed to be kept inside was missing."

Speaking of this Zhou An annoyed pouting.

The scholars and commissioners on the side took out the keys, and finally the commissioner entered the vault to open the vault.

As seen from the outside, the door of the vault is thicker than expected, and it takes two adult men to pull it open.

"Is the key before you in your hands?"

Qin Ran asked scholars and commissioners.


"My key never leaves."

"The password was also last night, I only know."

The trio said one by one, and the commissioner added one.


Qin Ran nodded and nodded, then stepped into the vault.

This vault is not large, only about fifty square feet.

As Lin An said, the significance of this insurance inventory is that it will be activated when the emergency plan is started.

As for other times?

I can't talk about it.

But the effect is not great.

Qin Ran glanced through the empty shelves, and finally, his eyes stopped at the corner of the vault.

There is also a modified trolley.

Obviously, it is pushing the bottle of 'Skemann'.

One and a half meters high, the objects entirely made of gold and silver, relying on the power of the individual, can not be done by ordinary people without destroying the utensils themselves.

Even if it is the strong man in the eyes of ordinary people, at most, it is to move the bottle of 'Skeman' and carry out the movement of a limited distance, wanting to take advantage of the 'Bosman's bottle'.

Basically impossible.

Not to mention that there is still a team of policemen and a team of security guards outside.

Wanting to get through so many eyes, Qin Ran asked himself, and now he can't do it.

"Under such a premise, how can ordinary people steal the bottle of 'Skemann'."

The makeup artist behind Qin Ran glanced around and couldn't help but whisper.

This kind of voice is very slight, but it is very clear when everyone is silent.

People around have heard such words.

Subconscious, the eyes of the people around are looking at Qin Ran.

Ordinary people can't do it.

Isn't that ordinary people?

(End of this chapter)

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