The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1427: Expulsion

Chapter 1427 Expulsion



clang! Hey!

On the highest tower of the Aiyah post, the guard shouted and rang the alarm clock.

The loud bell echoed throughout the post and everyone acted.

A car was pushed in front of the shooting hole of the city wall, and on the inner wall of the highest part, a catapult was also guarded and pulled off the cloth.

A cloth made entirely of several pieces of cowhide fell heavily on Aitina's feet.


In the dull sound, Irina was awakened.

She was incredulously looking at the dark monsters that rushed like waves.

In the end, a bitter bitterness appeared in her mouth.

Is this a punishment for me?

In the bottom of my heart, Irina thought silently.

But this did not let the priestess of this temple of thorns give up everything.

Not at the last moment...

She definitely does not give up!

"The archers are divided into three teams!"

"The pikemen are divided into two teams!"


"The soldier picks up your shield and stands in front of your colleague!"

Aitina turned and shouted loudly at the soldiers inside the post.

Letting Elena a sigh of relief is that the well-trained outpost soldiers and the temple knights who stayed behind are elite, and with her participation, the speed is getting faster and faster, and the action is more stable.

"The Aiyah post has a permanent presence of 150 soldiers, and the reserve and auxiliary forces have 400 people. Together with the 100 elite knights left by the temple, there are 650 people in the battlefield. Moreover, the Aiyah post is armed. Complete, both the car and the catapult, can build a good fortification."

Irina is counted in general.

She did not plan to calculate the militia, the firehead, and so on.

Because at this time, only a larger number of people can make her feel at ease.

Of course, the most secure thing for Elena is the post at the foot.

The Aiyah post, which is said to be a post, can actually be called a small town.

Not only is the wall high and strong, but there are also internal and external points.

In the confrontation with the lords of the Jot Plains, the Aiyah post played an indelible role, but...

It is only an enemy of the same humanity!

Against the enemy of being a monster, Evelna does not have much confidence.

But she has no choice now.

The speed of the monster is beyond her imagination.

She clenched her sword in her hand, her eyes fixed on the wave of monsters getting closer and closer.


She found something wrong.

The monsters that rushed to the scene did not have the sensation of being about to launch an attack, but instead took a shackle and fear.

what happened?

Aitrina glimpsed.

"Look at the hand!"

She shouted.

In fact, I don't need Aitina to order, and the best lookout of the Aiyah post is already observing this seemingly unusual monster team.

And soon, he saw an unusual reason.

"Lord Aitrina, it seems that someone is chasing these monsters!"


"Who is this?"

When she heard the words of the gaze, Irina couldn’t wait to ask. At the same time, she once again widened her eyes and hoped to see who it was.

But unfortunately, her eyesight is not outstanding. Without the support of Ms. Thorn, she is even unable to find that goal.

However, this does not prevent Atrina from issuing accurate orders.


"Archer, free scattering!"

Irina shouted.

Hey, hey!

An arrow slammed into the sky, and then a branch fell like a rain.

In an instant, the intensive monsters fell.

For the whole group of monsters, there are not many such, even, it can be said that it is impossible to turn a little bit of the waves.

Scattering again and again.

The first archer team has stepped off the wall and the second archer team has opened the longbow for the second time.

Each of them looks at the monster and is excited and hostile.

For the soldiers and knights who defended the city, they stayed here, and they have already stated that they decided to use their own lives to delay the pace of the monsters.

They didn't think they would be alive.

They only hope to delay the pace of the monsters for a while.

Let the team with hope go a little further.

Make their deaths more valuable.

When they can return to the Kingdom of God, they can stand tall.


It is the source of everything!

For the age of living in a god, this is all taken for granted.

However, if they encounter an unexpected rescue, they will not mind.

This will not affect their ‘contributions’.


This kind of attack is really wonderful.

Cangjie’s monsters did not attack the city. They only knew that they were running away. They were completely harmless, just like a target in a drill.


Another arrow rain fell.

But unlike before, this time with the monster falling to the ground, a figure appeared in the monster.

Metal, weird battle, the black crow feather windbreaker danced in the wind.

In the red, glaring flames, a road full of pressure and fear screams straight into the sky.

Irina, who had been watching the distance, was completely stunned when she saw the figure.

"Lai, Ryan?!"

"This, how is this possible?!"

The priestess of the Temple of Thorns stuttered.

She can't seem to believe that she can still see the figure.

In the same way, the defenders who heard the words of the priestess were all in the same place.


Some people are not sluggish.

Melzer, Pilke and other sacred thieves, as well as the ‘Greenstone’ killers.

Under the control of [Messley's Ring], the former instantly senses who it is.

The latter is in the secret of Tickey, who found his own commander.

More than a dozen figures rushed out of the wall.

They are like monkeys, civet cats, and towering walls that have no blocking power for these professionals.

They are not stopping.

It was like an arrow from the string rushing toward the black figure.

The dark monsters that met along the way were all slaughtered by these dozens of figures.

It is not the way the knights fight in front of each other, but the small, strange assassination techniques that thieves and killers are good at.

A dagger, a short sword, three or five darts, a flying knife, and a few bottles of poison.

Eyes, throat, heart, lower body.

There are no extra attacks.

There is no hesitation.

When the dexterity turned over and passed out, the monster that had just passed through suddenly fell to the ground, and the stinky liquid in the throat erupted like a spring.

A neat rollover, the roaring monster becomes a mourning, pierced eye, letting it go crazy and attack everything around.


The poison plucks its life as it breaks.

The people on the wall looked at this branch with a stunned look. They looked silent and alternative to them, and did not listen to the team that was dispatched by anyone.

Watching them very easy to harvest the life of a head monster, tearing open the line of defense, before the black figure.

Watching them squat on one knee.

Watching them bow their heads.

Watching them obey and shout -

"grown ups!"

(End of this chapter)

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