The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1430: Clear division of labor

Chapter 1430 clearly defined division of labor

"What do you think of the gods?

"The gods of Naviea."

Qin Ran did not answer directly, but asked.

However, after the words were exported, he emphasized the ‘Navia’ again.

"Sacred, powerful."

"and also……"

"The fight is invincible!"

After calling Elena, the answer that everyone knew, she added it softly.

Even if you can't contact the Navier gods, the habits that have been formed for a long time cannot be changed.

In fact, if the person in front of him is not Qin Ran, Aitina will not say a word disrespectful to the gods.

After the export of such words, the priestess of the Temple of Thorns had a glimpse of it.

"You mean?"


"It's very likely, and, now, everything is likely to follow the plan."

Qin Ran nodded.

"But this doesn't make sense!"

"There is no reason to destroy the entire city of Navija!"

"That is the city of Navija, the city of Navija with twenty-five temples!"

Irina shook her head in confusion.

"Maybe that person thinks that the number twenty-five is too much?"

"They are like human beings, they will fight for infighting."


"The birth of some greed like humans, what is wrong with it."

Qin Ran smiled at Irina.

Obviously, such an answer is unacceptable to the aboriginal Elena.

She is smart and ambitious.

But such cleverness and ambition are in a framework, and never go beyond a framework. Once it exceeds this framework, it becomes somewhat unacceptable.

In my heart, Aitina thinks that Qin Ran is true.

Based on this idea, Eitrina immediately had new speculation.

"Do you say that it is possible that all this is beyond the expectations of that?"

"He arranged everything, planned everything, but there was an accident at a critical moment?"

"So that it has become the present look?"

Irina held her chin with one hand and thought about it.


"But the possibilities are not great."

Qin Ran denied the idea of ​​Irina.

Although he hopes that this idea is a fact, if that is the case, his next plan will be much easier, but Qin Ran’s reason tells him that such a fact is almost impossible.

Under the watchful eyes of Aitina, Qin Ran said very seriously.

"As the main **** of Navea, if there is an accident, he will never be so indifferent at the last moment."

"Have you seen a body belonging to the Thunder Temple?"

"Or in those few days, did you find the difference in the Temple of Thunder?"


"It's going on as usual."

"But at the last moment, it disappeared without a trace."

"If this is not planned, I can't imagine what else is planned. After all, even if the ‘Devourer’ wants to kill that person, it can't be quiet and silent.”

Said, Qin Ran looked at the door.

Aitina wisely stopped to continue to ask, she picked up the pillow on the bed, and placed it on the back of Qin Ran's leg.

And Qin Ran is very cooperative and reveals tiredness.

After doing all this, the door was knocked.

Hey, hey!

In the rhythm of knocking on the door, with the approval of Qin Ran, the other party pushed in.

This is a middle-aged man in full-length armor. His beard is completely shaved. He has thick hair, brown eyes and a high nose. His left cheeks have scars from the past and traverse the entire cheek.

"Knight is long!"

After seeing Qin, the middle-aged man did not hesitate to bow.

In the face, in the eyes, with a reverence like a hot sun.

Nelson, who was born in the Temple of Thorns, was really stunned by the man in front of him. He used to be the 'King of Killer', then the 'God of the Gods', and then to the 'heroes' at the moment, he could not imagine how a person did it. To the extent of this man in front of you.

But because of this, Nelson is more and more admiring the man who looks much smaller than his age.

Of course, the more important thing is because the man in front of him is also a temple of thorns.


Also used to be a high priest.

Nelson is very convinced that if it is not because of the 'Devourer', he will only be able to see the thorn temple when the three-year rotation expires and return to the Temple of Thorns in Naviya. And even the best priest.

All believers in the Temple of Thorns in the Aiyah Post think this way.

And, I am looking forward to it.

If the ‘devourer’ does not appear.

As soon as he thought of the ‘devourer’, Nelson, who had a firm belief, became resentful, but because of this resentment, he more and more respected the man in front of him.

Nelson is very clear that there is no man in front of him, things will only be worse.

And look at the tired face of the other party?

It must have been fighting since the appearance of the ‘Devourer’.

It is simply unimaginable to fight in the battle of the mortal body to the gods.

Whether it is strength or courage.

Especially the latter, Nelson, who is a knight of the Temple of Thorns, became more and more admired, so that the warmth in the eyes of the other party was once again heated up several times.


Qin Ran asked.

"It's me, the knight grows up."

The head of the post that was named was surprised to see Qin Ran.

He never thought that Qin Ran knew him.

The high priest who used to be a temple of thorns, although most of the time, Qin Ran will not manage things, but this does not mean that Qin Ran did not understand the composition of the temple of thorns, especially the high-level priests, the main priests, and the knights. Beyond, an isolated force.

The Aiyah post is attributed to twenty-five temples in the city of Navija.

But it is not at the same time management, but a rotation system. Every three years, starting from the Thunder Temple, every temple is no exception, and a big rotation is carried out in 75 years.

This time it happened to be the turn of the temple of thorns.

Naturally, the ability to pick out the post may not be the strongest, but it is the most loyal to the temple of thorns.

Nelson is.

Qin Ran, who has read the other party's information, sums up the other party's words in one sentence, that is: a mad believer with a knight spirit.

Justice, compassion, courage, and so on, can only appear in the temple of thorns that defies fate, and it is really unimaginable to put it in other temples.

For example: Torture God Temple.

Therefore, in some ways, Ms. Thorn is very generous.

This made her believers love her more and more.

It also makes people who hate her more and more hate her.

Undoubtedly, such love also appeared in Qin Ran.

"I am ready for the food."

"Perhaps, not as delicious as you think, but enough."

"What else do you have to tell?"

Nelson asked.


"As long as the food is faster, you can."

Qin Ran said with a smile.

In the face of Qin Ran's instructions, Nelson and the soldiers broke out at an unprecedented speed.

Large chunks of grilled meat and bread were lifted up.

Simple and simple.

Very consistent with the military camp.

Smelling the taste of the barbecue, Qin Ran had more smiles in his eyes.

He ate the food in front of him at a surprising speed, and then everyone was shocked by his meal, knowing that this was the food supply for five people.

"All yours are amazing."

Nelson praised.

"The beauty of food always makes me feel uncomfortable."

"Nelson, I want to take a break, there is nothing to stop me."

Qin Ran smiled and told him.

"Know, the Cavaliers."

With his empty hand and the empty plate, Nelson left the room, and there was Aegina, who was not reluctant.

She knows that this man has a plan.

She had speculation when she appeared on the battlefield from the bright side of the other side.

The door was gently closed.

Qin then stepped back and the whole person was integrated into the shadows.


Another ‘Qin Ran’ appeared.

It smells the smell of roast meat and bread in the air, and lifts the thin bedding without expression, praying for more warmth in your heart.

(End of this chapter)

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