The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1443: Ambition

Chapter 1443 ambition

Seal God?

Qin Ran silently took the fish soup and took a sip.

According to the strength level of the huge city, he is the age of the first generation of gods, but the ‘god’ in front of the copy world seems to be somewhat different.

Recalling the strength of ‘Mrs. Fortune’, the doubts in Qin Ran’s mind have increased more and more.

The strength of the other party does not seem to be a ‘god’.

But there are some characteristics that ‘God’ can have.

Undoubtedly, the ‘god’ in the immediate world is different from the one in his cognition.

As for why this is happening?

There are too few clues, and Qin Ran cannot know.

Looking at Qin Ran’s silent appearance, the old priest clearly had some misunderstandings.

After all, it is a test of the past.

Such misunderstandings are really natural.

A large number of gods emerged from the appearance of the ‘Devourer’ three hundred years ago.

Three hundred years later, the ‘Devourer’ reappeared and there was a new god. What strangeness?

"Your Majesty."

The old priest stood up and bowed in front of Qin Ran with the most solemn ceremonies, shouting loudly.

The people who noticed here around saw this scene, and then they learned the old priests and bowed to the ground.

"Your Majesty."

The loud voice broke the silence of the night.

Also returned to Qin Ran's thoughts.

Qin Ran did not make more explanations to perceive the flames in his mind.

Sometimes, a wonderful misunderstanding is more acceptable than a cruel world.


Qin Ran nodded and drank a fish soup again.

There is no problem with the ingredients.

It is a slightly worse cooking.

Of course, the cooking of any one he has ever seen is not comparable to mimosa.


At the Aiyah post, Irina was talking to Nelson in a low voice.

"The priests, as you might expect, those guys have sent messengers and they are fighting."

"At the moment, they are still quarreling over who is the team's first ride. According to the detective ride back, they will immediately launch a duel for this quota."

"It's a bunch... I don't know the so-called guy."

After the director of the post thought about it for a moment, it gave the guys a very loyal evaluation.

"The entire Yote Plains are too rich, and their battles are more like children's family."

"If it weren't for the contract 300 years ago, the entire Yote Plains had already become the territory of Navija."

When it comes to the Yot plain, Aitina is disdainful.

As a person who once wanted to become a priest, there are too many things to learn, not just etiquette and sundries. The history of the temple is even more important.

Therefore, Aitina is too much to understand the dozens of lords on the Yot.

When there is something, ask for help in the city of Navija.

When it’s okay, look at the city of Navija.

Stupid, self-imposed and so on can be placed on these people.

Rest assured, there is no intention of insult.

Because of the fact.


It is also unacceptable.

Just like this time, the monsters who were defeated and scattered into the Yot plains surprised everyone in the Yot.

But after that?

The speed of sending troops is slow, and they shirk their responsibilities and are unwilling to bear them.

In the end, it took a price far beyond the imagination to complete the annihilation of the monster.

And after that?

The so-called 'agents' they sent were even more entangled. For a so-called nominal 'first', there was a so-called duel.

However, I am afraid that this group of people does not even understand what the so-called "duel" is.

Holding a wooden knife and a wooden sword.

Was yelled when he was hit.


Imagine the picture, Aitina couldn't help but scream, and with Qin Qin for so long, she really couldn't accept this sissy behavior.

However, she does not mind what these sissy bring.

"We need to increase our price tag."

"Food and weapons have doubled on the basis of the original."


"I need them to send people to help us build another outer wall."

Irina said slowly.

Of course, Evelina did not say her most real thought: those who came to build the wall, she will not return.

Because she is very clear that only a larger population can guarantee the status of those in power.

Even in some respects, population is more important than land, and the absence of population as a guarantee is simply unrealistic.

"I think Ryan will be happy to see the Aiyah post with dozens of times more people."

"The Aiyah post at the time is no longer a single post, but a new city, perhaps in the future to replace the city of Navija."

"At that time..."

Aitina imagines the future, and the palms hidden under the sleeves of the robes can't help but tremble.

She is very excited.

But she understands better that all of this is based on one person: Ryan!

Without Ryan, the Aiyah post could not be the city of Aiya.

But Aitrina is sure that Ryan will definitely agree with her approach.

There is no definite evidence. The lovely Trina has such a hunch that Ryan’s plot is definitely not just the location of a so-called high priest.

After all, the temple at the moment has been destroyed.

According to common sense, Ryan should be rushing back.

But what about the truth?

Faced with the ‘Devourer’, Ryan not only stayed, but also continued to fight – in the capacity that the public expected.

This is normal to others.

As a collaborator of Ryan, Aitrina has some speculation.

It is because of this speculation that she will love Ryan more and more.

How can she not be fascinated by a powerful and ambitious man?

Men should conquer the world.

And women should have conquered men to gain the world.

Eitrina, who has such an idea, is incorrigible to Qin Ran’s love.

However, such fascination and incorrigibility will only appear in front of the man.

In front of others?

Aitina maintains the majesty of her priest.

"Repair a foreign city?"

"Can they promise?"

The head of the post looked at the priestess with a slight hesitation.

Nelson did not refute.

As a priest of the Temple of Thorns, he himself will not refute the priest.

But the same, he will not ignore the problem.

The former is the instinct of the believer, and the latter is the instinct of the knight.

"Trust me, they will."


"They will rush to agree to our terms."

Eitrina said confidently.

And just after the words of the priestess fell, the voice of the commander was heard outside—

"The Aegina priest, the director of the Nelson whistle, has a person who claims to be the ambassador of the ‘flowery collar’. See you.”

PS I don’t know if there are any cats in the readers of Feilong. The fat oranges of Feilong’s family don’t know what happened recently. They started to play with their own cockroaches from the litter box. Have you ever encountered such a thing? ? How to solve it? Fat dragon is really helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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