The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1445: Goose plucking

Chapter 1445 geese plucking hair

People always have a fixed name.

Such a name will change with the change of status and status.

But no matter how it changes, some titles have nothing to do with people.

For example: Your Majesty.

This title is only limited to a unique type of existence.

They, or they.

Called it: God!

Irina, Nelson looked at the old priest in front of her eyes, and their eyes unconsciously looked at other people.

Those who come by heart.

They saw reverence and enthusiasm from the faces of these people.

They are so familiar with this enthusiasm.

Because, in the temple, those believers have such fanaticism.

That is……


"Lai, Ryan, are you sealed?"

Even the priestess of the temple, which is a sharp-eyed temple, stuttered at this time.

At this moment, she thought of too much.

If Ryan is stunned, then... what about her?

What will she do?

Can the contract continue to be performed?

If she does, she will reach the temple level.

She had thought that Ryan’s purpose might be to seal God, just like what happened three hundred years ago, but she never thought that it would be so fast.

It was almost time for her to be caught off guard and completely unprepared.

"I promise you, I will not forget."

Qin Ran came to the front of Aitrina.

The sun turned into a backlight, so that the priestess still could not see the face of Qin Ran, but after hearing the promise of Qin Ran, her heart was loose.

Perhaps Qin Ran is cold and bloodless, but he values ​​his commitment.

She already knows this.

Therefore, without any hesitation, she nodded.

Looking at the girl who nodded and nodded, Qin Ran smiled.

He appreciates this very self-aware attitude.

As for the ambition of the other side?

He never worried.

Not only is such ambition unable to threaten him, but because of this ambition, it will only make the other party work harder to accomplish everything he wants.

For example, this time with the Jot Plains lords.

Qin Ran really has to praise the other side: doing it beautifully.

With the group of thieves and killers as the eyeliner, Qin Ran learned everything yesterday, and he also admitted that even if he changed it, he would not do better than the other party.

Industry specializing in surgery.

He is not a qualified negotiator, and most of the time he is awkward.

And the other party?

It is more than enough.

Thinking about the plan later, and the role of the other party's current identity, Qin Ran could not help but raise his arm. Evelna subconsciously reached out and grabbed the arm, and they walked side by side.

Just like a lover.

At least, this is the case in the eyes of the people around you.

"With the Aiyah post as a barrier, we will build new walls into the Jot Plains."

"If all goes well, we can see the prototype of the new city in six months."

"Of course, if you want a temple, Ryan, we can change the direction."

Irina said truthfully.

Although she is very clear, the person around her should already know everything, but this does not prevent her from reporting in person, just as she understands what her identity at the moment represents.

very dangerous!

She will inevitably be stared at by the enemy of the man next to her.


There are also quite a few opportunities!

When killing the enemies that she led, the man next to her will also give her the corresponding rewards - this is the agreement, but it is recorded in the contract.

As for the security and stability of sitting at home to earn income?

As early as ten years old, Aitina did not have such an illusion.

She is very clear and gets the necessary payment.

"No need!"

"According to your plan, I don't know anything about things like construction."

"And the temple?"

"Not yet."

Qin Ran smiled and answered.

Before you know what the ‘god’ of the world is, the Qin dynasty will not build a temple, even though it will make the fire in his mind more and more exciting.

In the face of danger, Qin Ran is always cautious.

Aitina is not going to talk more.

Even if she really wants to know how far Qin Ran is now.

Is it just in the field of ‘God’?

still is……

Half man and half god?

She is very curious.

But as long as she is not faint, she will not ask.

Everyone has a secret.

The more secrets you know about others, the more dangerous it is.

Especially people like Qin Ran.

"I need to take a break and call me at lunch."

"Pelt needs your cooperation to settle."

"And there is a special guest in the team, I need you to take care of it. If he has any changes, you can let go of it."

Qin Ran said.


Aitina obeyed her head and walked into the temporary house with Qin Ran. After about a few minutes, she turned and walked out.

She quickly walked towards the team.

The matter of Qin Ran’s command, the priestess must be better.

Was it before, now?

even more.

After the priestess went out, Qin Ran’s eyes looked at the shadow of the room.

The shadows squirmed, and the ‘arrogant’ head came out. Although it came out of the shadows, it did not have the slightest feeling of darkness. The ‘arrogance’ was like a king, and the shadow was his subjects.

However, when he walked to Qin Ran, the arrogant breath was slightly received, and his face had a close smile.

"Is there a discovery?"

Qin Ran asked.


"This kind of communication is a bit strange."

"But everything depends on you."

The ‘arrogant’ nod, it seems that I am not used to telling Qin Ran everything, they are more accustomed to using a more direct way.

But in the same way, some of the hidden things in the world are doomed to the choice of ‘arrogance’.

What's more, he will not ignore Qin Ran's orders.

after all……

They are one and the same.

"I found some traces there, following the traces. I found a temple in the jungle somewhere in the south - a temple belonging to the hunter."

‘Pride’ said truthfully.

“‘Followers’ Once and the Hunters Temple?”

“Not unexpected.”


"The fact that they can still get along with each other is beyond my expectations. Is it true that the hunters have completely relied on the ‘Devourers’?”

"Is the other party willing to be willing?"

Qin Ran raised his finger and tapped the table.

In Qin Ran's view, the hunter becomes a traitor, and there must be huge interests in it.

As for pure follow-up?

Do not make jokes.

Even the mortal 'follower' Onceco is for the benefit, not to mention a god.

‘Pride’ did not answer.

He will not affect Qin Ran's thinking.

When ‘arrogant’ silently disappeared in the same place, Qin Ran calmed down for a moment.

In the end, he couldn't confirm anything, and put this thing aside for the time being.


From the [Storage of Fortune], he took out a bunch of golden wheat ears that were infested with black.

(End of this chapter)

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