The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1449: Sand people

Chapter 1449 Sands

"I am the Cavalier Aiden of the 鸠Tail Collar."

"I am the winner of this Yot Plains contest."

"This time, on behalf of the Yot Plains, I visited the Aegina priest and the Nelson whistle director of the Aiyah post, hoping to discuss the invasion of the monster."

A young man with armor and a proud face stood at the entrance to the Aiyah post and said loudly.

The other's head raised slightly, and the nostrils rushed out, and the eyes did not scan around.

It seems that seeing the soldiers around is an insult to him.

In the same way, the resident knights seem to have been insulted.


Can such goods be called knights?

Look at each other's armor!

Although it looks like a cold light, every knight can guarantee that such a armor can only be used to look at it. The thin layer of the dagger can not be defended, and the long sword at the other side...hehe Although there is a scabbard as a cover, these sinister knights guarantee that there is a wooden sword.

"Aiden...the knight."

"I am Nelson."

The director of the post said the word 'Knight' in a difficult way, and swears in his heart that he will drink water in the camp for a while.

It is really disgusting.


"Do you have a Nelson post?"

"I heard that you are the most powerful person in the Aiyah post."

"I want to have a fair fight with you."

The other party nodded, and the high head was finally lowered, no longer looking at the person with the nostrils, but with his chin against Nelson.


Nelson gave a glimpse.

The director of the post did not expect the other party to make such a request.

And he is called the strongest person in the Aiyah post?

At this point, the director of the post did not deny it.

As for Ryan?

That is your majesty.

It is a god.

No longer a mortal.

"Why do you dare to use your braveness to face my invitation? Or do you say... Hey, are you illusory?"


"To shut up!"

"Let me teach you!"


The other party’s words just fell, and there was a curse around them.

For Nelson, the director of the real knight whistle, the soldiers and knights of the Aiyah post are very much loved and respected.

When the other party uttered insults, the surrounding soldiers and knights could no longer hold back.

In the face of such insults, the other party is not afraid, but more and more proud.

"Ha ha ha!"

"Is this the rumored Aia post?"

"Do you want to attack and attack?"

"Come on! Come!"

"Just don't know if the ‘heroine’ Ryan in the rumor is also with you...”


A fragile sound, the other party's words stopped abruptly, and after a few teeth were ejected, the whole person rotated several times like a gyro.

"Don’t dare to insult your Majesty."

"You can't drop your teeth."

Rolf said coldly.

Hearing the other party insulting Qin Ran, the palms were already on the hilt, and Nelson, who was ready to give the other good-looking, looked at Rove, who had recovered the scabbard.


Very fast!

Even with his strength, he only saw a shadow.

When was Rove so strong?

Is it...

Suddenly, Nelson suddenly thought of a rumor.

Subconsciously, the head of the post turned to look into the distance.

Qin Ran stopped there and looked at it.

However, Qin Ran's gaze did not look to be knocked down, the so-called knight, but an old man who was white after the other side.

The other side was dull looking at the board that had just fallen in front of him.

The sand above the car was scattered all over the place.

"It's over! It's over!"

"My five years of hard work!"

"I will count it soon!"

The old man trembled and said, then...

I burst into tears.

It is a real cry, tears and tears, like a dead son.

Soldiers and knights around, a few knights thought of some rumors, showing a weird look.

"The ‘Sandman’ Luf was originally a famous wise man on the Yot.

"In a dream, a **** gave him a test and asked him to count the sand in front of him. If the number is clear, he will promise him a wish."

Aitina went to Qin Ran and looked at the old man who burst into tears. The expression of sarcasm unconsciously emerged.

"I thought that the lords would eventually use what kind of means to resist it."

"did not expect……"

"It will be him."

Said, Evelna went to the other side.

Qin Ran was followed with great interest.

"Who is that god?"

Qin Ran asked.

"Who knows?"

"It should be an unknown evil or evil spirit."

"The former is more likely. After all, if the evil spirits, the other party has already died."

The priestess shook his head and said that he did not know the god.

Moreover, he did not care about the god.

Or more accurately, she simply thinks that the other person is lying.

As for why?

Isn't it just for this time?

The tricks of the superiors and the so-called 'wise men' are, however, the chips on the negotiating table.

"You lose me!"

"You lose me!"

"I could have used it to resurrect my dead wife!"

The wise man Ruf rolled back and forth on the ground like a child.

In the face of any powerful enemy, even the embarrassing monsters, the soldiers and knights in the Aiyah post will not retreat, but in the face of such an old man who is rolling around, they are facing each other and do not know how to be good, in the end, Looked at the whistle director of Nelson.

The head of the post with the knight's creed turned to Qin Ran for help.

Naturally, everyone looked at Qin Ran along the look of the post.

Includes Luf, who is rolling around.

The old man came to Qin Ran almost even with a roll.

"You lose me!"

"You lose me!"

"I forgot the sand that just counted!"

Lufu screamed loudly.

When the priestess frowned, they would interrupt the other party’s troubles.

But the next moment, the priestess immediately shut up.

Because, Qin Ran went to the overturned board.

As soon as he raised his hand, Qin Ran picked up a grain of sand. Then he walked back to Luf and handed the sand in his hand to the other side.

"One grain."

Qin Ran said this.


The old man who was crying and noisy looked at the sand in front of him.



The devil's inflammation ignited and instantly wrapped the sand behind the Qinran with the sand.

There is nothing left in the breath.


There is one more!

A grain of sand that was glued to the tip of the right finger by Qin Ren and is very conspicuous in the sun.

"One grain."

Qin Ran looked at the old man with a smile and said it again.

At the same time, in the left hand of Qin Ran, the devil's inflammation rolled and roared, which made people daunting.

"Yes, it's a grain."

Looking at the gravel on the right hand of Qin Ran, I looked at the flame burning in the left hand of Qin Ran. After the old man’s mouth twitched, he nodded very surely.

(End of this chapter)

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