The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1454: bait

Chapter 1454 Bait

"Hurry up and leave this body, he..."


A touch of flame from the rise of Qin Ran’s palm made Lufu’s panicked return to God.

He finally remembered the identity of the person in front of him: half man and half god.

Not ordinary people!

“Can this corpse be burned clean?”

Qin Ran resisted the rush of the plague, and asked Lufu in a very peaceful tone.

It was just the 'guideline' of the power of the plague, which led him to discover the body.

However, the body of the sudden emergence, although the power of carrying is very delicious, but Qin Ran can not be so simple to mouth.

Be aware that after the fish bites the bait, the mouth is hooked.

The best fate is also the loss of part of the 'predation' ability to leave the mouth to live.

And the worst?

It is a meal in the middle of others.

Neither of these two Qin Ran wants to be.

Therefore, he became more cautious.


“After full combustion, you can use the soil to drown those ashes!”

Luf said very seriously.

This is the expression that the wise man has never revealed. Even if he is forced by Qin Ran, the other party’s seriousness is not half that of the moment.

After the devil's inflammation burned, a handful of ashes remained in place.

Luf carefully pushed all the ash into the deep pit on one side, and then completely smashed it with soil, which made him slightly relieved.

However, this is not over.

The other person took out a potion from his carry-on backpack.

"Aiden, go to the car and bring my watering can."

The other party told his disciples.

Qin Ran was on the side watching the other party's potion mixed with water, sprayed within 10 meters of the radius of the body's center.

"Is it effective?"

Qin ran smelling like a pungent smell like a disinfectant.

"There are some, but the roots are not here."

"The source of the rotten cockroach is not here... The spread of this plague is beyond imagination. Since one person has died, there are at least one hundred more - this is a proverb that describes the rot."

Luf looked at Qin Ran with a wry smile and continued: "And in the Yote Plain, the biggest gathering place for the bard is Gordes!"

"I pray to you, I hope to let me go there."

"It plundered my family."

"I can't stand it to destroy my hometown."

Saying, the wise man kneels on one knee and bows to Qin Ran.

Qin Ran slightly decapitated.

"Grateful for your kindness."

After seeing Qin Ran nod, Lufu immediately saluted again. Then he turned his head and solemnly said to his disciple: "Aiden asks you to follow your armpit and serve you as a service."

It’s like a last word, so that young people don’t know what’s wrong.

"Teacher, I..."

"I can't give you more guidance."

"But you are a good boy and you will definitely have your own path,"

"Remember, I have taught you that greed is not terrible, because death is horrible, people are tired of death, but you cannot forget your heart."

The young man opened his mouth subconsciously, but was interrupted by Lufu.

After that, Luf did not return to the carriage.

He has something to bring in the car.

Of course, even if this is the case, he...

Also not sure.

Even after so many years, he is studying the same thing.

As for the help of Qin Ran?

Luf thought about it.

But I immediately threw this idea out of my mind.

When the ruin of the Yot Plains broke out, it was not that there was no help for the city of Navija. As a result, it was useless.

Even the two priests who forgive the temple at the time were infected.

The high priest who came to the place was also spared from the light of the **** of forgiveness, but it also made the body of the original strong desolation weak, and had to give the position of the high priest to the successor, alone. To death.

Even the true gods can't cure the 'rotation'.

A half god?

How could there be a way?

And he?

Not to mention.

Listen to the fate of people.

The face of Lufu carrying a baggage showed a bitter smile.

Then, the sound of the wheel suddenly came from his ear -

Hey, hey!

"Teacher! Teacher!"

Aiden’s voice made Lufu turn back.

"I didn't say that let you follow that sire...Lane's majesty?"

Luf rebuked his disciples. He thought that his disciples were free to make decisions that should not be made. This is too normal for young people, but immediately he saw Rove next to his disciple. The stability can not be as noisy as his own disciple, and then the open window, Qin Ran sitting inside, told Lufu everything.


“Even if you are a half-human and a half-god, facing the ‘rotation’ is...”

“Why should I face the 'rotation'?”

"My trip was to go to Gold to read the contract between the Yote Plains and the city of Navija 300 years ago. What happened to the 'rotation'?"

"And you?"

"As a military adviser to the Aiyah post, I am just picking you along."

"Of course, you can also choose to walk."

Qin Ran interrupted the other party's words and said indifferently.

Through the window, Luf looked at Qin Ran's face carefully.

He hopes to see the answer he wants from Qin Ran's face.

But unfortunately, he couldn't see it before, and he can't see it now.

“Thank you for everything you have done for me.”

"But Aiden is too young, he..."

"Teacher, I want to walk with you!"

Lufu originally hoped that Qin Ran would agree to return his disciples to the Aiyah post, but the words were exported and they were interrupted by their disciples.

Luf was stunned, but when he saw Aiden’s reluctance, his heart was weak.

However, Luf is not a person who will easily change his mind.


"You must return to the Aiyah post!"

Luf said with a heart.

And Aiden, who was prepared early, answered with a smile.

"You asked me to serve Len's majesty before, so I am already the waiter of Ryan's majesty! Now Ryan's Majesty is going to Gold's collar, and of course I will follow as a waiter."

"I teach you that words are not for you to use me!"

Luf’s raising his hand is about to fight his own disciple, but Rove’s movements are faster.


The scabbard was once again knocked on Luf's neck. The wise man fainted to the ground without a bang. Rolf picked up the other person and threw it into the carriage. After giving a gift to Qin Ran, he sat again. The driver's position raised the whip in his hand.


A loud sound, the carriage went to the Gold collar at a faster speed.

In the collar of Gold, the plain old man stood in front of a figure.

"Adult, planning everything goes well."

"The seeds are all gone, and the little fish is biting."

"Small fish?"

"It's a very good description, and it really fits his identity."

"Demi god?"

"It's a perfect setting."

PS fat dragon cough can not, low back pain + cough, really fat dragon crawling in that cough all over the body is a bit sour... tears.

(End of this chapter)

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