The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1459: Join

Chapter 1459 joins

"I? Of course I am from the York Plains...ah!"


In the crisp sound, the arm of the 'wandering doctor' Ike was broken by the other hand of Qin Ran, and the screams were unstoppable.

Moreover, it is getting worse.

Because, in the next ten seconds, Qin Ran also lost the other arm and legs of the other side.

Then, Qin Ran waved his hand to the ground.

“This is not like your style?”

"Sure enough, did you get absorbed later?"

"The only way is that you can implement such a plan."

Qin Ran looked down at the other side, his toes stepped on the other's head, and pressed the other's head into the soil with little effort.

Soon, the other's mouth and nose fell into it.

The feeling of suffocation began to spread over the body.


The arms of the dead limbs are subconsciously waving.

Every wave of waving brings severe pain.

And every pain causes the other person's face to be distorted.


A smear of electricity appears in the depths of the other's eyes, and it grows rapidly, giving the other's body an incredible power.

After a breath, the current on the other side reached the point where it appeared. The electric snake of the little finger was dancing wildly, not only shrouded the other side, but even Qin Ran was shrouded in it.

The mouth and nose of the other party being drowned by the mud finally had a chance to breathe.

Chewing on the soil, the other side is ambiguous.

"Do you know who you got?"

"I tell you!"

"You got the wrong person..."


In the muffled sound, only a part of the force of Qin Ran, and a little more on the toes.

Suddenly, the other's head burst like this.

The electric light was scattered, the corpse was twitching constantly, like a frog in the laboratory, but a phantom appeared from the other's body.

"You, how dare you dare!"

The ghost of the other party is obviously very angry, and even the words are unclear.

However, immediately, this ghost sneered.


"This time you won, but are you ready to receive the bad news?"

"I have prepared a big gift for you on the Smack Hill..."

What the other party thought of, smugly said, but Qin Ran did not listen at all, just turned and left.

He has got everything he wants to know.

As for the rest?

There is a head, and the debt has the Lord.

Everything is born, everything is dead.

Take it yourself, go by yourself.


A gust of wind suddenly appeared on the plains, cold and anxious, blowing the 'wandering doctor' Ike this new soul trembled.

Even the lightning power hidden in the other side can't calm down.

The dust danced with the wind.

Cover the other's line of sight.

"Lane, what do you want to do?"

The other party shouted loudly.

But did not get Qin Ran's answer.

However, it is not unresponsive.

The shredded whispers came with the wind.

They are low and they are unwilling.

In the end, they gathered together into one, which resounded the world.

"Return my life!"

Thousands of people who died in the plague appeared around the ‘wandering doctor’ Ike, who were ragged and thin.

It is not the result of being tortured by the rot.

It is the appearance of life.

Poverty, food and clothing have been with them since birth, but they are still alive, and can occasionally listen to the singing of the bard, and have some illusions about the next meal.

It wasn't until a bard's singing that everything was different.

They became them.

They saw the truth.

They mourn, they resent, then...

They pray.

They don't expect others.

I only hope to kill the culprit.

No one can hear it.

There is no one corresponding.

Until recently -

‘ Give you a chance, be willing to come with me. ’

The voice is indifferent, there is no slight mood swing, just like the lightness of just turning away.

The opportunities are given to them.


Roar! Hey!

One by one, the ghosts roared, and they rushed to the front of the ‘wandering doctor’ Ike.

"Get out!"

"You guys, get out!"

‘Wandering Doctor’ Ike yelled loudly, and a translucent body slammed a bolt of lightning, killing the ghost in front of him.

But the rest of the ghosts have no fear, they are still charging.


The electric light was annihilated.

Flooded the enemy.

The body is broken and the soul is scattered.

‘Wandering Doctor’ Ecker has completely disappeared into the world.

And those ghosts also lost their resentment.

They are in vain.

They sobbed.

Then they bowed to the far back.

They are grateful to Qin Ran from the heart.

This kind of heartfelt gratitude touches some of the rules that are hidden in the gaps that are not known, and they overflow from the inside of the body by a shallow radiance.


Climbing to the sky.

Quickly, they disappeared between heaven and earth.

They rushed to the place where they responded.

High walls, fortresses, fortresses.

Flags, soldiers, horses.

Red inflammation burns and expels darkness.

Brilliant bloom, birth dawn.

Warren, standing on the wall, looked at the people who fell like a meteor, and could not help but laugh at the hammer in his hand.

"The new warrior is coming!"

"Give me the armor weapons for these guys and girls!"


Qin Ran knows how to raise a brow.

He looked at everything in detail.

Can get nothing.

Confirming that there is no danger for the time being, and after recording this moment, Qin Ran continues to take away to Gold. He has been delayed by this accident for a long time. Although there is enough gain, it does not mean Qin Ran will. I really have nothing to do in the next time.

His time is always precious.

This time is no exception.

Because, he is very clear, after two consecutive failures, the guy will not shoot in a short time.

But that guy will not give up.

After he needs to find the answer he wants, he will do his best to deal with the one: the **** of thunder.

When the ‘wandering doctor’ Ike used the magic to bless the horse, he roughly confirmed the identity of the other from the temple.

And then the lightning made him more evidence.

The other party is from the **** of the Thunder who is still disappearing.

What does the other party want to do?

Qin Ran also had some guesses.


He is very puzzled as to why the other party is doing this.

However, Qin Ran, who has doubts in his heart, has not slowed down at all.

"Your Majesty."

Standing outside the library building in the tower estate, Rolf looked at Qin Ran, who returned quietly.

"Everything outside is handed over to you."

"If you can't handle the problem, you can ask Luf."

"I need about two days, don't bother me during this time."

When Qin Ran said, he walked into the library building.

The door was gently closed.

After another ritual, Rolf turned around and stood there with a serious look, and he executed the command of Qin Ran meticulously.

(End of this chapter)

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