The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1465: From the heart

Chapter 1465 is what you want

Carrying his beloved books, Gold's ‘King of Knowledge’ walks briskly on the path in the forest.

For him, although he left the Gold collar, he felt a little disappointing, but at the thought of it also meant that he was far from the semi-god, which is a monster, and he could not help himself.

He doesn't want to be eaten.

He was very convinced that he looked at him like a food.

"Where did you come from such a monster?"

"I am afraid that Iger couldn't compare 300 years ago?"

When I thought of the ‘hero’ Iger 300 years ago, the ‘the **** of knowledge’ couldn’t help but pick it up.

He is very convinced of what happened that year.

However, he could not know what happened.

Even the things of the year have been affecting him.

It is impossible for him to improve himself by absorbing the power of faith as a true god. He can only slowly absorb the intense emotions and continue himself.

Now, such a means has been cut off by the monster's demigod.

However, fortunately, the power he has accumulated before is enough to allow him to live for a long time, even for the gods, it is a long time.

Moreover, he believes that it will not take long for the monster-like demigod to leave the Gordes collar and he can return to his hometown.

If the other person helps him to "recover" the memory of the year, it is even more unexpected.

Taking this as a premise, it is not impossible for him to become a partner from God.

at least……

The other party is strong enough.

For him, the "pseudo-god" who does not have much combat power, it is really a good backing.

Countless books tell ‘the **** of knowledge’ what is called a choice.

Of course, that is the next thing!

just now?

He doesn't want to get involved in the trouble of being killed at any time.

From the first day of his birth, he understood how a **** like him should survive.

Just like now.

In the way of memory, ‘the **** of knowledge’ bypassed one obstacle after another and came to a huge walnut tree.

Hey, hey!

"The owner of the walnut tree, take the liberty to visit, please don't mind."

After a very rhythmic percussion, the word 'God of Knowledge' has a respectful greeting.

Not only is it a greeting, he puts a book in the bag on the raised roots of the walnut tree.

When the book disappeared quickly, the ‘the **** of knowledge’ could not help but reveal a smile.

You know, the owner of the walnut tree in front of you is the **** of this jungle.

It is the kind of true **** that can absorb the power of faith and perfect itself.

The other party blesses the creatures in the jungle, and at the same time provides shelter for the good travellers, of course not the unpaid.

Silently, there was a door on the huge walnut tree.

"Come in, old book."

There was an old voice coming from inside.

The ‘God of Knowledge’ came into the horse with a smile.

Inside the huge walnut tree is a round room, wooden tables and chairs, a string of unknown vines hanging from the roof, a round window on the wall, able to clearly see the outside of the jungle The situation.

An old man with a beard that was dragged to the ground stood in the middle of the room.

Compared to a gray robe, the wrinkled old man, the fascinating **** of knowledge is quite young.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, the owner of the walnut tree."

The ‘the **** of knowledge’, which is called the old book, has no intention, but rather a greeting with a smile.

"It’s been a hundred and thirty years."

"The last time you came to see me was because you provoked the ‘night visitor’.”

"This time?"

The owner of the walnut tree asked, pulling his eyelids.

The other person who is full of wrinkles, after the eyelids are pulled down, is like a dry bark that is old and waterless, and the other person looks like an old tree that is going to die at any time.

"One and a half gods."

‘The God of Knowledge’ tells the truth.

The other party is a demigod, this is the truth.

He didn't lie.

"Demi god?"

The owner of the walnut tree wrinkles and wriggling, and the tone is full of doubts.


"The strength is a bit powerful."

‘The God of Knowledge’ nodded, added.

"You really haven't grown up."

"As a god, you are afraid of a god?"

"Know, even if the strength is stronger, it is only a half god!"

The owner of the walnut tree snorted without a good breath.

Then, the owner of the walnut tree was ready to continue to say something, but at this time, a burst of jitter appeared in the house.


"Let's follow your smell!"

After the master of the walnut tree, he laughed.

The other side twisted and looked at the nervous ‘the **** of knowledge’ and said: “I have accepted your sacrifice, and naturally will guarantee your safety and rest assured...”


The words of comfort have not been finished yet, the house is shaking again, and the jitter is continuous, and at the same time, a dull sound echoes in the house.

The vine plants that hang down began to swing side to side.

It seems as if the whole house is going to collapse.

The eyelids of the owner of the walnut tree shake with the sway of the vine plant.

"Do you really think that I am the same as the old book?"

In the slightly angry words, the owner of the walnut tree was awkward.

Suddenly, the jitter disappeared.

The owner of the walnut tree showed a confident smile.

He turned his head and looked at the ‘the **** of knowledge’

"Sure enough, it’s just a half god... ah ah!"


"Let's loose! Release my feet!"

In the cry of pain, an invisible mouth did not know when it appeared in the house, and it was biting on the ankle of the walnut tree owner who had just smashed his foot.

Moreover, such a bite still carries some kind of smoking.

I saw the walnut tree owner's ankles quickly dry up near the ankles.

And, the scope of dryness is getting bigger and bigger.


Without hesitation, the owner of the walnut tree interrupted his dry legs with a punch.

He is very clear that he will be sucked up after doing this.

But the pain in the broken leg made him cry again.


With such screams, the hanging vines quickly become thicker and thicker, like a whip, usually slap the invisible mouth.

But when I got to my mouth, I was uprooted by the invisible mouth, and the whole root was sucked in.

A multi-basin-sized, colorful spider climbed out of the floor and squirted a poisonous smear toward the invisible mouth.

Like those vines, the invisible mouth seems to be sucking noodles, all sucking and sucking into the mouth, and the colorful spiders on the spider's head are like chewing balls, and they are embarrassing and embarrassing in the invisible mouth. Crisp, juice cross.

The most striking thing is a red and green frog of the size of an index finger.

It appeared on the shoulders of the walnut tree owner, and it whipped two gongs and made a cry of ‘呱呱’.

The sound is bright, like a thunder.

But that is the first sound.

The second sound becomes weak.

It is not that it is not loud enough, but after being swallowed, it has a blockage of the oral wall, and the sound is unconsciously smaller.

The owner of the walnut tree is no longer screaming.

He widened his eyes and the wrinkles on his face twitched.


He waved his hand.

The ‘God of Knowledge’ that has been lying aside disappears.

There was a dizziness in front of him, and when the **** of knowledge returned to God, he found himself outside the jungle.

"The owner of the walnut tree, you don't talk about credit, and accept my sacrifice..."


A book descended from the sky and squatted on the head of the ‘King of Knowledge’, and his words came to an abrupt end.

Of course, more importantly, he has seen a black figure standing not far in front of himself.

"Long time no see, Ryan."

"It is really my pleasure to be able to see you."

"Do you have any instructions?"

"I will be happy to help you!"

When the light eyes swept, the ‘the **** of knowledge’ immediately slammed into the ground and shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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