The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1485: return

Chapter 1485 returns

The scroll looks like a sheepskin, the shaft part is metal, and the hand is heavy. When Qin Ran touches the skin, it is found that the rough and frosty feeling is far from the sheepskin, but some Like conglomerate, but, very quickly, Qin Ran's attention was attracted by the words on the scroll.

The scrolls are recorded in occult, and it is necessary to be proficient in level to understand the above text.

1. Save the B11 world invaded by foreign bodies, six months from the date of publication (more than six months, no salvage value), reward: assist in igniting a fire (whether successful or not) or equivalent.

2, completely destroy the C31 world occupied by the exiles of purgatory creatures, time is not counted, reward: a complete corpse of the first generation of gods (weak power).

3, Tiki, who is stationed in the gap between the west coast and the crystal wall, needs a vacation, seeking helpers instead of guarding the gap for a week, remuneration: negotiable.

4, looking for the sea of ​​stars, time does not count, reward: the help of medium power or equivalent compensation.

5, routinely investigate the A77 world, the time from the date of publication one month (can be completed by many people), compensation: depending on the situation.

6, Bai Lu needs an agent assistant, responsible for the teaching of the new student, four months, paid: negotiable.


Qin Ran looked at the text on the task scroll. The tasks above are far beyond the list, and the variety is varied, from saving the world to destroying the world, to changing the guards, searching, investigating, and even educating and training. What kind of tasks are there.

Beyond the scope of response!

This is the first impression of Qin Ran.


This is the second impression that follows.

Under these two impressions, Qin Ran roughly had a guess.

“This is a prop that is released by many people?”

Qin Ran asked.


“In the beginning, I just hoped that assistants like you could help me to complete some things more easily, but as time went by, some of my old friends joined the model after discovering this easy way to complete trivial things. This is in the sequence of scrolls, and then more people related to my old friends joined."

"Ultimately, it has become what it is now."

"However, as the owner of it, my original intention is that it will not change. Any of these assistants who complete any of the above tasks will be regarded as helping me. I will give corresponding rewards - not in the above annotations. ""

The old woman added.

"Do I have to accept the above tasks?"

Qin Ran asked about the issues he was most concerned about.

"No need."

"Everything is up to you."

"I will not force any assistants, whether accepting tasks or posting tasks."

"Do you have any other questions?"

"Although it is just an image, but I stay here for a long time, it will still have an impact on the world."

The old woman slowly stood up from the rocking chair.


Qin Ran shook his head.

"That is looking forward to our next meeting."

No more chills, the old woman even disappeared with the study of No. 1 Black Street, and Qin Ran once again appeared in the northern mountains.

But the scroll did not disappear, and he was in his hands.

And, the system gives the corresponding attribute introduction.

[Name: Nicole's task scroll]

[Type: strange things]

【quality:? ? ? 】

[Attack power:? ? ? 】

[defensive power:? ? ? 】

[Attribute: 1, release; 2, accept]

[Special effects: hidden expenses]

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Requirement: 2567 (Qin Ran)]

[Remarks: This is the singularity of the **** of the earth, Nikelle, for her own assistants, but in the end it has evolved into a huge platform]


[Publish: You can post some tasks on it, but you have to be equivalent]

[Accept: You can accept some of the above tasks and get the corresponding rewards]


[Hidden Expenditure: When you use it in a huge city or copy world, you need to pay an additional 3w points for the cover fee, whether it is released or spent, and when you use it to get out of the copy world, you will spend an extra 10w The points are exempt from punishment, but your next copy world will be more difficult, and you won't be able to use it again if you don't complete the difficult copy world. 】


(Note: When you come to the world of the psychic partner again, you will not have any consumption and punishment when you use it.)


Other attributes Qin Ran has already speculated, but when he saw [hidden expenditure], Qin Ran still frowned.

Qin Ran is subconscious to guess what, but Qin Qu immediately controls himself to empty the brain.

Before the strength is not enough, he will put an end to any speculation that will produce bad for himself.

Then, Qin Ran took the initiative to put his own eyes on the new system prompts.

[Killing the body of the thorns, it is considered to complete the main task ahead of time! 】

[The player will leave the copy world after 10 seconds...]

[Please bring along the items that you can carry as a carrying item! 】

(Note: Items that exceed their own cap will be automatically recognized as not being able to bring out a copy!)


Faced with the prompt to leave the copy, Qin Ran quickly swept around and confirmed that there was no legacy, the next moment, the whole person disappeared.

[Special copy: Psychic partner V]

[Copy nature: trial]

[Copy difficulty: high]

[Mainline mission: Go to the north within 90 days to find the hidden temple of thorns,]

[Task completion: 100% (Get basic evaluation: F)]

[Complete the task ahead of time: evaluate F→E]

[Battle performance: very positive (evaluation promotion: E→A)]

[Exploration performance: general (evaluation promotion: none)]

[Special Evaluation 1: Killing the Thunder God (Evaluation: A→SSS, Reputation +3)]

[Special evaluation 2: Devouring ‘Devoters’ (evaluation promotion: SSS→ZZZ, reputation +5)】

[Special Evaluation 3: Killing the Body of the Thorns (evaluation promotion: ZZZ→V, reputation +1)]

[The player finally evaluates V! 】

[Player special copy harvest calculation...]

[The final player special copy harvest results are as follows...]

[Point: 250,000; skill point: 50; gold skill point: 5; gold attribute point: 5]

[Get a special copy: Psychic partner VI]

[Get a specific reward item: "Heroes Iger Secret"]


In the familiar room, Qin Ran's figure appeared. Looking at the evaluation and income of the copy world, Qin Ran was not dissatisfied.

Although compared with the past, the income of points, skill points, gold skill points, and attribute points is much lower, and the spoils are less pitiful, but his real income is in the ‘devourer’.

It is no exaggeration to say that the income earned in the ‘Devourer’ is enough to top the world of the five perfect perfect copies.

Therefore, Qin Ran's mood is absolutely not bad.

And immediately, the news from the pub boss made his good mood more and more pleasant.

(End of this chapter)

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