The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1499: what happened?

What happened in Chapter 1499?

"It’s as bad as Rachel said. It’s dirty.”

As soon as I entered the 13th Wall Street, ‘Alchemist’ Leme was very directly evaluated.

In this regard, Qin Ran did not care.

For the arrangement of the room, the first one is always able to find what he needs, and the second one is clean and tidy.

If the second article violates the first article, then the second article is ignored.

“Everyone has their own habits.”

Qin Ran answered.

"What about it?"

‘Alchemist’ Lemme is wise not to argue with a man about how clean the room should be.

This is as hard as a man and a woman arguing about the meaning of shopping.

With such energy, it is better to drink more.

"This one."

When Qin Ran said, he gave the vial with the [water of the barrier] to the other party.

In fact, Qin Ran contacted the other party in the first time when he got [the barrier water].

For a prop from a strange organization, Qin Ran will not use it at will, let alone the description that has been marked with 'something you can't understand in the future'.


Open the cork, ‘Alchemist’ Leme reached out and fanned the bottle.

Qin Ran did not stop each other.

He believes in the other's professional knowledge, which is why he contacts each other.

The other party did not let her down.

"Fun! Fun!"

"I need to spend more time analyzing it."

“It takes about a week or two.”

Lemei said this.

"no problem."

Qin Ran nodded.

"10w points."

"No discount! Don't tell people!"

Leme reported a price.


When there is no choice, Qin Ran will show a crisp and neat side. Of course, the pain in my heart, then only he knows.

Signed a contract.

'Alchemist' Leme left with [the barrier water], and when he opened the door, Qin Ran was keenly aware that the 'lonely' Levin's cat was on the opposite side of its own Waldorf Street, although there was no I found out where the other person is, but the other person’s cat is here, so the person must be nearby.

Of course, in view of the contract between the two sides, Qin Ran did not have a mouthful, but only watched the departure of the "Alchemist" Lemei, and then turned and returned to the room.

The old book that has been hidden has come out.

"grown ups."

After a ritual to Qin Ran, the old book continued to hold the book [Animal Entourage Training (transcript)] to read.

Since the task of teaching the fire crow and the Frostwolf to the other party is temporarily given, Qin Ran naturally hopes that the other party can reach the best level.

So, did not bother each other.

Qin Ran went straight to his own sofa.

After he sat in it, he opened his character bar.

Looked at the devour of the 'devoters' and they have reached the level, and they all reach the level of strength, agility, physique, and the spirit of his highest level attribute. Then look at the perception of SSS+, Qin Ran is not light. Take a breath.

No one knows more about the importance of perception than he does.

When he first chose the path of ‘Lonewalker’, the high-level perceptual attribute was one of the sources of his sufficiency.

In an unknown world of replicas, you will encounter more unknown dangers, and higher perceptions are always one of the biggest guarantees you can fight against these dangers.

Moreover, Qin Ran knows that measuring one's strongest point is never to look at his most advantageous place, but to choose the most inferior place.

Therefore, Qin Ran did not hesitate to begin to raise the level of perception.

[Use 5 gold attribute points...]

[Perception SSS+→ZZ (Evaluation: New I)]


The five points of the gold attribute points of the previous copy of all income, all invested in the perceptual attributes, Qin Ran's eyes, ears, nose, tongue, etc. have a slight cool, as if smeared with mint, let people feel Slightly stimulating, yet cool and comfortable.

Then, he felt that a thin wind blew on the skin, and subconsciously, Qin Ran opened his eyes.

Not far away, the old book is holding the book quietly, flipping the pages of the book.

The ‘wind’ comes from the flipping of the pages.

Perceived all this, Qin could not help but smile.

Each attribute has obvious changes after it has reached the stage, especially the attributes that are 'very fit' to itself.

For example: his spirit and perception.

For himself, he is very good at spirit and perception. Qin Ran is already known.

Before the initial use of the gold attribute point, his spirit and perception are F+ compared to the rest of the attribute F, and then with his power, his two attributes are more and more obvious.

He is very eager to know what it will look like when his perception reaches V.

But definitely not now!

Now, he still needs to make the next adjustment.

That's right, instead of using the gold skill points to upgrade some of the original skills, but adjust!

When I found out that I could improve my skill level by practicing skills, and even let myself have different feelings, Qin Ran already had the idea of ​​“improving skills through practice”.

When the attribute reached a higher level, what was needed was not only the gold attribute point but also the gold skill point. Qin Ran even strengthened the idea.

Of course, the main reason is that his core skills at this moment have already reached the point where the gold skill point cannot be improved temporarily.

Otherwise, Qin Ran will definitely have a lot of investment.

As for the remaining auxiliary skills?

When there is no change in their strength and improvement, Qin Ran naturally chooses to do some experiments.

In the next few days, Qin Ran did not leave the 13th Street.

In addition to practicing more skills, he is thinking about the copy world of [heroes and villains].

Undoubtedly, this is a very deceptive copy of the world.

Known as heroes and villains, they actually hide the deeper world.

Even Qin Ran, who has had an experience, can’t be sure what the world is all about.

However, one thing that can be confirmed is that in this copy world, there is great value.

Not only are the 'Mauding Statues' that can enhance the 'Devil's Power', but also the possibility of evolving many props and equipment.

Obviously, opportunities and dangers coexist.

But because of this, it is more attractive, isn't it?

To this end, Qin Ran is full of expectations.

Time is like a shuttle, very quickly, when the copy is cooled, Qin Ran sorts out the backpack and props, and clicks directly to select.

The text appears again -

[Special single copy! 】

[Difficulty Confirmation: Eighth Copy Difficulty]

[Background: This is a peculiar world with heroes and villains that transcend ordinary people. They attack each other and fight for their own ideals, and your 'righteousness' has gained considerable prestige in this city. You are being people. Well known, but the dead villains will only attract more villains, they look at the city...]

[Mainline task: In 12 weeks, defend against super-criminals whose intentions are not in use (the more defenses, the higher the evaluation)

[Get temporary language, automatically disappear when leaving the copy]

[The attributes of clothing, backpacks, weapons, and items are unchanged, and the appearance changes temporarily. When you leave the copy, it automatically recovers]

(Hint: This is your special copy, the main line task can't fail, once it fails, it determines that the player's game fails!)


When the text disappeared, Qin Ran appeared in a strange room.

It is not the familiar Lanton Ding Street, No. 17, and it is not the 99 Smowell Street that should be rebuilt.

But a... ward?

That's right, it's the ward!

It is dominated by white and is filled with the smell of disinfectant.

And he?

It was tied to the bed, from the position of the shoulders to the feet, and a total of six belts tied him tightly.

After Qin Ran tried it a little, the design of each belt was so reasonable that ordinary people could not move at all.

But the most annoying thing for Qin Ran is: a thing like a mask, worn on his face.

Not only did he not be able to express his words clearly, but he also felt that his breathing was not good.

The only thing to be thankful for is that his power has not disappeared.

That's right!

His strength is still there.

The equipment props are also in the cabinet on one side, but they can't be seen, but Qin Ran can perceive it.

To put it simply, he only needs a little effort to get rid of everything.

However, Qin Ran did not do this.

Cautious Qin Ran wants to know what happened.

Or, to be more precise, why did he appear here?


Just when Qin Ran thought, the door of the ward was pushed open rudely.

A thick male nurse came in, and Qin Ran raised his neck and saw the other's face.


Qin Ran looked at the people who appeared in front of him.

Odok, once an amateur robber, was timid, proficient in bluffing, and awakened the power of extraordinary, known as the 'blood man'.

After being controlled by [Messley's Ring], he became a decent subordinate.

But at this time, Odok did not have a little bit of consciousness as a subordinate. The other party did not care about the ambiguous words in Qin Rang’s mouth. So he went to the bedside and pressed hard.

The whole bed stood up like this.

At this time, Qin Ran saw that his bed was bound to move.

Odok pushed him through the door and came to the corridor.

The corridor is very long and narrow, and it can only pass through a bed, but the length is more than a hundred meters. Every few meters, there will be a door without a window.

Without exception, every door is tightly closed.

I can't see anything real, I can't hear anything.

All that is there is the wheel of the moving bed, the sound of screaming screams, and the more heavy breathing of Otto behind him.

Obviously, this Odok's physical strength is very poor.

Even so, the other party is not lazy.

Without stopping, he pushed him to the end of the corridor.

At the end of the corridor, there was an elevator with a 3F sign above the elevator and a trash can on the side. The trash can has an ashtray filled with cigarette butts.

Qin Ran glanced at it and was pushed by Odok. He turned and turned into a look at the elevator.

There is still no window opposite the elevator.

In fact, until now, Qin Ran did not know that it was day and night, and the cold light, except for the illumination, did not have any left or right.


The cheap one-time lighter was pressed and the sound was heard.

The taste of cigarettes immediately spread.

A cigarette, Odok pumped from the beginning to the end, when the cigarette **** was pressed again in the ashtray, the other party pressed the elevator.


The elevator bell rang and the Qin Rang on the wall was pulled into the elevator.

It is no different from a normal elevator.

On the right is the floor and alarm phone.

The floor is from 1F to 6F and the alarm call is red.

Odok reached out and pressed it on the 5F.

During the period, I completely ignored the meaning of Qin Ran, and even did not even look at it.

When the 5th floor arrived, Qin Ran was pushed out.

Unlike the previous 3rd floor, there are many more people here.

Some elderly people in wheelchairs and blankets were sitting in front of the TV in the corner. Other middle-aged care workers who seemed to be strong and strong were talking quietly on the side, and occasionally came a soft laugh.

Of course there are young people inside!

Even they are the vast majority.


When Qin Ran was launched from the elevator, these young people gathered from all corners of the hall.

They looked at Qin Ran indifferently.

No words at all.

The expression is rigid.

Moreover, such a situation is still spreading, the care workers stopped talking, and the old people stopped watching TV and cast their indifference. .

Time seems to be solidified at this moment.

"Get out!"

"Take me off!"

At this time, Odok shouted loudly, and twisted his stout body, and squeezed a passage for Qin Ran among the young people in front of him.

From the push of Odok, he continued to move forward.

Behind him, Qin Ran heard a whisper.



It is the main description.



It is the embellishment afterwards.

"I tell you, be honest."

"This is one of the few opportunities for you to identify yourself."

"Of course, I am not kind."

"I just don't want to push you away every day with trepidation. You should go to other places, why come here."

The voice of Odok, who was walking in front of Qin Ran, kept muttering.

Qin Ran blinked and said nothing.

He looked at Odok in front of him and looked at the destination according to the other party's trajectory: the Dean's Office.

There is a name under the name of the office: Fries.

Fries, once a teacher, became a 'freeze' when he awakened his talents, until he was controlled by Qin Ran, doing the work of a similar mercenary.


Another familiar name appeared, so that Qin Ran had something to say in the office, and there was some speculation.

And as Qin Ran expected, when the office door was pushed open, he saw Sergeant Pudek and Emma Eddie.

Sergeant Prudeck is still a police uniform at this time.

But Emma Eddie is different, leather jackets, T-shirts, jeans and short haircuts are not there, there is a very professional dress, holding a briefcase in his hand.

When Qin Ran was promoted, the two were talking.

"Doctor Eddie, I hope that you can use the most professional knowledge to tell me that the **** is really crazy, or that it is crazy to sell crazy!"

"Okay, Sergeant Pudek."

The conversation was short, and after Qin Ran was promoted, it stopped abruptly.

"If there is anything, call me, I am outside."

Sergeant Pudeck took Otto to the outside and closed the door.


The sound of closing the door echoed in the room. Emma Eddie, the girl from the bottom of the memory of Qin Ran, looked at him with an elegant gesture and smiled.


She went straight from the briefcase and took out a knife and stabbed straight toward Qin.


PS two in one chapter ~

(End of this chapter)

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