The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1506: peep

Chapter 1506 Peeking

Mayer walked quickly in the E zone.

For the area that he spent nearly six months to remember in detail, Mayer was full of disgust.

Complex streets, unordered buildings, like a labyrinth after another, if you don't lead the way, it's easy to get lost, even if you have a map in your hand.

However, fortunately, he is about to leave here soon.

Stay away from this cruel school.

Stay away from those who are indifferent and cruel.

Stay away from the damp, cold environment here.

Stay away from everything that makes him hate.

But before that, he had to get the food that was close to the 'dining' level.

This is the ‘cost’ from his departure.

He needs to pay the greedy guys before he can leave.

In this regard, Mayer is not unexpected.

Where can there be nothing in the world?

Although it is a food close to the 'dining' level, what is it compared to the outside world?

The ability to gain after he ate the 'fast food' that fits with himself.

Once you get to the outside world.

He must be a man.

After all, this is the purpose of his coming from the outside world.

As for the fifth grade graduation?

If you have not seen the casualties of third graders, Mayer will choose to stay.

And now?

He determined his determination to leave early.

"Hey, Maye, come see the new students?"

"of course."

"Every time there is such an opportunity, we all need to cherish it. Other people haven't come yet?"

"No, you are the earliest one."

"That's great."

"Wish you all the best."

After greeting the doorman and familiarity, Mayer entered the E5 building, and then he saw the near-meal-level food on the trolley, covered by a glass cover: the small rainbow cake .

The little rainbow cake is not really a rainbow cake.

The former is a copy of the latter.

However, even in this case, in the glass cover, there is still a colorful light, like a real rainbow.

Mayer swallowed and swallowed the hunger in the abdomen, and he lifted his hand.

Suddenly, a sweet breeze blew through the hall.

Mayer’s figure disappeared, and the trolley with the small rainbow cake shook slightly, as if nothing had happened.

Mayer pushed the trolley and carefully left the hall.

The guards who stood outside the hall did not seem to see Maye at all.

After leaving for about a few tens of meters, Mayer, who had always been very nervous, was smug.

Sweet wind!

This is the ability he acquired after eating the 'fast food' that fits with himself. He can create some real and false illusions within a certain range. Although after two semesters of exercise, he only upgraded to the second level. But it is enough to deal with the situation at hand.

Even before he was worried that he would be seen by the guards.

But the facts at this time are telling him that he is too worried.

Away from the guarded Mayer, the ability to maintain a sweet wind, pushing the cart to speed up, knowing that maintaining this ability is quite labor-intensive, he must reach his plan before the physical strength reaches the critical point. Safe location.

Therefore, when she saw the black figure appearing on the side of the street, Mayer did not dodge.

There is no school badge on the other side, nor a school uniform. It is this new life.

Despite the surprise of the other party's speed of completing the second test, Mayer does not think that a new student can affect himself.

You know, he even cheated the guards.

Passing by the shadows and watching the other side react without any reaction, Maye smiled sarcastically.

"go Go!"

“Go enjoy your ‘food’!”

"But don't be too hard, be careful to bite your tongue!"

It seems that I was thinking of a happy scene. The smile on Mayer's face became more and more brilliant. This kind of smile didn't mean to converge when I saw his connector.

“Looks like it’s going well together”

The connector man said with a low voice.

"of course."

"But why are you picking this place?"

"It's too hard to find!"

Mayer once again expressed dissatisfaction with the E area.

The distance from the E5 teaching building is less than 50 meters, but it takes about ten minutes to get around. If you get lost, you don't want to find it for a few hours.

“Because this is the most suitable place.”

When the connector man said, he went to the trolley, and the other party looked at the rainbow light in the glass cover, and his eyes could not help but fade the faint color.

Mayer did not stop.

Only when the other party is ready to reach out and uncover the cover, reminds the other party.

"You promised me, don't forget."

Mayer said.

"No, my friend."

The connector man said with a smile, then he walked quickly to the front of Mayer and lowered his voice: "You must also remember that everything is kept secret, no matter what you hear."

Said, a black cloth handed to Mayer.

Mayer frowned, and finally put the cloth in front of her eyes, obscuring her sight.

When the darkness covered the field of vision, Mayer was soft and fainted to the ground.

Looking at Mayer, who had no resistance under his own numbness, the connector man could not help but sneer.


The connector person is evaluated like this.

Every year, he encounters people who have lost their courage and are confused by greed and cowardice.

The number is more or less.

However, no matter how much, he does not hate it.

Because these people are his ‘income’.

Needless to say, there is additional income this year.

"You asked me why I chose here?"

"I told you that this is the most suitable place."

The connector said to himself, and went to a closed wooden door. When he pushed the wooden door open, a huge boiler appeared in front of him.

“What else is better suited to destroying the dead?”

The connector man laughed.

"Of course."

"It's just that you can't think of it."

A faint voice came from behind, and the connector was a glimpse. The other party obviously did not expect that someone would actually talk, and then, subconsciously, the other party raised his hand and grabbed it behind him.

Immediately, the air was filled with the smell of a pepper.

It's like cooking the pepper in the rolling oil and cooking it.

But before the palm of the hand touched Qin Ran, one foot was printed on the back of the connector.


In the sound of the broken spine, the other body's body almost collapsed and collided against the opposite wall.


In the heavy impact, the joint man rolled over and there was no sound.

Qin Ran went to the unconscious Mayer, lifted his foot and gently kicked the other's neck, and looked at the big shadow on one side.

Without any words, the eyes are not too sharp, but the people who are hidden here are trembled.

The other party did not want to withdraw.

But, it’s late.


In the low, violent roar, the devil's inflammation instantly drowned the other party.

A huge roar, the flames tumbling.

Under the blaze of the fire, the glass cover was red and red, setting off the radiance and ambiguity of the colorful light inside, like a glistening gem.

(End of this chapter)

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