The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1511: Cooperation

Chapter 1511 Cooperation

“A ‘Penang’ near the ‘dining’ level, two ‘cheese’ at the normal level, and seven ‘fast food’, I hope to get a real ‘full meal’.”

In the ‘Cat’ cafe in Area E, Qin Ran said to Oliver sitting opposite.

Unlike the hand that appeared yesterday when the hand was issued, Oliver was wearing a black dress at this time, a red handkerchief in his chest pocket, and his hair brushed back slightly, revealing a towering forehead and a pair of oblique insertions. The eyebrows, the impressive gray eyes, are full of surprises.

"The rumor turned out to be true..."

Oliver did not hide his exclamation.

He looked at the new chief student in front of him.

Although the other side performed extremely well yesterday, Oliver did not think that after a short day, the other party made such a shocking event.

A person swept the Student Union branch in Area E.

Although he did not know the most detailed situation, he still has a good understanding of the strength of Guti's woman.

Coupled with a good background, hard and serious character, the other party will become the division head of the E District Student Union in the third grade.

Such a woman can not act.

Therefore, the new life in front of us must have won the Guti.

The other party who has demonstrated such strength is obviously unable to treat it with yesterday’s attitude.

"Re-recognize, Oliver Ryder."

Oliver stood up and reached out his right hand.


Qin Ran raised his hand and responded.

“Do you need something to drink?”

“The coffee here is very good.”

"I treat you."

Oliver said with a smile.


Qin Ran did not choose coffee, or according to his own habits.

"Okay, a glass of lemonade, a cup of black coffee."

Oliver greeted the waiter. When the waiter came to drink and politely left, Oliver continued: "You can exchange for a 'meal' level of food. I will contact the family and let them have a 'meal' as soon as possible. Level food is delivered, but it takes about a week."


Already have a general understanding of the preciousness of ‘dining’ food, Qin Ran is very satisfied with this answer.

In fact, in Qin Ran's initial estimate, this time was at least two weeks to three weeks, and it could be solved within a week, which is enough to show that Oliver is more capable than he imagined.

A competent collaborator is naturally worthy of being happy.

But it must be reliable.

Obviously, Oliver thought this way. After seeing Qin Ran nod, he waved his hand at the family waiter standing in the distance.

Immediately, a notary certificate appeared in front of Qin Ran.

"This is the notary of Teoruit."

"2567 you can verify according to the number above."

Oliver pointed to a series of codes in the upper left corner of the notary.

"Slightly wait."

When Qin Ran said, he took out the "Teorite School Emblem". What is different from the previous one is that under the silver school badge, there is a gold that represents the status of the student union. Similarly, the attributes also appear. Variety.

[Name: Te Aureate School badge (Chief Health, Division Minister)]

[Category: Sundries]

[Quality: Magic]

[Attribute: 1, digestion; 2, identification]

[Special effects: None]

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Remarks: It is not only a proof of your chief student, a minister, but also a glory. If you hold it, you can enter some areas that are not open to ordinary students.]


[Digestion: speed up the digestion of food]

[Identification: You can identify all documents including the notary public certificate issued by Teorue, and distinguish the information of ordinary students]


This is the automatic change that [Qiao Orient's school badge] automatically appears after Qin Ran took over the E division in the true sense.

It is amazing for ordinary people, but for Qin Ran who has expert level [mysterious knowledge], it is only a little surprised.

He knows that there are many ways to achieve such a change.

But what surprised Qin Ran was that Teorue branded it on every school badge.

This made Qin Ran feel surprised at the details of the world of copying at the same time, but also full of expectations.

He really wants to know how far it can be reached here.

Of course, Qin Ran did not forget the things in front of him.

[Teoret's school badge] Close to the notary certificate, immediately, flashed a blue-green glory on behalf of 'confirmed'.

Qin Ran once again read the above text in detail and signed his name. Oliver wrote his name next to him.

“Happy cooperation.”

After the notary was handed over to them in two copies, Oliver picked up the coffee cup and gestured to Qin Ran. He gave a slight sigh of relief. Oliver continued: "What are you going to do afterwards? Your strength is far from being like other freshmen. Usually step by step."

Oliver said something.

“A solid foundation represents the highest level of excellence.”

"I don't mind learning more."

This is not a lie, it is Qin Rang’s heart.

For this world full of 'food', he is full of intense curiosity, and what is more satisfying than curiosity?

However, Oliver apparently misunderstood something.

"Are you worried about those sneaky guys?"

"Don't worry, when you rumor that you are in the E-student branch of the E-zone, they will become honest."

"Like the little means of last night that didn't flow, it won't be there."

Oliver said.

"The monster in front of the library, the school will not care?"

Qin Ran did not explain, as if it was the default general question.

"Since you have chosen the privilege of entering the library late at night, then naturally you need to take some risks, or ... test."

“E zone is moderate, and the means of other districts are more intense.”

"Oh, sorry."

Just as Oliver wanted to say more words, the family waiter came over in a hurry, and Oliver immediately said sorry to Qin Ran, followed the family waiter and walked out of the cafe, about a few minutes later. Oliver hurried back and there was a rush of anger on the other's face.

"I am sorry, 2567, I originally wanted to talk to you more, but there were some problems in my lab, I need to go back immediately."

"You know how to contact me."

Oliver said apologetically.


Qin Ran nodded and watched the other party check out.

With that notary certificate, he is not worried about any accidents.

After drinking all the lemonade in the cup, Qin Ran got up and walked out.

Although he has given most of the duties of the chief student to Stanter and Mika, this does not mean that he can not appear at all.

He must appear at some necessary moments.

For example: the new students are assigned this afternoon.

Of course, before that, he still needs to deal with some things.

Today’s rumors spread out that those guys will give up?


Those families can't live today!

(End of this chapter)

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