The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1521: Coincidentally

Chapter 1521 happens to be

The flames rose into the sky, and the burning waves blew the cloak of everyone around them.

David and Garcia looked gloomy and looked at everything in front of them.

There are quite a few speculations in the hearts of the two.

After looking at each other, the two men issued an order at the same time.


"Block a block around!"

Quickly, the subordinates behind the two acted, and the fire truck belonging to Teoruit quickly appeared on the scene. The water column was sprayed into the fire, and the fire suddenly became smaller, but the fire did not wait for the fire. Extinguished, David and Garcia rushed in.

The two bent over and looked for something in the explosion and burning wreckage.

About twenty minutes later, Garcia took the lead and stood up and walked away without saying a word.

Soon, belonging to Garcia's subordinates, expanded the scope of the search.

Similarly, David has chosen to do this.

The peepers who have been watching the two faintly are not fools. After seeing the actions of the two, they naturally guessed what.

The explosion just happened was the means for Rudd to get out.

Although this fierce way of getting rid of is very rare, but everyone is surprised, at the same time, it is increasingly recognized that Lu De and "Guan Shi Lu" have a very close relationship, otherwise, why should the other party do this.

Then, when the jewels and gold hidden in the secret warehouse were carried out by the firefighters, more speculation emerged.

Even in the explosion, burning, these jewelry gold is slightly damaged, but the discerning person can still distinguish what it is at first sight.

The surrounding peepers glanced at each other and quickly dissipated.

Looking for Rudd!

This is almost the idea of ​​all the people present.

Of course, this is not a matter of Qin Ran.

After the Frostwolf returned, he took off the backpack on the back of the Frostwolf. Qin Ran smiled and touched the head of the Frostwolf. As a compliment, Qin Ran was slightly excited after the relatives of the latter used it for a few times. Opened the backpack, but even if excited again, Qin Ran did not forget to use the devil's breath to cover the breath of food.

When the fried chicken legs wrapped in plastic wrap appeared in the cling film, Qin Ran could not wait to start tearing the wrap.

Suddenly, the unique aroma of fried foods came to the surface.

Although I have eaten food close to the dinner level, Qin Ran is the first to eat at the dinner-level food.

The taste of the entrance is more special than what Qin Ran imagined.

Both the crispy taste of the fried foods and the crispy meat under the crispy skin are very tender, but the most unexpected thing for Qin Ran is the bone.

The hard bones, when Qin’s tongue touched, immediately became soft, like a jelly. After a gentle suck, it entered the mouth and began to melt into a slightly hot, sweet on the tip of the tongue. The juice slowly descended down the esophagus and entered the stomach of Qin Ran.

The ‘gluttony’ sent out a happy buzz.

It absorbs this energy as it has in the past, and divides it into the power of the 'morning', the power of the plague, the power of the devil, the power of the thorn.

Almost in the breath, the five major sources of Qin Ran's body began to increase at a rate visible to the naked eye. If you eat a food that is close to the level of dinner, you can get five natural growth time of nearly half a year. Then, eating this real food at the dinner level, let Qin Ran get five years of natural growth time of more than two years!

And this is far from over.

Just as Qin Ran was familiar with the source of the body's skyrocketing, the lines on the retina began to appear.

[Engulfing special energy, judging unarmed fighting. Extraordinary legs are promoted...]

[name: freehand fighting (extraordinary)]

[Attribute related: strength, agility, physique]

[skill category: attack]

[Effect: Your hands and feet are your best weapon, increasing 80% damage]

[Special effects: 1, extraordinary two-legged fighting (when your legs are attacking, you will get the power attribute, agility attribute level +4 special effects) 2, extraordinary power]

[Extraordinary legs: After a thousand practice, countless battles and the next lucky food, your legs have become amazing, and you will get a +1 attack level when faced with invisible ghost creatures. It has its own attack power and gets +1 special effects. When faced with regular creatures, it will gain an additional +1 attack level (calculating its own attack power). When using two-legged attack, the physical exertion will increase.

[Extraordinary power: After a thousand practice, countless battles, your legs have not only surpassed the limits of mortals, but also gained extraordinary strength, you can master the 'Dawn Power' when attacking. , 'Devil's inflammation' 'the power of the plague' 'Sacred thorn power' perfused, forming a strong level of additional attacks (adding additional attribute attacks after calculating the base attack), when using the two-legged attack, physical exertion plus Big】

【Deplete power】

[Learning Conditions: Strength B, Agility B, Constitution B]

[Remarks: Your legs are in the legend! 】


“Improved skill performance?”

Qin Ran a glimpse.

This time the improvement is really beyond the expectations of Qin Ran.

He never thought about the food at the dinner level, which could affect his ability to reach the extraordinary level, although it is only the basic skills, and the improvement is not obvious.

But Qin Ran has never underestimated the skills of any basic class.

Whether you want to learn other levels of skills, or from a regular response, the basic skills are the top priority.

Even in some ways, the basic skills are the second core skills, even if they are as armed as possible.

The skills of the lone walkers are beyond the imagination of ordinary players, not only comprehensive, but also powerful, but intrinsically biased.

Some are because of preferences, and some because of the world of the copy, there are always one or two basic skills and derived skills that go beyond other types of skills.

Qin Ran is no exception.

In his combat system, the two-legged fighting occupies a place, even after the devil's inflammation, [mantra language], [polar night], has not changed.

Therefore, in the face of the improvement of [hands-on combat (extraordinary)], Qin Ran revealed a smile from the heart after a sigh.


This smile began to become rich.

Because Qin Ran thought of the copy world in front of him, although the food at the dinner level is very rare, it is not impossible.

Even food above the dining level has a chance to get it.

Of course, that requires him to spend more energy to plan.

Before that, Qin Ran still needs to deal with some minor troubles.

Although his plan seems to be seamless, he will naturally be noticed in the game.

As Qin Ran expected, in the evening, Xinier rang the door of his apartment. After opening the door, Qin Ran saw the professor Teres behind him.

At this moment, the professor is looking at him carefully.

"What are you coming from?"


“Or is the lost meal-level food at the 'Delton Labs?'”

Qin Ran first issued a question.

"Is there a difference?"

Professor Tels took back a lot of eyes and asked with great interest.


"Rude can't tell you more because of my agreement with David and Garcia, but I have some information about the lost meal-level food in the 'Delton Lab.'"

"Of course, it is not provided free of charge."

"A food at the convenience level is not a price."

Qin Ran stood in front of the door and said faintly.

There is no intention to invite the other party into the room, nor is there any intention to bargain with the other party.

“A lunch-grade food?”

"Good news costs."

"I want to know, but I can't afford it."

In a casual dress, Professor Terce, wearing glasses, shook his head with a sigh, and then chose to leave.

Sinil didn't talk, and after she squinted at Qin Ran, she left.

Watching the two disappeared at the end of the corridor, Qin Ran closed the door and returned to the room, and began to think seriously.

Obviously, he passed the customs again.

With the cover of the devil's power, the Professor Terce did not find anything.

However, the information he had just revealed in his words was enough to make the Professor of Tels think more, at least the other party would wonder where he got the information.

In this regard, Qin Ran is not worried.

On the contrary, Qin Ran Le has expressed such doubts.

Not only for the Professor of Tels, but also for the rest.

The more doubts that can lead to more speculation, the more speculation, the more favorable it is to his plan.

You can fish in muddy water, isn't it?

Now, not only is the water getting more and more turbid, but the fish is getting more and more.

From two meetings, Professor Tels should be the school's power representing Teoruit's orthodoxy.

Similar to David and Garcia, it is the power of the research room on campus.

From the point of view of the subordinates, the latter should have listened to the former. However, from the performance of David and Garcia, this is not the case at all.

When they knew that he wanted to trade with Tyres for information, the two still appeared. Then, Tels rejected his transaction.

If this is not enough to explain some of the problems, just in his temptation, Tels still chose to refuse, but let Qin Ran have a deeper understanding of the Teoruit school: Te Aureate does not Will be involved in competition between subordinate research laboratories.

As for why?

It may be that the tail cannot be lost, or it may be a fire on the other side.

Which one is possible, but for Qin Ran, no matter which one is very beneficial.

He believes that at this time, Rued’s two men who are responsible for spreading rumors should have been found by David and Garcia.

In the same way, Qin Ran also believes that the two people can't be too long, and many things will be known immediately by David and Garcia.

But what David and Garcia want to really know is simply not available from the two people.

They will inevitably increase their search.


Those who stare at Rudd’s group will naturally enter the line of sight of the two.

Qin Ran would not doubt the maliciousness of the group of people, just as he would not doubt the ability of David and Garcia.

What happens when two people meet?

Qin Ran is very much looking forward to it.

However, that is what happened in the next few days.

And now?

Dinner time is up.

Although I just had to eat the next meal-level food, it does not prevent Qin Ran from ordering dinner.

Standing up from the chair, Qin Ran picked up the crow feather coat hanging on the hanger, and walked toward the canteen.

The canteen at dinner is as lively as ever.

The students who finished the day’s class went into the restaurant with a smile.

Qin Ran did not enter the restaurant, still chose the underground kitchen.

Not only because there are too many people in the restaurant, but also because the food in the underground kitchen is rich, and the amount is enough.

A few seconds later, the kitchen workers were once again exclaimed.

Qin Ran, who became a blast, swiftly circled around the gang and wiped his mouth with satisfaction, and returned to the entrance of the canteen again.

Here he saw the Neil, who had just been separated.

"Hey, 2567."

Xinil smiled and greeted Qin Ran.

"Professor Delton has given you enough benefits?"

Qin Ran glanced at the other side of the eyebrows and asked directly.

When I left, the other side’s eyebrows were enough to make Qin Ran guess.

"I know you can't."

“Professor Delton is very eager to know the whereabouts of the stolen meal-level food in the lab, so he promised the conditions you proposed.”

"And... also gives the promise of 'as long as you can do it in the future, and don't violate the bottom line, you will definitely help you.'"

Xinil smiled and smiled.


“It seems that the food at the dinner level in the lab is worth more than I expected!”

Qin Ran raised his hand and touched his chin. A pair of thoughts is about the price increase.

“The food at the dinner level is of course valuable!”

"And for Professor Delton, this is even more so!"

"His research topic about this meal-level food is at the most critical time. At this time, if the food at the dinner level of the study disappears, everything will be abandoned."

"So, even if you are properly raising the price, Professor Delton will not object."

Sinil did not hide.

Moreover, Sinar does not mind Qin Qi increase the chip.

Although he is a teacher of Te Aureate, Siniel, who has been firmly standing behind Professor Tels, has no good feelings for professors in other laboratories except for basic respect.

For those guys who hang on the name of Teoruit but serve other hidden factions and families, Sinn is unfortunately unlucky.

"So, where is Professor Delton?"

Qin Ran glanced over the look of Xinier, and suddenly understood the other side's thoughts, and asked very simply.

"follow me."

Siniel said as he walked to the cafe near the cafeteria.

It was the one that Qin had stayed in the morning.

However, not close to the cafe, a scream rang from the cafe -

"Ah!! Dead!"

PS two chapters in one ~

(End of this chapter)

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