The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1524: Expected

Chapter 1524 is expected

In the middle of the night, Teorue suddenly had heavy rain, which made the guards in the new apartment in Area E more nervous and alert.

The rainy night with sight and sound blocked is a very good opportunity for the attackers.

A team of guards all spirited, wide-eyed and swept around, trying to keep a trace of traces.

The heavy rain continued until dawn.

At sunrise, the rain disappeared.

Watching the water stains in the reflection of the sun, the guards sighed with relief, but fortunately nothing happened.

Everything is safe!

After looking at each other, the guards looked at the doors that had been opened, and the students who had already got up, let the atmosphere of the entire apartment building be quiet.

While seeing the guards, the students naturally thought of what happened last night. It was inevitable to whisper, and Steint, one of the parties, was repeatedly questioned.

"I don't know what happened."

"In fact, I just went to give 2567 a class schedule, and then I was stunned."

"If you want to know what happened, you should ask the Chief Health Officer."

Stanter said with a smile.

This kind of discourse is not the first time to say it.

After he was escorted back to the room by the guard last night, Mika continued to ask for more than ten times.

Every time I asked again, Maka couldn't help but sigh and sigh once, as if she didn't go to Qin Ran to send the class schedule.

In this regard, Stein really did not want to pay attention to each other.

For the danger, everyone's attitude is different.

Mika likes the excitement of danger and is more accustomed to gaining growth.

Stanter is different.

He does not want to put himself in danger, and he hopes to live his life peacefully.

This kind of thinking is the most normal idea for most people.

Therefore, all the freshmen shook their heads when faced with the proposal of Stanter to ask Qin Ran.


By now, who dares to provoke such existence.

Perhaps at the beginning, some people were still not convinced that Qin became the chief student.

However, in just a few days, all freshmen are convinced.

Not only because Qin Ran became the sub-division of the E-student branch, but also because of the things that Qin Ran had done these days, it began to spread.

Death and blood are the main thrusts.

Corpse and cruelty are indispensable melodies.

In the face of such a existence, everyone is very rational.

However, when Steiner mentioned the other party, everyone could not bear the curiosity and looked at the room where the other party was.


The door is open!

Qin Ran, who took two people, walked out and walked out.

The exclamation sounded unstoppable.

Everyone unconsciously gave Qin Ran a path, and watched Qin Ran walk to the guard and threw two people on the ground.

"The attacker last night."

After saying such words, Qin Ran continued to walk towards the cafeteria.

The guard who just sighed, but the face is stiff.

what happened?

Not a calm night?

Why are there attackers?

Why are we not seeing?

The doubts appear in the bottom of my heart, but the situation that makes them more headaches has just begun.

“It’s ‘wine beast’ and ‘sweet chef’!”

"Isn't that they have been expelled into the depths of the world and lost?"

"How come here?"

No one can overlook the well-informed people in the new life. They always take one step ahead of others and grasp the news that others cannot master.

For example, two people who have been forgotten by the guards in front of them are yelling at the ‘wine beast’ ‘sweet chef’ because of food attacks and killing of classmates.

Similarly, such a person, observation is not bad.

"When the neck is twisted to that extent, can't you live?"


"As far as I know, those who attacked 2567 could not survive."

"As rumored, the heart is hot."

"Do not!"

"It’s even worse than the rumors!"


In the voice of discussion, more and more students began to gather.

Curiosity overcomes the fear of death and corpse on the premise of a large number of people. They all want to see what happened.

"All back!"

"Don't look around!"

The guards began to maintain order and informed Xinil and Leonard.

When the latter two arrived, the situation was considered to be controlled.

At this time, Qin Ran had already walked out of the underground kitchen of the canteen. After learning that Edberg had temporarily lost contact, his choice of three meals was even more unquestionable.

Is there anything better than here?

Wiping his mouth with a paper towel, Qin Ran walked toward the wreckage of the yellow belt cordon.

Looking at the black wreckage, if it wasn’t for yesterday, Qin Ran couldn’t tell what the original building was.

Especially after a heavy rain, nothing left here.

But this does not prevent Qin Ran from passing through the wreckage in front of him, recalling what he saw yesterday.

This is a habit of Qin Ran: use more meticulous memories to search for clues that may exist.

He knows that he is not a smart person, he can only choose such a stupid way.

Of course, he is now here not just a memory, but waiting.

The guards who were on the side looked at Qin Ran who stopped and observed, and did not bother or expel.

The rumors about the other side have already been heard, especially after the rescue of Professor Terce yesterday, the guards belonging to the school have a bit more gratitude and respect for the new students.

They can't imagine what it would look like after the lack of Professor Tels in Area E.

Drops, drops!

The communicator suddenly sounded.

"See 2567?"

In the communicator, there was an anxious voice from Siniel.

"Yes, it is not far from me."

The guard answered.

"Hand the communicator to 2567."

The words of the Sinai speak very fast.

"Okay, Teacher Sinai."

When the guards said, they went to Qin Ran. Qin Ran, who had already heard the dialogue, passed the communicator directly. After Qin Ran took over the communicator, the guard consciously moved to the distance.

"what happened?"

Qin Ran asked faintly.

"Why don't you have a communicator..."

"Professor Tels is missing!"

After a complaint from Xinil, he informed Qin Ran of an amazing news.

Even if Sinar tried to make himself look normal, Qin Ran still heard panic and overwhelmed from the voice of the other party.


Qin Ran is still indifferent, it seems that he is not surprised at this information.

The anxious Xinier did not hear it at all, or did not care about the indifferent words in Qin Ran’s words. After telling Qin Ran’s message, he hurriedly continued: “I am going to contact the Dean – Tyre Professor Si let me contact the Dean at the most critical juncture. Now is the most critical moment!"

"Do you want to come together?"


In the face of Sinai’s invitation, Qin Ran shook his head.

There was no more persuasion. After Qin Ran refused, Xinil ended the dialogue and Qin Ran returned the communicator to the guard.

"What happened?"

The guard asked at random.


“It’s all expected.”

Qin Ran answered like this.

(End of this chapter)

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