The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1529: Inheritance crystal

Chapter 1529 inheritance crystal


Under the words of Qin Ran, the illusion raised an unprecedented anger. It can't wait to tear Qin Ren immediately, but the ‘gluttony’ that binds it reminds it of reality.

However, this does not mean that the virtual shadow will do nothing.

Like most people, speech becomes the only weapon when it is impossible to practice.

"You are coming for that!"

"But you will never get it if you kill me!"


"Because, you derived from it?"

After waiting for the virtual shadow to finish, Qin Ran interrupted the other party's words.

"how do you know?!"

The illusion exclaimed.

Before the virtual shadow was shocked by Qin Ran once, but compared to this time, it is nothing. After all, this is its biggest secret.

"It's very simple."

"You know the legend of the canteen, and you are constantly using this legend, but you have not used this legendary technique."

"It can only be two."

"First, you didn't find the legendary technique."

"Second, you are a derivative of itself."

"And you just admitted that you are the second possibility."

Qin Ran said faintly.

"You yell at me?!"

The illusion is roaring, and it has never seen such a treacherous human being.

And enough anger makes it forget the situation in which he is, so... Qin Ran reminds the other party in good faith.

"Ah, oh, let go! Let this monster stop!"

"I will tell you everything!"

"Let it loose!"

The illusion screamed loudly, but unlike before, Qin Ran did not stop the gluttony.

He has got all the information he wants.

The virtual shadow in front of me is useless.

The only pity is that...

Qin Ran turned his head and looked at the illusory door.

Although there is a great possibility to directly connect with the virtual stomach, his curiosity still makes him want to explore what is in it. Unfortunately, the assistant he best uses is not here, in the absence of sufficient benefits. The use of other assistants, which seems to be irrational in Qin Ran, therefore, he silently watched the door that gradually dissipated as the virtual shadow dissipated.


After the illusion was completely dissipated, a thumb-sized red-red crystal appeared on the ground. Before the gluttony tongue licked, Qin Ran smashed the red crystal.

[name: inheritance crystal (broken)]

[Category: Wonders]

[Quality: above the legend]

[attack: no]

[defense: extremely strong]

【Attributes:? ? ? 】

[Special effects:? ? ? 】

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Remarks: It is a unique thing in the world. A legendary chef records his life's hard work and skills, but unfortunately it is incomplete under the rush of accidents and time, but this does not hinder It records the content, you need a high quality receiver to accept the knowledge]


Looking at the [inherited crystal (broken)] in his hand, Qin Ran is not surprised.

Whether it appears, or its damage is expected in Qin Ran.

When a person dies, there will be a corpse, and the disillusionment of the illusion will naturally leave something. The ‘body’ derived from the other side naturally becomes the greatest possibility.

The slightly unbearable performance of the other party is not commensurate with the ‘the legendary thing. Therefore, the possibility that the ‘legendary’ is incomplete and damaged is greatly enhanced.

As for the illusion, ‘If you kill me, you will never get it’.

How naive is it to choose to believe in the enemy's words?

At least, Qin Ran will not do this.

Step on, step on!

The footsteps came clear, and Edberg jumped up from the hole in the ballroom.

"I know, it must be you!"

"I just had the authority of the canteen... um?! Inheriting the crystal?!"

"You found it?!"

When Edberg’s slightly annoyed words had not been finished, he stopped abruptly. He widened his eyes and looked at the red crystal in the hands of Qin Ran incredulously. His mouth exclaimed involuntarily.

"How did you find it?!"

"No, no!"

"Did you know that it is here?"

In such a discourse, Edberg almost blurted out of the subconscious, but immediately he shook his head.

Because this is impossible!

No one will not take it out after learning the whereabouts of a heritage crystal, but leave it to others, even blood relatives.

You know, no one can guarantee that only you can find this inheritance crystal.

If you miss a piece of heritage crystal because of hesitation and waiting, it is really no place to cry.

"Can you tell me how did you find it?"

Edberg concealed his embarrassment and asked curiously.

Although after the previous words were spoken, he knew what stupid words he had said. If he was in peacetime, he would definitely choose to leave, avoiding the embarrassment caused by his own mistakes, but facing this inheritance crystal, he But this is not possible.

Quite simply, after he became the head chef of the ‘canteen,’ he also looked for this heritage crystal because of curiosity.

It's the way that a real carpet-like search, a needle is not missed.

However, nothing was achieved.

If it wasn't for him that he had confirmed that the legend was true, he had long thought that it was the same as other legends on campus.

"Do you have a high receiver?"

Qin Ran answered the question, but Edberg immediately understood what it meant.

"Hey, hello, you are extortion!"

"Blackmail, understand?"

"I just want to satisfy my curiosity, you are..."

Edberg shouted loudly, his eyes widened, but unfortunately, Qin Ran completely ignored the other party. When the other party wanted to make more arguments, he jumped back to the ballroom. , ready to leave.

Curiosity, like poison.

Not only does it kill cats, but it also makes it difficult for a person to sleep.

Qin Ran did not believe that Edberg, who was the head chef, was not interested in the legend under the eyes. The reason why he chose to tell him calmly was that he tried his best to find it, but he did not find it.

I am afraid that Edberg never thought of what he was looking for. He had already left the category of articles, became thinking and consciousness, and gradually became something like evil spirits and urban legends.

Even if the other party is not smart enough, but also know that the professors at the school are not good at it, and the students who choose to place the order are the ones to start.

Coupled with the cover of the so-called 'canteen daggers', everything has become seamless.

And just as Qin Ran expected -

"and many more!"

When Qin Ran walked outside the banquet hall and was ready to continue down, Edberg was dissatisfied, but he was helpless.

"I don't have a high receiver, but I know who has it, and I can let him borrow it from you."

"But the cost is..."

"your turn."

Qin Ran said very simply.


Edberg clenched his fists, if it was not inappropriate, and most likely not the opponent of Qin Qin, he would let Qin Ran understand what is called teaching.

"I am half out!"

This kind of discourse is almost squeezed out of Edberg's teeth.


Qin Ran shook his head.


Edberg gave in again.


Qin Qin is simply not moving.

"60%, can't be more, I... wait!"

In the face of Edberg's poor bargaining, Qin Ran turned and left.

The negotiations that have already given up the initiative have no meaning at all. The result is already doomed. More struggles are just a waste of time.

And Qin Ran hates people who waste time.

He can't let others do more, but at least he can let himself do not waste time.

"Okay, good!"

"I promised!"

"You are really a stone heart!"

Looking at Qin Ran who did not hesitate to leave, Edberg gave up the struggle.

Even this represents his six-month salary.

"Up and down."

After Adberg agreed, Qin Ran made a key point.

"Up and down?"

Edberg took a glimpse, then quickly thought of the broken banquet hall roof, he almost whispered to himself: "So simple?"

"Well, it's that simple."

Qin Ran nodded.

Anything that seems to be magical will break out after breaking through the key points.

It's like magic.

Everything is so amazing before it is revealed.

Edberg knows this well, so there is no remorse.

"I will meet here at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning."

"I will take you to see Professor Smith."

"There is only a high receiver in the entire E zone."

Edberg returned to the cafeteria.

Despite knowing the key points, Edberg still wants to do more exploration.

Qin Ran did not stay for a long time, he stepped onto the path back to the student apartment, the pace is not fast, not slow, maintaining a degree to keep trackers behind can not keep up, not too easy.

When passing through a dense bush, the followers behind Qin Ran couldn't help but shoot.

A mist with a slight irritating sensation quickly enveloped the surrounding area, and a figure was blocked in front of Qin Ran.

"Do you think that people who kill the Hill genre will be fine?"

"However, if you want to hand over the crystals... oh!"


The other party's words have not been finished yet, but Qin Ran, who already knows the other party's intentions, broke the other's neck when he passed the other side.

Hill genre, who had attacked him last night, should be a genre hired by Delton.

For this genre, Qin Ran has no more ideas for the time being.

The most intuitive impression is: moving props and equipment.

Just like this moment.

A piece of orange-gloss, like a table tennis item appeared in the hands of Qin Ran.

[name: ball of paralysis]

[Category: Wonders]

[Quality: Rare]

[attack: weaker]

[Property: Wind of Paralysis, 1/1]

[Special effects: None]

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Remarks: It is the basic auxiliary weapon in the Hill genre]


[The paralyzed wind: After throwing out, the radius of the cage is 15 meters, and when the constitution is lower than the A level, it is paralyzed for 3-6 seconds (the paralysis time depends on the physical condition)]


After the "Bullet Ball" in his hand was collected, Qin Ran's eyes looked at the darkness on one side.

A few seconds later, the shadow appeared a squirm, and a man wrapped in black clothing came out.

"I have no ill intentions!"

"I am Oak."

"I just want to represent you on food, and I will send you an invitation to 2567!"

The man held his left hand and took off his mask with his right hand, revealing a young, delicate face.

“Gourmet meeting?”

Qin Ran frowned.

He first heard the term.

"We are not recognized by the school, but the default private association, but please don't worry, we have our own stronghold and corresponding benefits."

"Of course, it is not mandatory for your invitation."

“However, if you join us, you will get unexpected benefits.”

Oak is as polite and euphemistic as he expresses his meaning.

At this moment, the Oaks regretted why they had to pick this seemingly simple task. After witnessing the scene that had just happened, Ao had already divided Qin Ran into the kind of people who could not be provoked.

If you don’t agree, you can shoot.

This kind of sultry is not even the students who are known for their hot and cold in the fourth and fifth graders. Similarly, those people do not have such strength.

Ignore the paralyzed genre of the Hill genre, but no one can do it.

He is able to resist the paralyzed wind because of his special ability and two rare props, but the other party is different. He can see that the other person relies on his own body to ignore the paralyzed wind.

After arriving at this conclusion, Oaker became more and more cautious.


Qin Ran, who heard the benefits, had some interest.


"We share a lot of top secret information!"

"There is food!"

“As long as the corresponding tasks are completed, you will be able to get the food!”

Upon hearing Qin Ran’s inquiry, Oak, who thought that the mission was likely to be completed, immediately said with a sigh of relief.

“Is there food at the dinner level and above?”

Qin Ran continued to ask.

"This, this, some...just..."

Immediately, Oak's look was paralyzed.

Dinner-level food is not Chinese cabbage, how can it be free? If it is other people, Oak does not mind to slightly swindle each other, but in the face of Qin Ran is not afraid to say anything to swear words Gram, it immediately became stammered.

Looking at the stuttering opponent, Qin Ran shook his head.

Obviously, the so-called food will make it difficult to get a meal-level food, not to mention the food above the meal level.

Even Qin Ran can fully imagine that after a food-grade food appeared, it was a scene that you competed for.

Such associations, Qin Ran did not have the slightest interest to join.

Without stopping, Qin Ran walked toward the door of the apartment.

Looking at the back of Qin Ran, Ouke understands that his mission is a failure.

Some are not willing.

But the reality is beyond doubt.

Sighing and shaking his head, Oak was ready to leave, but at the moment of turning, Ouke suddenly thought of something.

Immediately, he turned and shouted.

"and many more!"

PS two in one chapter ~

(End of this chapter)

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