The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1531: opportunity

Chapter 1531 Opportunity

Involuntarily, the saliva in Qin Ran's mouth began to accelerate its secretion. His eyes looked at the direction in which the fragrance was floating, and also the direction in which they marched.

"Smell it?"

"Smith put the research room on this edge, except that he doesn't like the noise, it's more because of his research."

"This taste is too fragrant. I can't help but want to rush into his lab every time to see what it is."


Edberg couldn't help but shook his head while driving.

There is no doubt that Edberg did not succeed once.

However, Qin Ran did not pay attention to whether the other party was successful. His attention has been attracted to the fragrance.

The fragrance of fruits and vegetables is the aroma of the meat and meat after the flames. The latter is very weak, but it exists.

“Fruit and barbecue?”

Qin Ran thought silently.

"You guys will definitely get along with Smith."

"After all, both of you are such dumb guys."

Seeing that Qin Ran didn't mean anything, Edberg couldn't help but shrugged and speeded up the car.

This is a free driver, plus a six-month salary, which makes Edberg a little embarrassed.

If you can, he really doesn't want to see Qin Ran again.

Subconsciously, Edberg took out his own pipe.

However, it did not ignite.

It didn't ignite until the door of Professor Smith's lab.


Edberg said as he pushed the car door down and walked toward the iron fence gate.

Through the iron fence, Qin Ran can clearly see the large planting area in the door, which has both regular vegetables, cereals, and things he can't recognize, while in the middle of the field is a building entirely made of wood. A two-story house with a huge dog in front of the door.

Moreover, the momentum is extremely amazing.

Climb there, like a tiger.

Just as Qin Ran couldn't tell the crops he didn't know, he didn't recognize the dogs that were obviously specially cultivated.

"Hey, Boulder, is Smith waking up?"

Edberg greeted the huge, fierce dog.

However, the large dog did not care about Edberg, but instead looked at Qin Ran.

There are strong vigilance and fear in those eyes.

After about a dozen seconds, the large dog named Boulder came over and opened the iron fence from the inside, but the whole process still had great vigilance against Qin Ran.

"Is the intuition of the beast?"

Qin Ran secretly.

Although he tried to converge on the breath, for ordinary people, he looks like an ordinary person, but it is different in the eyes of animals.

Especially this specially cultivated animal.

"You guys really are a big problem, even Boulder has found out."

"Don't worry, Boulder, he came to borrow Smith's high-level receiver, and then he will leave with me."

After Edberg smiled at Qin Ran, he said to Boulder.

It seems that this explanation really worked, and perhaps Qin Ran has been in a state of convergence. Boulder shook his body, shook his tail, and walked back to the wooden house again, climbing in the original position.

"come on."

After using his chin to scream at the wooden house, Edberg walked carefully on the stalks between the fields, fearing that he would trample on the already sprouted crops on both sides of the field.

Qin Ran followed, looking at the wooden house.

He can clearly discern that the scent is coming from the wooden house.

“Is the crop outside as a cover?”

Qin Ran guessed.

Teoruit is amazing, with many unimaginable foods, but the dangers are obvious.

Smith, as an aboriginal, is naturally prepared to be prepared.

It is like a large dog named Boulder.

When passing by the other side, Qin Ran looked down at the other side, but in exchange for the other party's very unfriendly fangs and whispers.

Qin Ran wisely stepped up.

At this time, he does not want to have extra-budgets.

The door of the wooden house was pushed open by Edberg, and the other party shouted again and again with a big door.

"Smith, Smith."

Hey, hey.

In the raft of the wooden floor, a figure walked slowly.

The head is not high, it can only be said to be a standard, but it is extremely strong. When going downstairs, it is like a wall is approaching.

The loose bib and linen shirt were worn on the other side and were stretched tightly.

But it is the image of the other party that attracts Qin’s attention.

Bald head, one-eyed, lame.

Holding a cane in one hand and a huge cowhide pot in one hand, the taste from the pot, Qin Ran can be sure that it is a high degree of alcohol, and from the sound of the sound, the wine in the cowhide pot is left. The next half or so.

Edberg's brow wrinkled.

"You are drinking again in the morning."

"Forget it, this is 2567."

"This is the new life chief, he needs to use your high-level receiver, cost me to come out."

Edberg was very helpless after the mouth, introduced Qin Ran, but Smith did not care, even, did not look at Qin Ran.

"Pay money first."

Smith sounded hoarse, with a little vagueness.

I don't know if it is innate, or because of alcohol.

Edberg pulled out a brown paper bag, and after passing it, Smith didn't look at it, just throw it on the sofa on one side.

"follow me."

Smith turned and walked toward the inside of the first floor. After passing through the narrow corridor and pushing the door at the end, a very strange chair appeared in front of Qin Ran.

It was a chair made entirely of stone. The back of the chair and the armrests were covered with green vines. Even though they were treated, they seemed to be dug out of the ruins.

"Is it lost?"

What Qin Ran thinks.

"Sit up and hold the inheritance crystal in your hand."

Said Smith.

Qin Ran did not immediately follow the words. Under the impatient gaze of Smith, he checked around the chair and confirmed that there was no danger before he sat up.

“The whole process lasts about one to three hours and there is pain.”

Smith said that he twisted the jug and dripped the wine from the pot on the floor of the room.


When the wine fell on the wooden floor, Qin Ran was acutely aware that an inexplicable breath appeared, but he did not wait until he looked carefully, and his eyes were replaced by a pair of sub-pictures.

It was not a strange picture. At the top of the building last night, the virtual shadow masked a similar picture to him.

But the picture I see at the moment is more detailed and real.

It is like your own experience.

Qin Ran, who has a strong spiritual attribute, clearly understands that this is a fake.

He seems to be watching a movie, once again witnessing the life of the ‘chef’.



After dropping a drop of wine, Smith closed the door and Edberg returned to the living room, set the cane aside, and Smith sat down on the sofa.

"how about it?"

Edberg sat in the chair unceremoniously, and then he asked straight.

Smith looked up and looked at Edberg after his muddy eyes. He didn't answer, and he twisted the jug again, and even poured a few mouthfuls.

Hey, hey.

A strange blush appeared on Smith's face. He leaned on the jug and leaned against the sofa. He turned his head and looked at the sun outside the door. After a few clicks in his mouth, he held the jug and collapsed his body. In the sofa.

But right away, Smith turned to sit up and looked at the room at the end of the corridor.

There was a burning scent that suddenly appeared and rolled, as if a monster made up entirely of magma was roaring.

The temperature inside the wooden house rises rapidly.

Soon, the dry wood is about to enter the critical point of ignition.

Smith twisted the jug again and another drop of wine fell.

Suddenly, the temperature of the entire house has returned to its original level.

Everything is no different from the original.

However, Smith has become different.

Among his turbid eyes, the sharp and sharp eyes of the silk, like a long knife that slashed the thick fog, made people dare not look at each other, and the scalp was numb.

"Who is the inheritance crystal he took?"

Asked Smith.

"The one in the legendary E-zone canteen."

Edberg held his shoulders and looked at Smith with a smile.

He is looking forward to seeing the next scene.

"'The Devil of Fire'?"

Smith frowned.

"That is a misunderstanding of the world. He is a truly great chef. I prefer to call him "the redemption of inflammation!"

Edberg said with a serious face.


"Pray for the salvation of others, never save yourself!"

Smith sneered, then leaned back into the sofa again.

"how about it?"

Looking at Smith's appearance, Edberg asked again.

This time, Smith was not silent. He glanced at the room at the end of the corridor and said slowly: "General."

“Just average?”

Edberg’s dissatisfaction asked.

In his opinion, Qin Ran is enough!

In this session... No, it is the freshman of the last ten years, Qin Ran belongs to the best!

Not only strength, but also the mind, and a calm attitude, are far beyond the age of this age, and even some elite teachers can not compare.

"Well, just average."

Smith nodded very seriously.

"Then he has no chance?"

Looking at the serious Smith, Edberg asked unwillingly.


Smith said, the whole person curled up in the sofa again.

Edberg looked at Smith's appearance, a subconscious blink of an eye, and wanted to say something, but before he said it, the head chef gave up.


He sighed and the whole person leaned against the chair and did not speak.

Time passes by one minute.

An hour passed quickly.

However, there was no movement in the room at the end of the corridor.

Two hours.

Three hours.

When Smith told Qin Ran that the maximum time limit had arrived, Edberg stood up from the chair.

"what happened?"

“Is it not up to three hours?”

Edberg asked.

There is concern in the voice.

Whether it is the qualifications of Qin Ran or the head chef of Teorue, Edberg does not want Qin Ran to have any accidents.

In particular, Qin Ran came to Smith with him.

"Good thing."

"The longer the time, the higher the fit between him and the inheritance crystal."

"I took back the words I had before."

"He is not ordinary, it is good."

Smith re-sit and look a little surprised at the eyes at the end of the corridor.

"Then he has a chance..."


Smith's evaluation made Edberg happy, and now he wants to revisit the old things, but he was interrupted by Smith.

With a slap in the corner, Edberg no longer spoke.

He waited quietly.

Then, the fourth hour passed and the fifth hour passed.

Soon, from sunrise to sunset, the afterglow of the evening shines into the wooden house, and the character of Edberg is drawn, and his serious face is full of worry.

And Smith did not lie back on the sofa.

There was an unprecedented surprise in his eyes.

It has been ten hours!

This is the inheritance time he has never heard of.

Even the best talented person is only four hours!

It’s more than twice as long, and it’s still...

"Are you sure that the piece of heritage crystal is broken?"

Asked Smith.

"I'm sure!"

"Although I am not as professional as you are, I can still confirm this."

Edberg said affirmatively.

"if it is like this……"

“Can there be a chance?”

Edberg turned to look forward to looking at Smith, but Smith still shook his head.


Smith said with certainty.


"With such a good heir, are you not willing to?"

“Don't you really want to immerse yourself in the past to die?”

Edberg questioned, the voice was almost roaring.

You don't have a good heir, I am going to find it for you.

Found, but you still can't say?

This sense of powerlessness caused Edberg, who had been patient with his temper, to break out completely. He grabbed Smith's collar and smashed it from the sofa.

Hey, hey.

However, I haven't waited for what Edberg did, and there was a low humming behind him.

The icy killings mixed with the most direct hunger, just like a bucket of ice water pouring down, let Edberg stand still.


Smith reprimanded, and immediately, in a burst of squeaky screams, the killing disappeared.

Snoring, snoring.

Edberg loosened Smith, and the whole man sat down and gasped.


"If I can, I really want such a good heir."


"He is too good."

Smith said this.

“Too great?”

"What do you mean?"

Edberg asked inexplicably.

Smith glanced at Edberg apologetically, but said nothing.


He can't say it!

After twisting the jug and taking a sip, Smith leaned back in the sofa and looked up at the dark night sky outside the window, staring at the hustle and bustle of the stars, the coldness in his eyes flashing away, when his eyes were again When it was replaced by turbidity, there was a noise in the room at the end of the corridor.

Hey, hey!

The dilapidated clocks in the house rang continuously.

The hour hand completes a complete circular motion.

Just twelve hours.

(End of this chapter)

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