The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1536: unexpected surprise

Chapter 1536 Surprise


"Is it persuaded?"

"Where is the dark eater going out of the Dark Eaters Alliance and becoming a 2567 follower?!"

Garcia, lying on the bed, listened to the lectures of the research assistant, and felt that he was listening to fairy tales. He was unconscious in his unconscious eyes.


"Although it is unbelievable, the dark eater is really out of the Dark Eaters Alliance. The news has just been confirmed."

The assistant in the lab nodded affirmatively.

For Garcia's surprise, unbelievable, he understood very well.

Because, not long ago, he did the same.

Even, it has to be several times more intense.

For the dark eater, as a researcher at the Duyil Research Laboratory, they are no strangers. They know how terrible those guys who have abandoned all dignity, honor, and even humanity. It takes two or three talents to suppress each other, but now a real dark eater is persuaded by simple words. If it is not confirmed, they will only think it is a fantasy.

The ward was in a silence.

After a long time, Garcia returned to God.

"What are the two people I plan to meet in 2567?"

"Where are they?"

Garcia asked.

"They were unfortunately affected by the 2567 attack, and there was no chance to identify themselves."

The lab assistant said cautiously.

He knows the plan of the fourth-grade student. He hopes that when the new chief is facing the 'most difficult situation', he will help each other not only to get the good feelings of the other party, but also to recruit them, even if they are The most difficult situation is what they make.

As long as it succeeds, who will pay attention to this?


They have failed.

The most important thing is that the two people who were discharged to the rescue also lost their lives.

It is really stealing chickens without eclipsing the rice.



The team of seven people carefully cultivated by Professor Duyil has been completely destroyed in less than an hour.

And, more importantly, they are unfortunate when they execute his orders.

Why is this happening?

Obviously everything is planned.

They are not wrong, it is my plan mistakes.

Everything is my fault.

For a time, the fourth graders began to doubt life.

The fourth-grade student's breathing is getting more and more urgent, and his face is not naturally blushing.



A blood spurted straight out, and the wound that had just been sutured began to smash out the blood and quickly dyed the gauze.

Garcia fainted directly.

"Doctor! Doctor!"

The research assistant shouted loudly.


"Do you know what you are doing?"

Sinil shouted almost as a roar.

When he received the news of the dark eater, he rushed in, but when he arrived, the teacher who was afraid of trouble discovered that the trouble in front of him was far more trouble than he had imagined.

The dark eater actually abandoned the identity of the dark eater, prepared... no, has become the chief follower of their new birth.

Looking at the quiet dark eater who stood behind 2567, Sinil felt that the temple had begun to make a sudden jump.

He is very clear about what happens once this matter spreads widely today.

The group of lunatics of the dark eater is not so irritating.

What makes him even more helpless is that today's event will inevitably spread on a large scale.

In Teorret, the deaths of more than 50 people, even the Dean Roanm, could not be suppressed.

Even those people are self-defeating.

As soon as I thought about the things they had to face in the next period of time, Siniel really couldn't wait to give the freshman chief a punch and warned the other party not to cause trouble.

But when he thinks about the strength gap between the two sides, he is wise not to start, but to change to roar.


Qin Ran nodded.

"Do you know that you still do this?"

Sinil’s growl is louder.

“Do I have any reason to reject a person who abandons evil and is good?”

Qin Ran asked.

"But doing this will bring you trouble, have you thought about it?"

The whole person stood up with a table in front of Sinil's powerful shot.


"But if everyone rejects kindness because of the measure in mind, then the world will fall into the real darkness, which is really sad."

"I can't persuade others what to do."

"But I only hope that I can stick to the bottom line in my heart."

Qin Ran's voice is not high, and the tone is very indifferent, but it is such a discourse, but it shows an unprecedented truth and ... ... righteousness.

Faced with such words, Xiniel looked at Qin Ran, he could not think of any reason for rebuttal.

The registrar recorded on the side raised his head and looked at Qin Ran's gaze with a little more admiration.

"I remind you that the dark eater will revenge you by any means."

“Although they have no reputation, this time they still have to restore everything represented by the words “dark eater”.”

Siniel sat back in the chair and took a deep breath, saying it was serious.


"Let them come."

Qin Ran stood up and walked out.

The former dark eater who kept silent did not follow up.

The door was slowly closed.

Siniel sat behind her desk and said nothing.

He stared at the closed door, and his mind kept rewinding the words of Qin Rang.

‘If everyone rejects kindness because of the measure in mind, then the world will fall into true darkness, which is really sad! ’

“When did I start to measure everything with benefits?”

"When I graduated?"

"No, it was earlier."

"It should be the first time I went to the secret, and the team teacher told me that I had to give up the wounded in the same trade to ensure that others were safe."

"There is nothing wrong with doing this."

“Abandoning a small part and guaranteeing the majority, this is the most sensible choice!”

"Well... why is it now, I still can't forget this?"

"Why, I will be in my heart... still uneasy?"

Sinil held her head in her hands, and both palms kept clutching her hair.

The clerk took the recorded notes and sneaked out to the outside without making a sound.

In the room next door, Professor Tels has long waited for a long time.

After taking over the record of the clerk, Tels looked through it carefully.

In fact, he has already seen it all.

Because this room is the same as the room next door.

With a painting as a cover, the people in this room can easily see everything next door, and the people next door know nothing about it.

Hey, hey.

The sound of the page flipping was the only sound in the room, and finally, it was a sigh of Professor Tels.

"Leonard went to see Sinar."

"You need to pay more attention to him recently."

"He still can't get out of the things of the year."

Tels commanded Leonard, who had long been worried and wanted to leave.

"Okay, Professor."

Leonard hurried to the next door.

When there were only two of Tels and the clerk left in this room, Tels looked at the latter.

"Molly, what do you think?"

Asked Tels.

"Very good boy."

"Although it seems indifferent, I know what I should do."

"Maybe the means of acting are too fierce and can be trusted."

"However, the premise is that you gain his trust."

The hair was gray, and the clerk with a pair of eyes replied in this way. On the right hand of the clerk, a plant planted in a small potted plant with small fingertips, like a dandelion, continued to speak with the voice. The swaying, as if agreeing with the clerk's words.

"Is that right?"

"Monitoring the video, have you seen it?"

"What's the problem?"

After thinking about it, Tyres continued to ask.

"everything is normal!"

"Whether the dark eater wants to confuse 2567 with words, he never thought that the will of 2567 was rock solid and his mind was sharp. Not only did he not succeed, but he was poked by 2567 to hide the weakness in his heart."

"So that he happened directly after the psychological defense collapsed."

The clerk knew what Tyre thought to ask, and said very simply.

"This kind of thing is really incredible!"

Tels exclaimed.

"Not incredible."

"But it is not something that ordinary people can do."

"He needs strong self-confidence and corresponding personality charm."

The clerk corrected the mistakes in the words of Telth.

"Is there 2567?"

Tyres asked.

"In front of fifty bodies, it is an impact on anyone, and you can understand it as another unique charm."

"However, the next 2567 should not be used."

The clerk has a meaning.

"I hope you don't have any trouble!"

"The anniversary of Teoruit is about to begin!"

Tersi said with a smile.

"Maybe trouble will become a good thing?"

The clerk said very optimistically.

Yes, trouble can also be a good thing.

Just be prepared and seize the opportunity.

Just like Qin Ran at this time.

In the apartment, there are thirty-three magic props and two rare props, and the smile on the face can't be hidden.

Although it is worth noting that it is two rare props, the value represented by thirty-three magic items is not comparable to two rare items.

After carefully arranging thirty-three magical items into the backpack, Qin Ran’s eyes looked at two rare props.

[name: cream ball]

[Category: Wonders]

[Quality: Rare]

[attack: no]

[defense: no]

[Attribute: Cure]

[Special effects: None]

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Remarks: It is a kind of combat food developed by Duyil Research Laboratory]


[Cure: Put the cream ball in your mouth, it will restore 50 health points every minute, after 20 minutes, the cream ball disappears, or directly swallow, restore 300 health at a time]


[name: crispy pizza]

[Category: Wonders]

[Quality: Rare]

[attack: no]

[defense: no]

[Property: Excitement]

[Special effects: None]

[Can you bring this copy: Yes]

[Remarks: It is a kind of combat food developed by Duyil Research Laboratory]


[Encourage: Even if you are on the verge of death, you will rise up in the crisp sound. After eating it, you can let the dying person stay active for 1 minute, but after one minute, you will fall into organ failure and die quickly. If you want to treat the injured person. It is not the best means, but it is the last choice. 】


Unlike most kitchen utensils that are magic grades, two rare items are one-off foods. Although there is no graded food preparation, it is enough to play an unexpected role if used properly.

Carefully placed the [Cream Ball] and [Crisp Pancake] in the backpack, and Qin Ran took out the metal box with [Golden Cake (Imitation)].

Seriously, in this plan, the [golden cake (imitation)] and the other food that is about to be delivered are the things that Qin Qu really expects.


Carefully open the box, a golden glow is printed on Qin Ran's face.

More importantly, the scent that belongs to the cake is coming.

Looking at the gold cake about seven inches in size, remember that after the food leaves the storage box, Qin Ran, whose quality will drop with time, has no hesitation, and it is directly caught and sent into the mouth.

The soft, sweet but not greasy taste instantly fills the teeth and taste buds.

Then, the whole cake turned into a semi-liquid, like a melting ice cream, along the Qin E's esophagus, into the stomach.

The ‘gluttony’ that has long been waiting for a long time rushed to this delicious food.

After it was decomposed and transformed, the power of the demon, the power of the morning, the power of the plague, the power of the thorn and the power of the original sin began to accelerate again.

The five major sources of Qin Ran once again turned into the purest power, supplying the flames in his mind, making it more vigorous and bright, dispelling more chaos and darkness.

This is no different from before.

But the changes that followed made Qin Ran feel surprised.

[Absorb special energy, perception level +3]

[Awareness ZZ→ZZZ (Strong I)]


Attribute promotion!

It turned out to be an attribute improvement, not a similar skill.

Qin Ran looked at the words appearing on the retina and quickly thought about the attributes of [Golden Cake (Imitation)]: [Golden Gift (Residual): Completion, Optimization of Body Attributes].

The attribute of the incomplete level can increase the level of perception by level 3, then... complete?

and also!

A true meal-level food has already made him a lot of money.

And now, he has two meals of food that are not available!

梆, 梆 tied.

Raising his left hand and gently tapping the armrest of the chair, Qin Ran slightly raised his eyes. At this time, he discovered that he still seemed to stun the hidden value of the copy world.

The only thing to be thankful for is that he is careful and cautious enough, without too many omissions, and not making mistakes.

Even more likely, there will be more unexpected gains.

Subconsciously, Qin Ran looked at the former dark eater who stood on one side.

Immediately, the former dark eater squatted on one knee and said devoutly.

"Adult, Rest is at your service."

(End of this chapter)

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