The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1542: A rare opportunity

Chapter 1542 is a rare opportunity

The knocking on the door sounded, and the sullen Dalé was immediately overjoyed.


As he said, the short second-year chief student walked toward the door, but was not close, and was stopped by Reina.

"Sister, someone is knocking at the door."

Dalle said cautiously.

For Renata, Dalle is a fear from the bottom of my heart.

Not only because of the strong strength of the other party, but also because of the mood of the other party, the last moment is still smirking at you, and the next moment will make you feel different.

Although most of the time, with the rules of Teoruit as a constraint, but the pain of the flesh is inevitable.

Dalle had suffered bitterly.

More than once.

Therefore, every time I see the Lena Tower, it seems that there is a shadow, the second-year chief student always feels guilty.

"Are you afraid?"

"Little Dale?"

"I just scared you so much?"

Lena towered with a smile, and her cheeks leaned toward Dall, looking at the glamorous, glamorous face, especially when there was snow and white flashing, and Dale began to panic, even standing. Unstable fell to the ground.

And this look makes Renata very happy, and the fourth-grade chief student issued a series of laughter.

"Sister, don't tease me."

"I have already lost."

Dalle said with a smile.

Renata didn't intend to give up the game because of Dale's opening. She wanted to say something, but she was interrupted by Gemala.


The third grade chief student said coldly.

Dalai in the bitter smile, then, a face is positive.


Only knock on the door!

No footsteps!

Although his attention has just been placed on the confrontation of Renata and Gemala, but his hearing should not be heard without footsteps.

Subconsciously, Dalle turned to look at ‘Thai’.

"Cough and cough!"

In the cough, ‘Thai’ stretched out his left hand and waved gently.

Lenata made a smirk and took a step back, letting the direction of ‘Thai’ wave, and Jamalah wrinkled, and chose to dodge.

The fastest hiding was Dalle, almost at the moment when ‘Thai’ raised his hand, and it flashed into the corner of the room.

The reaction of the people made him feel a strong smile again, and he smiled at Dal: "Open the door..."


However, the words were interrupted when they were exported.

The front door was opened by a person.


The door panel was directly out of the door frame, with a bad wind, rolling and flying to the ‘Thai’ sitting there.

It’s like a thunder, it’s lightning fast.

The four people in the room were all caught off guard, and they watched the doorway fly to ‘Thai’.

In fact, after the ‘Thai’ shot, the four people in the room, including ‘Thai’ themselves, relaxed their vigilance, especially ‘Thai’ himself, and he had absolute confidence in his ability.

Perhaps his body is weak and not suitable for close combat.

However, his ability, whether it is fighting or assisting, is the best choice.

Otherwise he will not be the chief student of the fifth grade.

However, at this time, the fifth-grade student looked at the flying door panel, and only the wolverine fell to the right.


The door panel flew over the top of the fifth-grade chief student, and the heavy squatting in the wall behind the other side, in the middle of the split, inlaid among them, is like a post-modern abstract painting.

Smoke, rendering.

An icy, star-studded line of sight swept across the room.

Gemala's right hand was placed on the hilt.

When her hand grasped the handle of the sword, the long sword became her extension, both hands and feet, but also the soul, the smoke in the eyes disappeared instantly, and she saw the figure coming in.

At the same time, it also locked the figure.

The next moment, the sword is out of the sheath -



The cold edge of the blade has already bloomed, but it is fleeting.

It’s not that Gemma’s sword is being collected, but a strange palm is covered on the palm of Gemala’s hand. The slender fingers of the other side burst out of the power that Gemala can’t resist, and the hard-shouldered sword will soon be unsheathed. , pressed back.

Gemala's cold face rose to a blush.

Not only because of the anger of not being able to produce a sword in front of her, but also because she has never been touched by other people, she is actually held in the hands of a stranger.

Shamefulness made this talented female swordsman lose her calm.

And when a swordsman loses his calmness, it is when he fails, regardless of gender.

At least, in the eyes of Qin Ran, men and women are the same.



When the other party shouted, Qin Ran was very familiar with a boxing hit on the other's lower abdomen, completely letting the other party lose its mobility.

After the fall of Gemma's convulsions, Qin Ran looked at the side.

In the eyes of ordinary people, there is smoke and dust, and nothing is empty.

But in the eyes of Qin Ran, there was a virtual shadow standing like a evil spirit, and he was rushing to him.

Without hesitation, Qin Ran lifted his leg.


The evil spirit of the shadow, after being touched by Qin Ran's sole, is like a soap bubble, revealing the poor Lena tower behind.

"I, I didn't mean it."

“Just subconsciously want to protect yourself.”

"You will forgive me, right?"

Originally, the glamorous Linata, the tears in her eyes, naturally raised the feeling of affection, and there was a sweet taste in the air.

In this sweet taste, even the tough guy will become obedient.

And Qin Ran?

He is not a tough guy, he is just... sometimes, the heart of the stone is gone.

Therefore, the one that was lifted was not put down, but the trend was printed on the face of Reina.


The other side rolled and flew into the corner of the room.

The sweet taste disappeared without a trace.

Qin Ran continued to move forward.


The sound is coming.

Dal, who had just hid in the corner, appeared in front of Qin Ran in the direct volley. The two legs turned into a phantom and shrouded toward Qin.

Fast and sick.

But Qin Ran is faster and more ill.


More powerful!

The same leg shadow burst out directly with Qin Ran's right leg, not only swallowing the shadow of the attacking part, but even the second-year chief student also swallowed it.


After several times of muffled sounds, the second-grade chief's nose was swollen and swollen.

When the other party landed, it represented the highest strength of the 2350th grade students.

Of course, there are still some unwilling struggles.

‘Thai’ brings together the strength of the whole body, treating his companions and attacking Qin Ran.

As before, when the invisible, colorless and odorless ‘healing’ force shrouded around Qin Ran, the “plague power” in Qin Ran’s body accelerated slightly faster.

It is like a younger brother who is constantly tribute.

This made Qin Ran slightly slow down a little.

However, the room in front of me was not big. Even if Qin Ran slowed down, he still walked to the front of ‘Thai’ after a dozen steps.

Looking up, looking at Qin Ran coming to his face, ‘Thai’ put aside his hand.

"The 2567 in the rumor... is even more terrible than the rumors."

“Are you coming to express our dissatisfaction with changing the orientation of the new student?”

The smoke slowly fell, and when I saw the appearance of Qin Ran, there was a bitter smile on the weak face of ‘Thai’.



Qin Ran shook his head.

For the person who sent the food, how could he be dissatisfied, just like just fighting, he is very careful to control the power.

The four people in front of you are all rare ‘food suppliers’.

"Then you are coming to glory?"

Gemala slowly stood up, his powerful body and the treatment of 'Thai', which quickly restored the female swordsman.

"I am afraid there is something wrong with me."

"I will never be arrogant, it will only make my enemies feel vigilant."

"What I generally like is... killing the danger in the cradle!"

Qin Ran faintly finished, the body shape flashed in front of the Lena tower.

The fourth-grade chief at the moment is moving silently toward the door.

Looking at Qin Ran in front of him, the other side subconsciously revealed a charming expression.

"Do you want to kill me?"

"I am for you..."


Qin Ran took a foot on the other's face, just like before, the other side flew back to the corner of the room, just waking up Dalle blinked and saw this scene.

Immediately, the second-year chief student raised his hands high.

“The freshman guidance class was proposed by Renata and has nothing to do with me!”

The second-year chief student made a loud statement.

Qin Ran did not pay attention to each other and went straight to the front of Lena.

The other party's hair was scattered on the ground, and the newly treated face once again showed redness and swelling.

"I hope that you can tell me why the fish that have suddenly attacked the freshmen's guidance class will come here?"

Asked Qin Ren at the height of the next.

Not a lie, nor a swindle.

Rather, one of those fish who missed the net did come here.

Then, under the forced persuasion of Qin Ran, the truth was revealed.

"how could I know?"

"I am just proposing."

"What happened to the attack you said?"

The face of the red face is stunned.

‘Thai’, Gemala, and Dalle also looked at Qin Ran without understanding.

"In the previous freshman guidance class, we were attacked..."

Qin Ran roughly talked about the previous things. When I heard the appearance of several buses, ‘Thai’, Gemala and Dalle frowned.

Those who can become chief students are not fools.

I immediately guessed that this attack on the new students is not to kill anyone, but to kidnap!

As for why?

If the kidnapping is successful, there are so many things that can be done.

Most directly, every freshman represents a 'fast food' that fits with himself. Perhaps a 'fast food' is nothing, but more than 300 copies?

Moreover, for the sake of new life, with their understanding of the dean, the other party is likely to agree to exchange conditions.

For a time, the eyes of the three chief students looking at Linata became different.

"You are sure to be me?"

“Not someone else?”

"You don't think that Little Dalle is also very suspicious?"

Lenata gave a chuckle, but immediately stopped because of the pain of her face. She turned her head and looked at the second-year chief student.

Suddenly, the latter narrowed his neck.

He knows very well why Leona chose him, apparently in ‘retaliation’ for his just-intentioned move.

However, such a "retaliation" move also made Dalle puzzled.

Because, according to his understanding of Renata.

If this matter is really done by the other party, once it is revealed, it will definitely not be such a simple ‘retaliation’. There will inevitably be a more comprehensive and sturdy follow-up that will make it impossible to fight back.

Not only Dalle, but as the opponent of Reina, Gemala is even more confused.

‘Thai’ is a very simple inquiry.

"What is going on?"

"Of course it is a ‘spy’!”

"These attackers have people who are persuaded by me. They blame themselves for their past and decide to abandon their secrets."

Lenata said a slap in the face.

It was supposed to be a very fascinating movement, and when the red face was exposed, it became extremely weird.


Dalle didn't hold back, and he laughed very carelessly.

Gemala's mouth is slightly upturned.

‘Thai’ could not bear to raise his hand and he was treated for Renata.

"anything else?"

Qin Ran continued to ask.

"And after that, Dean Roems found me and let my people cooperate with the attackers."

"It is estimated that the Dean is dissatisfied with those who are stunned and ready to come to a big cleansing. If you don't believe it, you can ask the Dean."

Renata turned her head and answered Qin Ran.

The eyes of the fourth-grade chief student have an unprecedented look.

It's not like the arrogance of ordinary men who play with the applause, but the feeling of novelty when facing the unknown.

Qin Ran saw such a gaze, but he did not have the heart to pay attention.

At this moment, Qin Ran, thinking deeply.

"Ronums is trying to clean up the hidden dangers in Area E."

"And Smith has contributed his own research."

"Next, Smith traded with me and let me come here."

“It can even be said that there is no need to trade with me. I just need to track the fish that are missing the net, and it will definitely appear here!”

"Then, I will understand the generalization of things."


Qinran, who thought of something, picked up his eyes and then turned and walked out.

"and many more!"

Gemala, who has been silent, suddenly spoke up.

Qin Ran heard it, but did not stop to mean the pace, continue to move forward.

"I want to challenge you!"

The female swordsman who refused to admit defeated.

"One lunch at a time!"

"Ready, come to me!"

"All of you are the same!"

Qin Ran said, speeding up the pace.

His final purpose has also been reached, and there is no need to continue to stay.

Are these chief students challenging?

The answer is certain.

Will definitely come.

And, more than once.

Because they are not willing.

They will think that they have not played well and will definitely play well and win the next time.

In order to give them this illusion, Qin Ran didn't mind releasing the water again.

After all, chances are rare.

No one will give up.

Smith, too.

(End of this chapter)

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