The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1548: stage

Chapter 1548 Stage


After a while, the middle-aged talents made a low-pitched voice, and their faces became iron and green, and their fists were tightly gripped.

Without any stop, the middle-aged man pushed the door straight and went on.

The driver followed, and took the first step to Leo Ryder in front of the building. After a slight inspection, the driver shook his head at the middle-aged.

"I want your blood debt to pay!"

The middle-aged man yelled and rushed into the canteen.

The students who came to eat breakfast around were hit by the middle-aged people.

And when these students still don't understand what happened -


There was a sound of falling heavy objects beside him.

The middle-aged man who just rushed up, just fell to the side of Leo Ryder who had fallen from the building, and looked at it from a height, quite a sense of neatness.

However, the surrounding students can not care about this neatness.

They panicked and panicked and looked up.

When the two were found to have fallen from the chief student restaurant, some quick-responding students had already shown a stunned look.

Regarding the chief rumor, they have heard more or less.

Even in some respects, it can be said that it is as good as it is.

Because, where the rumored person goes, there will be death.

At first, people used it as a joke, but as time went by, such jokes began to be taken seriously, especially at this moment, looking at the bodies of two falling buildings, who can use it as a joke?

Guti can’t come.

The latter step, Professor Tels, can't do the same.

After looking at each other, the two men walked straight upstairs to the cafeteria.

In the chief restaurant, they saw Qin Ran in front of a high-end dinner plate.

A food of ten people!

Sure enough, it is...

Guti glanced at it and reached the most correct conclusion. Then, inexplicably, Qin Qu, who was not ordinary, became more and more special.

When Guti first saw Qin Ran's pretentious calm eyes, he immediately had a different meaning.

I am ashamed and have expectations.

So the former minister of the student union forgot why he appeared here, only left, tweaked and stood in the same place, with his hands on the skirt.

Professor Tels looked at Guti with amazement.

He knows some rumors about the ancient family.

However, he did not think that Guti would have chosen Qin Ran.


big trouble!

In an instant, Professor Terns’s thoughts raised this idea. However, the well-deserved professor of good deeds knows what he should solve first.

Two members of the Ryder family fell down!

"2567, just..."

"Well, I threw it down."

Didn't wait for Teres to ask, Qin Ran nodded very simply.

"Do you know what you are doing?"

Tyre's eyes widened.


"I am bothering me to eat, and I want to attack me. I am dead, and God can't shelter him."

Qin Ran nodded again.

"Do you know what the consequences will be?"

"The Ryder family is not ordinary..."

The old good professor raised his finger to Qin Ran, and then, it was a sigh of relief, and the raised arm was also unable to hang down.

Tyres always thought that although Qin Ran was so lonely, he was extremely calm in dealing with things, and he would not be out of place at all, but this time, the death of two Ryder family members told Thales. The guy in front of him, like the original Smith, is so lawless.

Guti, standing on the side, is bright.

The food is wonderful.

It should not be destroyed.

The destroyer is the enemy.

The enemy should be killed innocently.

At this time, the vows belonging to the family unconsciously appeared in Guti’s mind. Originally, some of the former students who had resisted such vows were divided into ministers. At this moment, they felt that such vows were not annoying.

"2567, and I go to the police station."

"I need you to say the details of the matter in detail."

"and also……"

"Forget it, you just want to follow me."

The old good professor also wanted to marry Qin Ran, but thought about the strength and character of the other side, and finally, he shook his head.

Behind Telce, Qin Ran walked out of the canteen, passing through two bodies, and unfortunately paused.


Stanter and Mika rounded up.

Although the new students stood in the distance, their eyes were fixed on it.

Look at the eyes of these young people?

I am afraid, he has a slight over-the-top behavior of Qin Ran, and these young people can rush to eat him.

Tyres felt that his temples were hurting.

“Just a routine investigation.”

The old good professor explained.

He did not understand at all that a solitary chief of character was how to win the respect of these unruly young people.

Teres, who has reached middle age, never understands what is more so-called maverick, and the more it can resonate with young people.

Especially the young people in the rebellious period, watching the unconventional rules, and the strength, the birth of one after another rumored Qin Ran, in addition to the fear of the heart, there is an alternative kind of worship.

It is like watching an idol.

The freshmen did not pay attention to the words of the old good professors, and they looked at Qin Ran.


Qin Ran nodded slightly.

Immediately, Stanter and Mika stepped back two steps and let the road open, but all the freshmen, including the two, were watching Qin Ran.

Strong personality charm!

If you become a leader, it must be the best!

Looking at this scene, Guti has already released his eyes.

The more he contacted Qin Ran, the more Guti discovered that Qin Ran was in full compliance with her expectations, and even more than a lot.


God gave me the opportunity!

I must catch it!

Thinking of this, Guti opened up.

"Professor Telce, I don't think 2567 should be taken to the police station."

"He didn't make any mistakes, but the Ryder family's rudeness and arrogance should be investigated."

"Also, although Leo Ryder is a graduate of Teoruit, I have just checked it and he has not given any permission to return to school."

"That is, he sneaked in without permission."

"For those who sneak in, any member of Teoruit has the right to kill him."

Guti began to tell the truth, and Tels was more and more headaches.

Because, after hearing the words of Guti, the new students began to commotion.

The good old man professor looked at Guti’s eyes with helplessness.

Although Guti chose to choose Qin Ran as a candidate, but the ambiguity of such a ‘bright and honest’, don’t you worry, is he being stared?

"Guti, everything you said is right, but..."

"Go to the police station."

"I want to go there and see."

The words of the old good professor were interrupted again by Qin Ran.

Surrounded by people, I was surprised to see Qin Ran who was going to the police station.

The police station, the special department of Teoruit, gathered guards and guards.

Simply put, it is a collection of military camps and prisons.

Most people are far from there.

No one has ever proposed to take the initiative to go there.

Suddenly, Tyres raised a sense of alert.

"2567, what do you want to do?"

The old good man professor asked.

"Cooperate with your investigation."

Qin Ran answered very seriously.

It was just such seriousness that it made the old good man’s heart rise a bad premonition, but he had to take Qin Ren to the police station.

Because this is the rule of Teoruit: students who have made a big mistake must not stay in the school district and need to go to the police station for investigation.

A vehicle driven by the school guard opened to the front, and Qin Ran opened the door and sat in it.

"I will guarantee the safety of 2567 at the police station."

Tyres promises to everyone around you.

The next moment, the car started.

From the beginning to the end, Qin Ran did not look at the car hidden in the corner in the distance.

Even if he was because of the person sitting inside, he changed the original plan slightly.

The car carrying Qin Ran went away.

Looking at the car that disappeared quickly, Guti brows.

She knows that even if Tels has been with Qin Ran, the Ryder family of those **** will definitely start!

Although it is not personally started, but with the temptation of [醍醐液液], many people will take risks.

She must speed up.


The police station is located between Zone E and Zone D.

From the outside, it is like an enlarged bunker.

Low, strong, and extremely large, are the characteristics of each other.

The car all the way into the bunker unimpeded, through the window, Qin Ran can clearly see the right side of the military camp, a team of guards are doing morning exercises, and in the farther places, one by one tower rises, It would be like putting a few antennas on this huge bunker to make it look strange.

"The Ryder family's **** won't let you go that way."

"You must follow me, understand?"

When there is no outsider, the old good professor has become a lot more casual.

Not only did he call the Ryder family as a bastard, but he also glared at Qin Ran again.

"Their power is bigger than expected."

Qin Ran answered like this.

"It's not that their power is bigger than they think, but that they are greedy, more than they think!"

The old good professor corrects the words of Qin Ran.

"[醍醐液液] is really a good thing."

Qin Ran slightly decapitated.

The old good professor did not meet.

Because everything is obvious, you don't need to repeat it, but some doubts still bother him.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Don't mention it to me because I disturbed your breakfast."

The old good professor twisted his head from the driver's seat.

“It’s really because I was disturbed by my breakfast.”

"As I said, people who bother me to eat and want to attack me are dead, and God can't shelter him."

Qin Ran answered truthfully, but the old professor shook his head and sighed.

Obviously, Telce did not believe what Qin Ran said.

And the question of the fruitless Teres did not ask again.

Now, in the mind of this old good man professor, it is all about how to let Qin Ran safely pass the difficult situation.

As for the rest?

Compared with Qin Ran’s life and death, it is not so important.

The car fell into silence, and after about five minutes, the car stopped.

"It’s here, it’s here."

The old good man professor walked off the car first, and Qin Ran then walked down from the co-pilot. He looked at the narrow front and could only walk side by side through the three-person alley.

Standing at the mouth of the alley, Qin Ran can see the small door at the end of the alley.

In front of the door, standing with two cold-faced guards, the body exudes a breath of the level of entry.

When they were in contact with Qin Ran’s eyes, the two guards responded fiercely. However, with the good old professor standing beside them, the two did not have any excessive moves.

"They are the guards of the police station."

"The shackles belonging to Dean Ronns...the same as the guard you saw yesterday."

"When they need to solve special situations, they will be dispatched, and most of the time, they will be guarded in the police station. Therefore, to some extent, the police station is the safest place for Teoruit."

After a little hesitation, the old good professor introduced.

He believes that some things, Qin Ran must be known.

In order to make Qinran peace of mind, but also to avoid any misunderstanding.

However, when I saw Qin Ran's eagerness to look around, the old good professor knew that he wanted more.

Qin Ran not only has no worries, but also is very relaxed, just like on vacation.

"I will remind you again, the Ryder family..."

"They are very difficult to provoke, and they never lose."

"I know."

"Many people have been talking about this after Oliver Ryder's death."

"And it's a coincidence that although I eat everything, I never lose."

Qin Ran smiled and looked at the old good professor.

Tyre stunned his swelled temples. He decided not to talk about this with Qin Ran. Every time he said it, he would feel a boring chest.

At this time, Telce finally knew why Dean Roanmus had to carry the small pills that can soothe the heart.

Dean Ronns did not bring these small pills, I am afraid that he would have to be mad at Smith.

And now?

Tyres has begun to think, and he has to prepare a small bottle.

Be prepared.

After guarding the guarded gate, Tels took Qin Ran to the second floor and stopped in front of the penultimate room in the corridor.

"Here is my office at the police station."

"The outside is my office. There is a small bedroom inside. The sheets are covered by new ones. You can use them at will. If you need food, tell me directly, I will work outside."

Pushing open the door, the old good professor introduced the office.

Then, I asked again.

"According to the process, you need to wait about 24 hours."

"What else do you need, tell me now."

“I need to put a few books in the apartment, can you bring it?”

Qin Ran asked.

"of course."

The old man taught the nod and picked up the communicator.

Qin Ran walked into the small bedroom, so he and his clothes lay on the bed.

Looking at the neat ceiling, his eyes were sparkling with shimmering eyes.

The opportunity is for you.

Don't let me down.

Ryder family.

The head of the Hill genre.

and also……

Professor Smith.

(End of this chapter)

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