The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1557: Celebration begins

Chapter 1557 begins

The three-color ribbons hang in the corridors of the student apartments like waves, and the students during the walk are filled with joyful smiles.

The anniversary is over.

Not only can you rest without a class for three days, you don’t need to wear a school uniform for three days, you can choose any clothing, and there is no 'curfew' at night. It’s a rare time for the new students who are curious about Teorue’s long-term night. opportunity.

Of course, more important are fireworks, floats, and ‘food battles.’

"Mika, do you really want to participate in the ‘food battle?’”

Holding a ghost mask in his hand, Steint, wearing a trench coat, tried to apply paint on his exposed hands to make it coincide with the ghost mask, and turned to ask for the card.


"A rare opportunity."

Mike, sitting there kneeling, nodded, talking, breathing without any disorder.

"But have you ever thought about what kind of powerful opponent you will encounter?"

"Although the game has a referee, the accident will still happen!"

Stanter sat in front of a friend and asked with a serious look.

"Strong opponent?"

"I can't ask for it!"


"I will be an experience!"

Mika looked firm and did not shake the slightest.

"That, then have you ever thought about meeting the chief?"

Seeing his friends' sense of war, Stanter knew that he shouldn't ask this question, but he still couldn't help it because he was very likely to become a fact.

Mika looked awkward and breathed.

After about four or five seconds, the chief assistant slowly said: "I will give up when I meet the chief."

A strong opponent, Mika is not annoying, even happy.

However, Qin Ran is obviously not strong, but... desperate!

In the face of despair, Mika is not a fool, naturally know what to do.

Stanter sighed and patted his friend's shoulder gently. He was really worried about his friend's disregard and chief battle.

You know, the chief is very harmless in normal times, but after entering the fighting state, it is ruthless.

That corpse is the best proof.

In particular, Professor Il’s accidental death in the past few days. As the chief assistant, Stanter knows what some ordinary people don’t know.

Although most people are saying that Professor Terce has handled it properly to avoid the troubles of the neutral professors, he knows that the chief visited the neutral professors one by one at night, and then those The neutral professor died down.

As for what happened?

He can't know.

However, he knew that the neutral professors appeared in the people's field of vision the next day, whether they were in a wheelchair or their arms were fixed.

These professors said that they have experimented with some problems.

But he is not convinced.

Because, the next day he looked for the chief signature, he clearly heard that the chief’s mouth had 'I am in a human condition' and could not bring trouble to the good old man. 'But it is a good income. I really want to kill these guys! Such a self-talk.

Steiner does not understand what is still human, what is the income, but the old man, he knows that it refers to Professor Tels, and the rest still use it?

The reason why those neutral professors are still able to attend this anniversary in a wheelchair is really to thank Professor Teres.

Otherwise, I am afraid that they will all follow the footsteps of the city.

Therefore, Steiner admits to the statement that Professor Teres has properly solved the accidental death in Duyier.

After all, their chief is really looking at Professor Teres's face, only to show their mercy.

There are not many things that can leave the chief's mercy.

This time ‘food competition battle’?

It seemed to be a miserable picture, and Steiner sighed.

The same sigh is Qin Ran.

If he can, he hopes to solve all the problems more directly, but it is a pity that the opponent he encounters is more cautious than one, and one is more than one, he has to choose to cooperate with each other.

Carrying the bag, Qin Ran, with many secret exploration tools and necessities, quietly left the student apartment. He walked to a hidden position and bent his arrows.


The arrow blasted out, and Qin Ran was like a wind, chasing arrows.

The students are looking forward to the beginning of the anniversary. No one noticed the arrow that was shot, and Qin Ran, who followed.

The arrow that emerged from the blast did not bring an arc like a normal arrow, but changed the direction in the air, as if it were an invisible hand, manipulating the arrow. .

In one minute, this arrow landed.

Qin Ran appeared at the moment when the arrow landed. He looked at the environment in front of him.

It is still the complicated alley of Teoruit.

At the end of the alley is a small door.

And behind the door, it should be the E-15 secret.

However, Qin Ran did not act immediately. He turned and looked at him. Under the watchful eyes of Qin Ran, a figure dressed in a straight figure appeared.

The face is handsome, the hair is meticulous, just like the shoes on the other's feet, the light is as new.

"Hello, 2567."

"I am the messenger sent by the Ryder family patriarch."

"Our patriarch wants to see you."

With a smile on the side, while talking, he walked toward Qin Ran.

Looking at Qin Ran, who is close at hand, the Ryder family's messenger is really overjoyed. In fact, the other party who has already sneaked into Teoruit will almost give up the task.

There are people who are stalking around the target.

There are both the Teoruit school and the dark eater.

It is really inconvenient to start.

However, what the messenger did not think was that, just before the anniversary, the other party took the initiative to travel alone.

According to Qin Ran's behavior and the "positioning arrow" in his hand, the messenger quickly inferred what Qin Ran wanted to do.

Enter the E-15 secret!

This messenger is no stranger to this wonderfully developed secret.

The third-grade students of Teoruit, the first time they entered the secret world, are mostly this, and the secrets that most professors like to experience students.

Because this secret is not only dangerous, but it is almost no danger.

It is the mildest of all mysteries.

Of course, it is also the most barren.

Where does it change?

In so many years of exploration, the familiar person has no need to use the [positioning arrow] to find the E-15.

However, entering the secrets ahead of time is still very difficult for most new students!

But it doesn't work.

Even the messenger can imagine that if the target person in front of the request makes such a request, the Teoruit school will have more proper arrangements for the other party to experience the secret.

Unfortunately, the other party is too young to know how to use their strengths.

The stubbornness, simplicity, and recklessness of young people, together, is stupid!

Of course, the messenger does not hate such stupidity.

Without such stupidity, how did he complete the task?

"Please rest assured that we are not malicious."

"I just want to get some information from your mouth."

The Ryder family's messenger still smiles, and the heart secretly calculates the distance between himself and the target. When the most appropriate distance is reached, the messenger directly shoots.

What invitation?

What is not malicious?

Although the patriarch wants to see each other, he has not said how to bring the other party back.

Please go back as well.

It’s the same when you grab it back.

What's more, Leo Ryder, ink point. Ryder is dead?

Even though two people are idiots and waste, they are also members of the Ryder family!

Since you dare to start with the Ryder family members, you should understand what consequences you have to bear!


The speed of the messenger was so fast that the blink of an eye appeared in front of Qin Ran, and his right hand was straight and grabbed against Qin Ran’s neck.

The sweet taste of the silk dissipates as the palm of the hand strikes.

After being sweet, it is a kind of stupid feeling that can't be said, just like a cake that is spoiled, sour and mildewed, not only makes people sick, but also can't bear to look straight.

The same is true of the angel's palm.

The clean, slender palms became thin and sallow, and only a layer of skin was hung on them, just like the palm of a dry corpse.

But the speed is faster, and it also brings a strange track.

Obviously not just a secret technique.

"Get your hands on it!"

The messenger sneered a sigh, and the outstretched palm slammed.


The messenger was stunned by Qin Ran's neck, and the other's hands showed a strange twist, like a three-stick.

Everything happened too fast.

It was almost impossible for the messenger to respond until it was stunned by Qin Ran’s neck, but the next moment, the mourning came to an abrupt end.


In the sound of the neck being twisted, the other party was thrown on the ground by Qin Ran.

"You are the first to do it!"

Qin Ran said this, after searching for the spoils, he turned and walked toward the small door.

The door is locked.

But it is not a regular lock, and there is no such thing as a keyhole.

This door is controlled by the secret law lock, and must be opened with the corresponding spell. Qin Ran does not know the spell, so lift the leg.


The door opened in response.

Qin Ran carried the bag and strode in and quickly disappeared into the corridor.

After Qin Ran disappeared for about a minute, a distressed professor, Tels, came out of the shadows, and Sinil and Leonard followed.

"Is he discovering us?"

Asked Leonard holding the puffs.


"Don't hear the last sentence of the little devil?"

“‘It’s your first move,’ obviously it’s what we told us!”

After looking at his eyes, Siniel began to kneel down to check the body. When he saw the Ryder family messenger like a three-stick stick, he couldn’t help but twitch.

"It’s so fast and weird kicking, just like a snake that jumps from the bushes!"

Recalling the scene, Siniel couldn’t help but comment.

"But 2567 is still a good boy."

"At least, my last persuasion, he listened."

The old good professor defended Qin Ran.

"Yeah, he listened."

"Do not take the initiative, wait for others to take the shot, and directly kill each other... Although, I don't think there is anything wrong with doing this."

Sinn shrugged and began to examine the body in more detail.

The old good professor who heard this sentence is more and more distressed.

He believes that the last conversation with Qin Ran was somewhat ill-considered.

It should be more prudent.

Maybe it will change the style of Qin Ran's behavior and make it more calm.

"When he comes back from the E-15, I should talk to him again."

The old good professor made the decision.

"There is no such a ghost in this anniversary. It will be very boring."

Leonard muttered with a puff.

"But maybe it is a good thing?"

Sinil's lips frett, talking to himself with a voice that only he could hear.

Slightly better, the guards began to carry the body.

Compared to the past surprises, the guards at the moment are calm, the kind of calm that is used to it, and there are too many similar things happening recently.

More than they are already numb.

And the identity of the Ryder family messenger?

There is nothing so amazing.

They also carried two of them before.

The kind that was thrown downstairs fell neatly.

The people of the Teoruit school quickly withdrew as the body was lifted, and the peepers who were watching it were also evacuated later.

They passed the message of 2567 into the secrets back to their respective organizations.

Many people are relieved.

Some people smiled without paying attention.

Someone waited for another half an hour before they browed.

Because he received accurate information, Qin Ran did indeed enter the E-15 secret, rather than a sham.

"The last, uncertain factor has finally disappeared temporarily."

The figure sitting in the dark took a deep breath, and he slowly stood up from the darkness and limped toward the outside.


Time passes by one minute.

Sunrise, sunset.

When the moon appeared in the sky, the Teoruit campus was as bright as a white.

The street lights are supplemented by the main color lights.

In the colorful, it is the sound of various instruments.

The cheerful trumpet, next to the melodious cello, is a tapping drum, dressed in a variety of costumes, and some of the more masked students are like to participate in a costume ball.

When the first float came out of the new apartment, the anniversary celebration of Teoruit officially began.

At this time, a black shadow waiting for a long time disappeared from the shadow of the hidden E-15 alley.

The shadow didn't hesitate and went straight to the first destination of the trip.

Colander Lane!

At this moment, this place is located in the branch of the E area, close to the main teaching building, and also hangs the lantern, but compared with the bustle of the main road, it is deserted.

Even if one or two figures pass by, there is almost no festive atmosphere.

Because each of these figures is cold and tyrannical.

They obscured the figure and appearance, walked along the shadows, and entered the building on one side.

The goalkeeper is a short guy.

He stared at each other and looked at each person who entered.

No need for whispers, no need to reveal your face.

For the dark eater, the extraordinary breath is the sign.

Then the goalkeeper saw the shadow from the E-15 alley.

When he perceives the scent of the **** sea hidden in the other side, the goalkeeper did not hesitate to let the road open and bowed to the ceremony: "Adult, welcome you."

The last chapter of the PS should be the seventy-one chapter. This chapter is the seventy-two chapter. The fat dragon made a mistake and said, sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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