The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1559: shut up

Chapter 1559, don't talk too much

The new ambiguity makes the stadium a quiet one.

The teacher in the stands, Terce, and Dean Ronns, was surprised.

“Is this new life somewhat different?”

It was rare that Ronns, who was replaced by the Dean's suit, felt a little uncomfortable during the anniversary. He whispered as he pulled the corner of the robe.


"After all, there is a different chief student."

Professor Tels said with a smile.


When Ronn thought to the maverick newborn, he couldn't help but think of the missing old friend Smith. Then the whole person got a headache.

"2567 is different from Smith."

"Maybe, 2567 is a bit extreme, but he is a good boy."

When the old good professor saw Ronns's look, he immediately defended Qin Ran.

"Good boy?"

Ronnm thought about the professor of good old man. He didn't know where the other party got the conclusion. But he couldn't think of it anyway. The place where the new chief and the 'good boy' had something to do was completely in the middle. of!

Looking at the good old professor who still wants to explain, Ronns waved his hand and pointed to the other side of the stands.

There was a group of neutral professors and professors in charge of the research room sneer.


"It's still too young!"

"I hope I won’t be beaten too bad for a while!"

Strength will not be enhanced by roar.

The facts don't change because of the idea.

They really want to see these new students face the cruel reality, but they can no longer speak loudly.

However, some students who had received special orders and were ready to go are in the second, third and fourth grades. At this time, even after a blind eye, a third-grade student could not wait to jump on the empty. Xiaotai, with a scornful smile on the opposite side, raised his right hand, palms up, and stroked the direction of the new station.

Mika did not hesitate to play.

Stanter is about to keep up.

But it was stopped by Mika.

"I am enough for one person."

Mika said this.

In the freshman guidance class, Mika wanted to challenge the third grader, but the accident appeared, but he had to stop.

However, he will soon get his wish.

Although the third-year student in front of him is no longer a third-grade waste student at that time, he is an elite in the third grade, but he is not the one in the original class.

After the ‘fit' food was eaten, he had already changed dramatically.

Not only is it stronger, faster, and the body is stronger, it also gains a strange talent.

And this will be his chance to win!

Mika jumped into the ring, standing in front of the third grader, and a sly smile appeared on his face.

"I will break your limbs!"

"I want you to cry at the time!"

The third grader said one word at a time.

Although the order received was only a lesson for the group of freshmen, as long as there is no life, the scope of this lesson is determined by him.

Is it simply and neatly killing the other side?

Still let the other party be seriously injured?

Everything looks at his mood.

And at the moment?

The third grader is in a bad mood.

A new student!

Not the monster!

Dare to provoke him!

He has to teach each other well!

The third-year student with such an idea, after the start of Siniel as a referee, rushed straight toward Mika.

No strategy, no skills.

It is simply relying on physical strength to press people.

Freshmen, although they have already eaten the first food that fits their body, an instant food-grade food is not enough for a third-grade student who has eaten at least three foods of the same class. .

Therefore, the third grader is ready to defeat the card at the fastest speed.

The third grader who rushed to the front of Mika, raising his hand is a punch.

The fist went with a bad wind and went straight to the cheek of Mika.


My card's hair was blown around, but Mika's eyes were staring at each other's fists without any dodge.

Seeing this scene, I also heard that Mika defeated the second-year rumors, and people with some expectations shook their heads.

"No suspense."

"He is a little big!"

“The third graders and the second graders are fundamentally different!”

"I hope he won't be embarrassed too badly!"

Dalle sighed.

"is it?"

"I don't think so."

"This new student will definitely surprise people!"

Lena towered her arms around her chest and said with a smile.

"He will win!"

Rarely, Gemala is also attached.

Looking at the third- and fourth-grade chiefs who have never stood on the same front, the second-year chief can't help but almost instinctively look at the fifth-grade chief.

"Look, you will know."

‘Thai’ said with a smile.

When the second-year chief once again looked at the ring, he was surprised to find that the unsuccessful Mika actually blocked the third-year student's punch.

Do not!

Not blocked!

It is the wrist of the third grader!

Mika's hands, under the light, a faint metallic luster.

In the first hand, in front of the fist of the third grader, one hand firmly grasped the wrist of the third grader, and, when the other party reacted, he suddenly twisted.


In the crisp sound of the bones, the wrist of the third grader was so broken.


The screams sounded, but Mika had no mercy.

Just as the other party will not have any pity for him, this time, Mika will not hesitate.

Hey, hey!

The shiny metal fist is like a heavy hammer. It hits the third-grade student in front of the speed. After only one round, the other party is soft on the platform. The bones of the whole body do not know how many roots are broken. The breath of the person is rapidly weakened.

"Medical team!"

After Sinil rushed to the medical team on standby, he turned around and said: "Newborn Mika wins!"


The cheers came immediately from the ring where the new student stood.

The second-year chief is incredibly looking at the Mika standing in the middle of the ring.

“Awakened talent?”

There is no other explanation for the abnormality of the body except for ‘talent,’ but it’s really surprising that a new student is awakened.

Such a new student should be the chief of this session.

I just thought of the second-year chief here, and immediately thought of this real newbie chief.

Suddenly, the second-year chief got a neck.

Although the other party is a new student, it is also a monster.

Still the kind of monster that can't be tempted.

"And only such a monster can make such a talented person act as a deputy?"

The second grade chief whispered to himself.

Although the sound is very light, it is clear to several chief students.

"Of course."

"What's strange about the man having such a man?"

The fourth grade chief said with a smile.

"Strong people must follow."

The third grade chief said coldly.

Listening to the words of the two, the second-year chief was a little worried, and he did not know when the two people could not be tempered.

Then, the second-year chief who suddenly thought of something asked straight.

"Just you think that this Mika can win, not because he is the monster's hand?"

"of course."


Faced with the same answer, the second-year chief looks a glimpse.

He first thought that it was because the two people's observation power far exceeded him, only to find out the difference.

Who knows that this will be the case?

Then, the second-year chief looked at the fifth-grade chief.

As a fifth-grade chief, should you be different?

When the fifth-grade chief picked up the teacup to cover his face, the second-year chief’s heart was desperate.

"What observation, what analysis is just intuition?"

“What is the difference between doing this and making wild guesses?”

"And, more unreliable?"

The roar of the bottom of my heart, the second-year student did not come out, he turned away indifferently, looking at the collapse of the moment.

After defeating a third-grade student, Mika, who was qualified to board the big squad, did not step down, but took the initiative to challenge fourth-grade students.

Suddenly, people who were still immersed in surprise, once again looked at Mika with shock.

Including new students!

Steiner looked worried at his friends and didn't know what to do.

The students of Teoruit will have two watersheds.

The first is the third grade.

The second is the fourth grade.

To some extent, students who entered the third year of the first secret will be able to truly fade the title of 'newborn'.

When entering the fourth grade, students who have completed multiple expeditions can be called the reserve strength of Teoruit.

In fact, most of the labs and supporting members of the lab were selected during this period.

Simply put, third-year and fourth-grade students can't compare.

The latter, regardless of strength or combat experience, can take out the streets of the former.

Mika also knows about such things.

However, he wants to try.

He couldn't reach the chief who hoarded all the chief students' achievements, but he would try to catch up.


He will look down on himself.

It is not his style to give up when you encounter setbacks and hide under the wings of others.

Taking a deep breath, Mika looked at the fourth-grade student in front of him with a lot of war.

"Teach him well!"

"Let the other party know how ignorant their arrogance is!"

The shouts on the platform of the stands and the seniors are on the rise.

But this did not affect the fourth grade students at all.

The other side calmly looked at Mika, the body naturally poses a warning posture, and many secret adventures have already let the fourth-grade students know that when facing an opponent, even if the other party seems to be weak, they must do their best.

Any contempt will kill you!

The fourth-grade student with such a mentality, after the start of Sinil, quickly grasped the initiative on the field and occupied the absolute upper hand.

Mika is like a canoe in the storm, under the fist of the other side, left and right.

Not that Mika is not strong enough.

But the other side is stronger.

And, have more combat experience and skills.


Mika made a defensive posture, but the punch of the fourth grader cleverly bypassed the arms of Mika and hit the chin on the chin.

Under the heavy blow, Mika's feet fell off the ground, and the heavy metal fell on the floor, and the metallic luster on his hands became scattered.

Looking at the long-awaited scene in the ring, it finally appeared. The neutral professors showed their smiles. The good old professors gestured to Si Nier for a gesture of 'stopping the battle at any time.'

The old good professor does not want to have any accidents.


In the new ring, Stanter exclaimed.

He desperately wants to check his friend's injury, but he knows he can't step on the ring.

Because, once he stepped on the downfall, he meant to fight with each other.

Fighting with the fourth grader with his strength?

There is no chance of winning!

Only by organizing a team of five people to fight with each other in accordance with the rules can there be some chance of victory.

However, although it is reasonable to tell Steiner that this is correct, but emotionally, Steiner still can't accept himself and watched his friend hurt and fell to the ground, but did nothing.

The fourth-grade student standing in the ring clearly watched Stein's tangled and struggling.

The other party who investigated the situation beforehand knows that in addition to the new chief assistant who was knocked down by him, the new student is also worthy of the opposite person.

As long as Stanter is also defeated, the newcomers who are not in the Lord will be directly defeated.

Therefore, the fourth grader spoke up.

"Are you planning the Steiner of the new float parade?"

"I have heard of you, they call you the most competent deputy of the chief."

"But, in my opinion, you are really shit!"

"Peace under the chief wing, and live in Teoruit safely. Once you leave the wing, you can't do anything!"

"Look at what you call a float parade!"

"What are the ghosts?"

"It’s such a big age, I still believe in childish things like campus legends. Do you still wear diapers when you sleep at night?"

The vicious words can't stop from the fourth grader's mouth.

Although the words are vicious, they have not been reprimanded.

Because everyone knows that this is just a ‘verbal attack’ for fourth graders.

Provocative and ridiculous opponents in words are not excessive in Teoruit. Even in the second grade, there will be special electives.

The fourth grader got a high score at the beginning.

Moreover, the fourth-grade student now believes that he has gained an absolute advantage and only needs to work hard to win.

So why not work hard?

Therefore, the other words of the other party are becoming more and more excessive, especially for the campus rumors that Steiner has always believed, and it is a constant speech attack.

Such words stung Stanter. He clenched his fists and rushed to fight with each other, but was stopped by the new life around him.

"calm down!"

"Don't be fooled!"

The freshmen have said one after another.

call! call!

Stanter made a heavy breath, he stared at each other, he must remember the humiliation of this time, then...

Stanter suddenly turned his eyes and his body was soft.

But, right away, Steiner stood up again.

With a wave of his arms and a new life clutching his arm, he felt an unstoppable force that rushed out of the arm, causing them to loosen their hands involuntarily, watching Steiner go to the downfall.


All the new hearts are sinking.

But some freshmen found something wrong, because Steiner muttered as he walked.

"He is so embarrassed..."

"Oh... not happy."

"Oh... go to teach him!"

"Hey... let him kneel down and fight for hegemony!"

(End of this chapter)

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