The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1582: bait

Chapter 1582 Bait

Bird traps?


Can the caught bird eat?

Bake and eat well!

More cumin and pepper!

‘Overeating’, then, began to look at Qin Ran, the mouth began to drool.

Without too much perception, Qin Ran looked at the appearance of 'gluttony' and knew what the gluttony was thinking at the moment.

Therefore, he changed his name.

"Do you want to be eaten?"

Qin Ran asked like this.

‘Overeating’ immediately shook his head.

He loves to eat, but it does not mean that he can be eaten by other creatures.

"Then you can't go in."

Qin Ran continued.

"Yes, OK, good, delicious."

The ‘gluttony’ stutters expresses its own meaning. The words are not very coherent, but if you look at your face, you can guess one or two.

"So, you need a loyal, almost immortal subordinate to explore the road for you."

Qin Ran said, ‘啪’ had a snap.

The upper evil spirit appeared in Qin Ran.

"Boss, for you."

The bottom of my heart is like a tens of thousands of grass mud horses rushing past, and the high spirits shouting in the upper part of the mmp with a smile, thinking of Qin Ran bent.

Originally, the upper evil spirit thought that after he was promoted, he had completely separated from the previous days.

After all, after the promotion, it can already be called the first combat power of Qin Ran (self-considered).

But what I didn't expect was that its Boss began to hand over this dead task to it.

This this……

It is too cruel.

The upper evil spirit not only recalled the sunshine on the west coast again.

It is homesick.

Warm, comfortable home.

"Does it explore and explore the road?"

‘Overeating’ looked at the evil spirits on the upper face, and the face appeared stunned. Even after a while, it became thoughtful.

What do you want to do?

Tell you, don't think it's Boss's avatar, you want to direct me!

Don't think about it!

The evil spirits roared in the bottom of the heart, but when Qin’s eyes swept, it smiled and walked toward the hall today.

The ladder is up.

However, when the upper evil spirit stood in front of the ladder, he could not see the end of the ladder.

The rich supernatural darkness completely obscures everything at the end.

Everything becomes unknown.

In the same way, the danger is naturally elevated.

However, the upper evil spirit is very clear about what his mission is.

It resolutely set foot on the steps.

Just as the upper evil spirits stepped on the steps, even when they were not near the end of the ladder, the rich supernatural darkness could not wait to surge.

In an instant, the upper evil spirits are wrapped in it.

And this is just the beginning!

After wrapping the evil spirits in the supernatural darkness, the ladder began to drop rapidly. It was like a fall. It seemed that the solid ground had turned into a volcanic cliff.

When the entire ladder disappeared, a wall appeared in front of Qin Ran.

This wall is no different from the surrounding walls.

Even in some ways, this wall is even stronger.

Looking at the wall and the disappearing upper evil spirit, Qin Ran did not have the slightest summons. On the contrary, his mouth was slightly tilted.

Because, he finally found that special atmosphere.


Where is this?



Here is the West Coast?

After the supernatural darkness in front of the evil spirits dissipated, the warm sunshine sprinkled the whole body, and the sound of the waves in the ear made it take a deep breath.

Then, the damp and salty air instantly closed the eyes of the upper evil spirits.

It spreads its arms as if to embrace the entire sea.

Even if it knows that everything in front of us is fake.


Who has stipulated that it can't enjoy it slightly?

Without hesitation, the evil spirits lay on the beach.

The last time I was lying so unfettered, or because of the promotion, Boss gave it a small holiday.

However, the holiday and this official business trip are totally incomparable.

The former always has a feeling of trepidation.

And the latter?

Don't be too good.

Even the Boss of it won't blame it. After all, it's all arranged by Boss.

Do you have a trap for bird traps?

Even if you are looking for a bamboo basket, a wooden stick, and a rope, you have to sprinkle a handful of rice under the bamboo basket.

Just like the supernatural darkness that was quite attractive to ‘gluttony’.

It is now the bait.

Still able to bring your own path.

What do you need to do as a bait?

Just wait quietly.

The evil spirit lying on the beach turned around, the head rested on the left arm, and the right hand was fiddling with the white, soft sand in front.

About an hour later, on this beach, a sand-filled castle appeared.

Not very big, but quite delicate.

The doors and windows were buckled out by the upper evil spirits.

"You still need a moat."

The works of the evil spirits to see the nails speak to themselves.

Where does the moat come from?

By the sea, of course, digging a diversion canal to bring the seawater over!

The evil spirits are in full swing.

Observing all the figures through the crystal ball is silent.

At first he thought that the evil spirits were just pretending to be pretending, and it would take a long time for the original form to be revealed, but as time went by, he had some doubts about his original thoughts.


Is the other party happy?

The figure is somewhat unbelievable to the conclusions that he has drawn.

He took a few deep breaths and began to calm himself down.

Will not!

Must be disguised!

Obviously caught in a illusion, it should be anxious to find an export!

Once you can't find the exit for a long time, it will be irritable and angry, until the fear is finally born!

Only here, once there is fear, it is his home!

And playing sand in the illusion?

How can this be? !

The figure looked at the influence inside the crystal ball, and the whole person's eyes began to get cold.

"Since you don't change your mind, then..."

"I will let you passively change!"

After the figure whispered, the low-pitched spell began to reverberate in the room.

Suddenly, the gust of wind swelled in the illusion, and the clouds were dense.


The thick, like bucket-like lightning flashed through the darkened sky, and the calm waves became choppy at this moment.


When another gust of wind blew, the raindrops of the beans began to fall.

The waves rolled over and rushed toward the shore. A wave of water drowned the sand castle built by the evil spirits. Nothing left except a little foam.

The evil spirit looked at the bubble that quickly became filthy from white. After a long time, it sighed.


“I thought I could still rest longer.”


"Why are you destroying my castle?"

The sigh of the evil spirit became a question.

The voice of questioning is not high, and in this storm, it is completely inaudible.

But for the figure that looks at everything through the crystal ball, the question of the upper evil spirit is to hear the grass, but the other party just sneers again.

"I want to destroy more than just your castle."

"And you have this backhand!"

The other party said, his eyes looked at another crystal ball.

In this crystal ball, the battle of the city of Ekund is being shown.

A group of criminals are fighting with superheroes in the city of Aikede under the leadership of a super villain.

Among them, the ‘the boxing of justice’ standing on the ground is incomparably conspicuous.

However, the most interesting thing is the black figure waving a black giant sword.

The cold and proud look, without hesitation, is almost cruel to the fighting style, especially when the black flame emerged from the attackers, the black figure became the focus of the audience.

‘Overeating King’!

There is no doubt that the figure is certain that the real ‘the glutton king’ is fighting in the city of Eckend.

And if it appears underground, it should be a avatar.

It is not a secret about the ability of the gluttony king to have a avatar. In the face of ‘Mr. evil spirits, there are people who have begun to collect the abilities of the gluttony king.

This is also in line with the situation where the other party suddenly appears underground.

It is inevitable that a avatar is placed next to someone like ‘the boxing of justice’.

Is it always impossible to come to the ground?

Of course, his expectations are not completely accurate.

At least, the emergence of the second avatar, he did not expect.

Just like the back hand of this other party.

But it doesn't matter now.

When the other person steps into his trap, everything is over.

"Do not worry!"

"You are just the beginning!"

"After that, it is the real ‘Overeating King’!”

When the other party finishes this, the situation in the illusion changes.

The storm has not stopped, but it has become more and more horrible. The hurricane is like the mythical Moldouk is about to appear, making people shudder.


It was another big lightning bolt.

The electric light illuminates the black lacquered sea surface.

A three-masted sailboat appeared on the sea.

The sailboat was dark and integrated, with a cold atmosphere under the electric light. A door gun was pushed out from the side of the ship, and the torches that were not extinguished by the storm were swaying, and the evil spirits opened their mouths. Showing a smile that pierces people.


boom! Bang!

With one order, the solid shells in the mouth of the artillery were like a meteor on the beach.

There is no residue left, only a dirty beach is left, completely turned into a mess, and the figure of the upper evil spirit is completely covered by cannon fodder.

"My fantasy is real!"

"If you are hit by an artillery inside..."

"There is no difference between being hit by a real gun!"

The figure looking at the crystal ball looked at the beach that was caught in a sea of ​​fire and couldn't help but laugh.

He has encountered many powerful enemies.

But no matter how powerful the enemy is, once it is caught in his illusion, it will be a slap in the face, because, besides being confused, the illusion created by the 'dark gold' will also form a huge suppression for all those who enter it. Power can also play a point.

Therefore, the other party believes that the upper evil spirit is dead.

Therefore, when the other party sees the upper evil spirit unscathed, the brow can not help but wrinkle.

"Accelerated shelling!"

"Replace the magic gun!"

Under the shadow of the figure, on the dark sailboat, one by one began to act, and a cannonball wrapped in thick grease was scattered into the artillery.

Boom, bombardment!

The muzzle flares.

When the shells landed on the beach, the whole beach suddenly fell into a sea of ​​fire. In the sea of ​​fire, the other side saw the painful upper evil spirit.

"Even if you are the backhand of the gluttony king, what can you resist in the face of the Pope's exorcism?"

"Dead! Let's die!"

"Let it be ashes!"

The figure shouted loudly, even if it was seen that the evil spirits rushed to the sea, they did not stop.

All the illusions are controlled by him, and everything is the same everywhere.

Even in the deep sea, he can't hide his shelling.

Because of this, the figure clearly saw that the size of the upper evil spirits that entered the sea began to grow, the hands and feet became fins, the head became sharp, and a erect dorsal fin loomed in the raging sea, and most The horror is the mouth, covered with fangs and teeth!

Each tooth seems to be a little dagger, sharp and unmatched.

"Great, great white shark?"

The figure looked at the huge great white shark.

The most aggressive carnivorous creature in the ocean, the average great white shark can grow to 5-6 meters is already very great.

What about the great white shark?

It’s just over 4 meters.

It doesn't look like a great white shark. It is like a strong elephant. If it is not the upper evil spirits that ride the wind and waves in the sea, the shadows almost doubt the life.

He has never seen such a strong white shark that is almost square!

The next moment, when this special white shark jumped out of the sea and pounced on the three-masted sailboat, it proved that such strength is definitely not a virtual one.

It’s true in the true sense!

From the side of the ship's side, a huge impact caused the white shark to break the mast of the sailboat and smashed the railing on the other side and returned to the sea.

As for those?

Faced with this huge, strong white shark, these cockroaches are removed and crushed, there is no other possibility.

And this is not over.

The next moment, this huge white shark rushed to the dark three-masted sailboat.

However, this time, it did not jump, but crashed into the hull.


The sawdust flew, and the hull of the three-masted sailboat showed a huge hole, and the hull began to lean rapidly.


Look at the shadow of the people in the shadow of a blood spout.

As the other party said, his illusion is real, and if it is hurt, it will be reflected in reality.

This is the case for the upper evil spirits that enter the illusion.

The same is true for the other party.

Even more serious.

The other party felt the idiot of ‘dark gold’.

The other party's efforts to adjust the 'dark gold'.

Just use ‘dark gold’ and become a 'black disaster’?

The other party does not want to face such a situation.

It’s hard, ‘dark gold’ has become calm, but the three-masted sailboat in the illusion has also fallen under the impact of the huge white shark.

And the great white shark is roaring in the waves.

"The guy who ruined my castle, do you think I am bullying?!"

Faced with such provocative words, the face of the figure flashed a red.

The other party is angry and angry.

The other party took a deep breath and wanted to mobilize more ‘dark gold’ to let the evil spirits understand that who is the master here.

But when the other party mobilized the 'dark gold', it suddenly found that the power belonging to the 'dark gold' was rapidly disappearing. At the same time, a burst of breath, the sound of chewing was introduced into the ear.

PS Feilong’s power outage, it’s even late today, sorry, or a two-in-one chapter~

(End of this chapter)

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