The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1609: Digging

Chapter 1609 Digging a pit

Pudek, who had not slept overnight, was stunned for a while at dawn.

The chest that is sore and the eyes that are dry and dry are telling the middle-aged sheriff that at this time, he is no longer young and he should take a good rest.


Looking at the documents on the desk, Pudeck immediately got up.

Only at this time, Pu Dec will envy those extraordinary people, they are far more than ordinary people's physical strength, energy, has always been Pu Decke wants not available.

However, right away, the middle-aged sheriff once again whispered to those who were arrogant.

Yesterday, the battle in the suburbs of the city did not affect ordinary people, but the roads and cables with a length of 100 meters were completely destroyed. It is not a trivial matter to repair it. I thought that I needed to issue a detailed and complete report to the City Hall. Pudek’s temples swelled.

The worse thing is still behind.

More than a dozen arson cases occurred consecutively last night.

There were no casualties, but many buildings were damaged.

"It's a bunch of bastards!"

"Can't you learn the guy?"

"Although indifference, but know what you want to do, never come!"

Looking at the report in his hand, the middle-aged sheriff could not help but think of Qin Ran.

For the perception of Qin Ran, the middle-aged sheriff is extremely complicated.

Even if the middle-aged sheriff is still loyal to his duties, the blessing of life is the blessing of life, he can not forget.

Or, how can a person who has forgotten even the life-saving grace be able to do his duty?

The middle-aged sheriff thought deeply and thought about the neckline that was loosened.

He thinks he needs to pay off Qin's kindness.

Otherwise it will affect his work afterwards.

Because, he is very clear, his work is destined to make him and the other party conflict.

Not good or bad.

It's just a different idea.

"how should I do it?"

The middle-aged police chief whispered to himself.

At this time, the door knocked.

Hey, hey.

"Come in."

The middle-aged sheriff said.

"Coffee, hot dogs and salads."

"Coffee is less sugar, salad does not have salad dressing."

McCall pushed the door and gestured to Prudeck with the bag of food in his hand.

"Thank you, McCall."

"You can rest today and report on time tomorrow."

The middle-aged sheriff said with a smile.

The reason why the young assistant is on vacation is not because the other party brought breakfast, but because the other party has not rested for three consecutive days.

And he?

At least I was stunned by the guy and slept for quite a while.


The young assistant nodded and turned and walked outward.

At the moment of turning around and opening the door, there was a hint of helplessness on the assistant’s face. He was turned over and looked at the middle-aged sheriff who once again entered the working state. He couldn’t help but say something, but he still had no exit. The young assistant gave up.

Picking up the jacket, the young assistant greeted the person who was working overtime and quickly left the police station.

However, I did not go home.

Instead, it went to a 24-hour fast food restaurant not far from home.

"Ice cola, fish and chips."

After ordering the waiter, the young assistant went to the corner table.

There was no one left, but when the waiter brought the food, a person sat behind the young assistant.

"you are late!"

The people came down and said the voice.

"I have tried to get there!"

The young assistant replied coldly.

At first, he liked his work very much. He thought that it was cool to do so, and there was a lot of salary to take. It was really great, but as time went by, the longer he stayed next to the middle-aged sheriff, the more he stayed. It is difficult to adapt to the current identity, especially when some secret information is given to the person, a sense of guilt will emerge.

He, I really want to stop doing it.

But he can hardly get rid of his immediate life.

"According to the agreement, this is what you want."

The young assistant handed the details of the arson that happened last night to the person behind him. He did not turn around, but passed the information through the gap of the chair.

The person behind him also handed a brown paper bag.

After the young assistant hesitated, it was picked up.

He knows what is inside.

But there is no heart that was initially excited. On the contrary, it is only hot.

"Some things to think about."

"You know very well what happens to you once you violate the original agreement."

After the person behind him seemed to have said something unintentionally, he waited for the young assistant to say something and stood up and left the fast food restaurant.

After the young assistant sat in the fast food restaurant for a long time, this stood up.

There is no waiter, the young assistant packs the food himself.

When I walked out of the fast food restaurant and felt the glare of the sun, the young assistant smiled weakly.


Once he violated the original agreement, what he would encounter, he knew best.


At this moment, his inner suffering is more uncomfortable than death.


Simi Led, holding a brown paper bag, returned to the hotel room.

"A fool is contagious."

"I hope you don't do anything to make yourself regret."

After throwing the brown paper bag on the table, Similled whispered to himself.

He has seen too many such young people.

Slightly tempted, it became a so-called secret agent.

But in all likelihood, I will regret it.

In the same way, people who regret it have nothing to end with.

In the House of Commons, there are people who deal with these regrets.

not him.

He will not undertake such work.

Because it is too dangerous!

He is a man who wants to be safe and retired!

Therefore, for the next action, Simirede is very resistant, but can not refuse.

"It's a **** life!"

After Simireda whispered a curse, he opened the kraft paper bag and looked at the information he had just started. Then, the more he looked at it, the more he was scared.

Soon, West Milarde ooze a thick layer of sweat on his forehead.

Unlike the bystanders, as one of the participants, Simirede knows these places.

No one outside is a temporary stronghold who participated in the ambush.

"Sure enough, will you retaliate?"

In the tone of doubt, with a deep heart.

There is no doubt that Simirede can be sure that these so-called fires are in that hand.

The worst part is that his next task is to visit each other.


Simired leaned weakly against the chair and whispered in his mouth.


17 Lanton Ding Street.

After a hearty and enjoyable breakfast, Qin Ran walked into the study.

The old book with a pen to write and draw pictures looked at Qin Ran who came in and stood up with a smile.

"You must have good news."

Qin Ran said with a smile.

"Not for the adults."

"According to the records in these hidden books, I got some general information about the Lord Modine."

"First of all, she should not be a rumored artisan who was imprisoned during the Pope period, but rather a saint of the Amy Admittarian during the Pope."

"And, this sacred woman is very different, not only has the identity of a saint, but also a powerful warlock, hunter."

"She can use the flames, be good at big swords, have a raven, and be familiar with pharmacy, mystery, and carving."

"There is no doubt that in terms of carving, she has reached the level of no one who has never come before."

The old book slowly said.


Qin Ran raised a brow.

According to the mysterious knowledge he has mastered, warlocks generally rely on blood power to exert their power beyond ordinary people, and the source of blood is the basis of their strength.

Those blood may be elves from nature.

It may also be a dragon from the sky.

It may also be a demon from the bottomless abyss.

Almost instinctive, when Qin Ran heard the word ‘warlock,’ he thought of the two lines that appeared on the base of Hell Sigh.

Dad, come and save me!

It’s so dark, I’m so scared – Modin!

"What kind of **** warlock is she?"

Qin Ran asked straight.


The old book's face was slightly weird and said the answer.


Qin Ran brows.

"Adults may just be coincidences. I haven't found any records in your books about all of your words. I didn't find them in the deduction."

The old book said comfortably.


It is a pity that he never believed in coincidence!

Qin Ran indulged for a moment and continued to ask: "What else is found?"

"There is another important discovery!"

"The Lord Mordin seems to be involved in any big event. Then, I will study the carving skills wholeheartedly and integrate it with my own strength!"

"However, what a big event, I can't know."

“The information is still too little!”

Standing in front of hundreds of thick books, the old book said very regrettable.

In this regard, Qin Ran did not blame anything.

Because, he knows very well that although there are hundreds of books, what he really needs is just one line in each book, or even a half line.

If you don't have an old book, it is impossible to get the above information without consuming huge manpower, material resources and time.

Of course, old books are not omnipotent.

After all, some things are not recorded.

Or the recorded books and scrolls, they can't find it at the moment.

Time is the most terrible weapon!

Nothing can last forever in time!

Decaying and dying are the inevitable rules of time!

Therefore, you must choose another way.


Qin Ran shouted at the door.

"Adult, what do you have to order?"

The ‘Iceman’ came back in a meticulous manner.

"Can you carve?"

Qin Ran asked.


"It will be a little, but not proficient."

The ‘Iceman’ replied after a trip.

"It will be enough, it will be enough!"

Qin Ran laughed.


After running through the famous pastries and specialty restaurants in the city of Eckend, West Millard came to 17 Lanton Ding Street with a lot of food.


"Hello, I am Simile, come to visit 2567."

Very polite, Simirede rang the doorbell, and began to self-report the door to the connected communicator, while lifting the food in his hand, so that the camera can be clearly photographed.

"Slightly wait."

The cold voice in the talker replied.

After about two seconds, the door opened.

Fries stood there and looked at Simireade, his eyes resting on the food in the other's hands for a while, and finally, his side opened.

"come in."

Fries said.

"Thank you."

Simired bowed his head and said.

Then, Similead followed Fries and walked to the study.

In fact, at the 17th Langton Ding Street, he had already seen the design for more than 30 times. He was really familiar and could not be familiar with it, including the secret room. He also knew it.

Natural, including people living here.

Fries, Odock, Emma Eddie and the newly joined Golan.

Before, he had mastered the information of these people.

For Fries and Otto's true identity, he also has his own guess.

And Golan?

It is more well known.

However, Simirede did not dare to show it at this time.

For him, or for the House of Commons, the identity of these people is completely unimportant.

The important thing is to let those people follow.

Several members of the House of Commons have begun to pay attention to that person, and he has simply issued an order for him to "search".

To be honest, Simirede really wants to hang up and let the person who issued the order hang up.

Is the glutton king so good to investigate?

With a little carelessness, he has to be dereliction of duty!

Even if everything is safe, he spent two months in salary to see each other!

Thinking of his dry wallet, Similaide was full of despair.

Although it can be reimbursed, the complicated process takes at least another two months, during which time he must be reduced.

Inexplicable, I thought of shrinking food.

Just just feeling the general food, this time inexplicably became delicious.

After secretly swallowing a sip of water, Simireda couldn’t help but warn himself that this is a ‘tribute’ that makes him safe, and he can’t move.

The door to the study is not closed.

Standing at the door of the study, West Milard saw Qin Ran sitting behind the desk.

However, the next moment, his eyes could not help but look at the desk in front of Qin Ran.

This desk is very large, but the table at the moment is full of things.

Two sharp-edged, long-swordless swords, a dagger that hits the leather cover and a pair of leather sensations.

West Milad's eyes are very sinister.

With only one glance, you can recognize the sword, the capital is a special power, and the leather is one of the treasures.

He had seen similar leather armor in the collection room of a member of Parliament.

The leather armor was rumored to have cost the parliamentarians a lot of money and used some shameful means.

And now?

A similar leather armor is still on the desk, and the owner is concentrating on the weird statue in his hand.


After a glimpse of Simi Latin, he reacted instantly.

The investigator of the House of Commons immediately squinted and slammed there.

"Rules I understand!"

"I understand!"

"I did not see anything!"

"I don't know anything!"

As he spoke, Simireda climbed out.

"come back."

Qin Ran said faintly.


West Milad turned and came back again.

"Do you recognize this statue?"

Qin Ran asked.

"Recognize, recognize, it should be a rumored statue of Master Mo Ding."

Similaed stuttered.

"Of course I know it is the work of Modin."

"I asked if you know that it belongs to the work of Modin?"

When Qin Ran said, he placed the statue in his hand on the table.

Simillad trembled and raised his head, carefully squinting his hand, and first looked at Qin Ran. After not discovering anything different, he looked at the statue.

When Similled’s gaze touched the statue, his face changed suddenly.

PS fat dragon because of curiosity + mouth, today ate a pepper-flavored chewing gum... Then, the whole person is not good...

(End of this chapter)

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